
In "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds", the Emperor Dayan wears a hat with two feet (horns) upturned, which is actually a popular hat in the Tang and Song dynasties. The head appeared in the Northern Qi Dynasty, and was stereotyped in the Sui and Sheng

author:Huang Qiang Huang endlessly

In "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds", the Emperor Dayan wears a hat with two feet (horns) upturned, which is actually a popular hat in the Tang and Song dynasties. It appeared in the Northern Qi Dynasty, was stereotyped in the Sui Dynasty, prevailed in the Tang Dynasty, and flourished in the Song Dynasty. Qitou was popular in the Tang Dynasty and had a wide variety of styles. In "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds", the head is not a head with hanging feet, nor is it a head with wings spread. It's a kind of head-to-the-sky. In "Portraits of Emperors and Empresses of the Nanxun Palace", five generations later, Tang Zhuangzong Li Cunqiao wore a similar hat.

In "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds", the Emperor Dayan wears a hat with two feet (horns) upturned, which is actually a popular hat in the Tang and Song dynasties. The head appeared in the Northern Qi Dynasty, and was stereotyped in the Sui and Sheng
In "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds", the Emperor Dayan wears a hat with two feet (horns) upturned, which is actually a popular hat in the Tang and Song dynasties. The head appeared in the Northern Qi Dynasty, and was stereotyped in the Sui and Sheng
In "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds", the Emperor Dayan wears a hat with two feet (horns) upturned, which is actually a popular hat in the Tang and Song dynasties. The head appeared in the Northern Qi Dynasty, and was stereotyped in the Sui and Sheng
In "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds", the Emperor Dayan wears a hat with two feet (horns) upturned, which is actually a popular hat in the Tang and Song dynasties. The head appeared in the Northern Qi Dynasty, and was stereotyped in the Sui and Sheng

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