
Funny joke: The female passenger of the hitchhiker said she was free tonight

author:That Man in Oman
Funny joke: The female passenger of the hitchhiker said she was free tonight
Funny joke: The female passenger of the hitchhiker said she was free tonight
Funny joke: The female passenger of the hitchhiker said she was free tonight
Funny joke: The female passenger of the hitchhiker said she was free tonight
Funny joke: The female passenger of the hitchhiker said she was free tonight
Funny joke: The female passenger of the hitchhiker said she was free tonight
Funny joke: The female passenger of the hitchhiker said she was free tonight
Funny joke: The female passenger of the hitchhiker said she was free tonight
Funny joke: The female passenger of the hitchhiker said she was free tonight
Funny joke: The female passenger of the hitchhiker said she was free tonight
Funny joke: The female passenger of the hitchhiker said she was free tonight
Funny joke: The female passenger of the hitchhiker said she was free tonight
Funny joke: The female passenger of the hitchhiker said she was free tonight
Funny joke: The female passenger of the hitchhiker said she was free tonight

Li Xiaobai's adventure with a hitchhiker

In the prosperous era of the Tang Dynasty, there was a young man named Li Xiaobai, who was smart and witty, and always found fun in ordinary days. Li Xiaobai is a helpful guy who often shuttles around Chang'an City, using his hitchhiker to help those who need to travel.

One evening, as the sun set, Li Xiaobai drove his carriage at the city gate waiting for the passengers of the hitchhiker. Just as he was about to go home, a woman in gorgeous clothes walked over, her eyes revealing a trace of tiredness, but also a little expectation.

"This son, do you have any vacancies in your ride?" The woman asked softly.

Li Xiaobai looked up and saw that this woman had a good face and an extraordinary temperament, so he couldn't help but feel good, and hurriedly replied: "Oh, girl, I just have a vacant seat in this car, please come up." ”

The woman smiled and stepped into the carriage. The carriage started slowly, and the two began an unexpected journey.

On the way, the woman seemed to be a little bored, so she took the initiative to talk to Li Xiaobai: "Childe, don't you feel hard when you are so busy traveling with people every day?" ”

Li Xiaobai smiled and replied, "The girl said that I laughed, although I am a small business, I can help others, and I feel satisfied." Besides, talking to different people can also increase knowledge, so why not do it? ”

After hearing this, a hint of appreciation flashed in the woman's eyes, and she continued: "Childe is really an interesting person. I don't know what to call Childe? ”

"Under Li Xiaobai." Li Xiaobai replied.

"Li Gongzi, my name is Wan'er." The woman whispered.

The two chatted all the way, and time flew by. Before you know it, the carriage has pulled into a busy street in the middle of the city. The streets are lit up on both sides, and the people are buzzing with people.

Wan'er looked at the scene outside the window, suddenly sighed, and said, "Gongzi Li, I'm free tonight, I wonder if you can accompany me to walk around the city?" ”

Li Xiaobai was stunned when he heard this, and muttered to himself in his heart: "This Wan'er girl is really direct, but since she invited her so much, how can I refuse?" So, he smiled and agreed to Wan'er's request.

The two got out of the carriage and strolled down the bustling streets. Wan'er seemed to be interested in everything here, and she looked curiously at the shops and pedestrians around her, and let out exclamations from time to time. Li Xiaobai patiently answered all kinds of questions for her, and the two got along very well.

However, at this moment, there was a rush of horses' hooves. I saw a group of soldiers rushing towards them on horseback, and they rushed towards the two of them with great vigour. Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Xiaobai hurriedly pulled Wan'er and hid in a shop.

The owner of the shop was a warm-hearted man, and when he saw the two of them panicking, he comforted: "Don't be afraid, these soldiers are here to catch fugitives, and they should not harm innocent people." ”

Sure enough, the soldiers rushed through the shops and did not stop. The two breathed a sigh of relief and walked out of the shop. However, at this moment, Wan'er suddenly screamed and covered her mouth.

Li Xiaobai followed her gaze and saw a ragged man not far away being chased by the soldiers. The man's face was full of horror and despair, and he was clearly a fugitive.

Wan'er nervously grabbed Li Xiaobai's sleeve, and said in a trembling voice: "Li Gongzi, let's go quickly, that fugitive looks dangerous." ”

Li Xiaobai shook his head and said, "Miss Wan'er, we can't see death without help. Although the fugitive had made a mistake, he could not watch him be captured and punished by the soldiers. ”

As he spoke, Li Xiaobai rushed in the direction of the fugitive. Wan'er was shocked when she saw this, and hurriedly followed. One after the other, the two rushed into a small alley, trying to help the fugitive evade the soldiers.

After some twists and turns, the two finally succeeded in hiding the fugitive in a hidden corner. After searching to no avail, the soldiers left the alley. The fugitive thanked the two men with tears in his eyes, promising to repay them in the future.

Wan'er looked at Li Xiaobai's heroic rescue, and her heart was full of admiration and gratitude. She felt that her previous opinion of Li Xiaobai was too superficial, it turned out that he was not only an interesting person, but also a person with courage and responsibility.

From that day on, Wan'er and Li Xiaobai became good friends. They often travel together and spend one good time after another in laughter. And Li Xiaobai has also won the respect and love of more and more people with his kindness and bravery.

This adventure not only allowed Li Xiaobai to gain sincere friendship, but also made him understand the true meaning of life - to reap happiness and growth while helping others. And this positive energy will accompany him through every stage of his life.

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