
【Civilization makes life better】Send cool and warm the hearts of the elderly in summer


It's a hot summer, and the heat is unbearable. In order to do a good job in preventing heatstroke and cooling down in hot weather and ensuring the safety and health of the elderly, recently, Huaxin Village, Zaoyuan Town, organized a volunteer service activity of "Sending Cool Feelings and Warming the Hearts of the Elderly in Summer", so that the elderly can truly feel the care of the party and the government.

【Civilization makes life better】Send cool and warm the hearts of the elderly in summer

At the event, volunteers distributed watermelons and mung beans to the elderly over 65 years old, and reminded the elderly to pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling, keep indoor ventilation, and avoid going out during hot hours. In view of the phenomenon of high temperature and dryness in summer, the knowledge of safe fire and electricity use was publicized to the elderly, so as to improve the awareness of safety precautions and protect their own safety.

【Civilization makes life better】Send cool and warm the hearts of the elderly in summer
【Civilization makes life better】Send cool and warm the hearts of the elderly in summer

Through this activity, the elderly felt cool and cared for in the hot summer. In the next step, Zaoyuan Town will continue to pay attention to the elderly, carry out more volunteer service activities for the elderly, actively guide and mobilize neighborhood mutual assistance and volunteer forces, provide face-to-face, intimate and practical services, and continuously enhance the sense of gain, happiness and security of the elderly.

Source: Lanshan District Rong Media Center

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