
Subsequent! The worker's safety rope was cut off, which was originally intentional by a dissatisfaction of a certain owner, and the police intervened in the investigation

author:Extinction gaffes
Subsequent! The worker's safety rope was cut off, which was originally intentional by a dissatisfaction of a certain owner, and the police intervened in the investigation
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Text: Shi Qi

Edited by Shi Qi

What kind of concept is a 32-storey building with a height of 110 meters?

Recently, a dispute between a property owner and a high-altitude worker occurred in a small community in Chongqing.

The reason is that the construction party accidentally damaged the owner's belongings when building the high-altitude safety rope.

As a result, there was a dispute between the owner and the staff, and the safety rope of the staff was cut in a fit of anger.

Fortunately, the staff member was not injured in the slightest, and the Chongqing police also intervened in the investigation.

Subsequent! The worker's safety rope was cut off, which was originally intentional by a dissatisfaction of a certain owner, and the police intervened in the investigation

At around 14 p.m. on June 30, a property in a community in Yuzhong District, Chongqing, arranged for workers to go to a high place to repair the exterior wall.

Unexpectedly, the worker accidentally damaged an owner's garden while building the safety rope, causing the owner to cut the safety rope.

Fortunately, the owner cut the secondary rope of the worker's safety rope, and there was no danger to the worker's life.

However, such a move frightened the staff present, and the two parties had an argument, which was stopped only when others stopped it.

Subsequent! The worker's safety rope was cut off, which was originally intentional by a dissatisfaction of a certain owner, and the police intervened in the investigation

It turned out that on the top floor of this floor, the owner built a garden and planted a lot of flowers and plants.

When these workers were building safety ropes on the top floor, they accidentally damaged a lot of flowers, and the tiles were cracked.

This made the owner angry, and took his own shovel and cut the safety rope into three pieces.

It is understood that at that time, the property in the community did not tell the owner in advance to carry out aerial work, so the owner would be impulsive.

Subsequent! The worker's safety rope was cut off, which was originally intentional by a dissatisfaction of a certain owner, and the police intervened in the investigation

That's why this dispute was caused, and after the police of the people at the scene, the police also arrived at the scene quickly.

After the mediation of the two parties by the police, the two parties have reached a settlement, and the owner has also recognized the mistake and made compensation.

The police's investigation results were instantly questioned by netizens, and quickly aroused the attention of the majority of netizens.

Netizens believe that the owner's behavior has formed an act of deliberate murder, and it is just a simple reconciliation?

Subsequent! The worker's safety rope was cut off, which was originally intentional by a dissatisfaction of a certain owner, and the police intervened in the investigation

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens, and many legal professionals also came to comment.

A lawyer said that the safety rope for working at height is equivalent to a life rope, tying a living life.

No matter how angry you are, you shouldn't threaten the lives of others, is it true that living lives are more important than flowers and plants?

Moreover, if there was no double rope protection, would the scene at that time cost the lives of several workers?

Subsequent! The worker's safety rope was cut off, which was originally intentional by a dissatisfaction of a certain owner, and the police intervened in the investigation

Therefore, such an investigation result has been dissatisfied with many netizens, isn't it intentional to threaten the lives of others like this?

The result of such a treatment is inevitably too light, and is the garden built by the owner on the top floor also legal?

Netizens hotly discussed:

Although it is true that there is a mistake in entering the owner's garden without the owner's prior consent, it is because the property has not done a good job in advance, and it has nothing to do with the workers working at height.

Subsequent! The worker's safety rope was cut off, which was originally intentional by a dissatisfaction of a certain owner, and the police intervened in the investigation

Fortunately, all the safety ropes for aerial work are double ropes, and if it is a single rope, the consequences are really unimaginable, and I dare not imagine what kind of accidents this worker will encounter next.

Subsequent! The worker's safety rope was cut off, which was originally intentional by a dissatisfaction of a certain owner, and the police intervened in the investigation

Therefore, it is unforgivable to say that you should not be impulsive in everything, especially if you endanger the lives of others, even if you are justified.


First of all, there are too many factors to rule out whether the owner's behavior of placing flowers and plants on the top floor of the community is correct.

First of all, the property did not inform the owner in advance before working at height, and the owner had such a move.

Subsequent! The worker's safety rope was cut off, which was originally intentional by a dissatisfaction of a certain owner, and the police intervened in the investigation

Therefore, the property is also a big bridge between the owners, and the workers are just doing their part.

Although netizens do not approve of such a result, a compensation settlement has been reached, which is also the final outcome.

If there is a loss of life for workers this time, I am afraid it will not be a simple question of compensation.

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Subsequent! The worker's safety rope was cut off, which was originally intentional by a dissatisfaction of a certain owner, and the police intervened in the investigation
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