
Energy Milk's "Stunt Windmill" blew up the audience Mayday Ashin Loss: Watch one less game

author:ETtoday Starlight Cloud
Energy Milk's "Stunt Windmill" blew up the audience Mayday Ashin Loss: Watch one less game

Mayday invited Energy as a guest to perform the new full band version of the "Friday Night" bus. (Photo/Believe in the music provided)

Reporter Weng Zihan / Taipei report

Mayday 1st took the summer version of "Back to That Day" to the Shenzhen Universiade Center Stadium, Mayday debuted, instantly ignited the enthusiasm of fans, Stone said: "There is a heavy (rain) in the afternoon, I thought you wouldn't come!" I didn't expect so many people to come, and they were so enthusiastic, whether or not that thing was down today, it would make us soaking wet, okay?"

Energy Milk's "Stunt Windmill" blew up the audience Mayday Ashin Loss: Watch one less game

▼ Mayday creates buses, big flying balls, gorgeous close-up circles, and fans are overturned. (Photo/Believe in the music provided)

Energy Milk's "Stunt Windmill" blew up the audience Mayday Ashin Loss: Watch one less game

Hearing the fiery screams and chorus of the fans, the monster said, "Mayday is stronger than you, seeing your enthusiasm, Mayday must be more enthusiastic than you!" Martha was the first to reveal: "Every time I go on stage and hear everyone's screams, I am shocked, although we are familiar friends with familiar venues, knowing that everyone has not forgotten Mayday, we will also prepare different songs every day to let everyone have different surprises."

For the first time in Shenzhen, Energy was invited as a guest, and this time they and Mayday brought a new full band version of "Friday Night", which once again swept the audience, which also reminded Brother of the monster's promise many years ago: "Energy and Mayday will help us accompany, and today has come true!" Not only did Mayday fulfill its promise, but the monster also danced "E16 Squat" with a guitar on his back under the arch of Energy.

Like Mayday, Energy, who is as responsive as Mayday, also sang and amused the audience with Mayday in the talking session. Ashin smiled and asked, "Energy has disappeared into the past timeline for twenty years, and they were our number one rival back then, why did you come here again?" Milk immediately responded: "Thank you again Mayday for inviting us to be a guest, I thought it was the last time I gathered at the Kaohsiung concert last time, thank you Time Machine for making us a re-employed boy band, and bring full energy to everyone like our group name Energy." Energy, who cherishes every opportunity to perform, looked at the "big windmill" of milk, and Ashin praised and joked, "Look at your big windmill turning one less game." Mayday and Energy will participate in the "Super Sharp Party 13" performance on August 24 and 25, and tickets will go on sale at 12 noon on the 7th.

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