
2024 Weiyuan County Compulsory Education and Preschool Education School Zoning Enrollment Announcement

author:Yuyuan Flux

In order to fully implement the national, provincial and municipal management requirements for the enrollment of compulsory education and preschool education schools, standardize the sunshine enrollment of schools in the compulsory education stage of our county, promote educational fairness, and do a good job in basic education that satisfies the people, in accordance with the "Notice of the Dingxi Municipal Education Bureau on Printing and Distributing the > Implementation Plan of the < Dingxi Compulsory Education Sunshine Enrollment Special Action (2024) (Dingshi Jiaofa [2024] No. 51) and other documents, combined with the actual situation of our county, this plan is formulated as follows.

1. Guiding ideology

Adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the party's education policy, implement the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people, continue to deepen the implementation of the overall deployment and practice path of the county party committee and county government's "1664", continuously improve the scientific, institutionalized and standardized level of enrollment and enrollment work, meet the people's demand for high-quality educational resources, strive to solve the hot and difficult problems of education that the people care about, optimize the allocation of resources, ensure the realization of sunshine enrollment, and strive to run an education that satisfies the people.

II. Enrollment Principles

(1) Adhere to territorial management. The county's compulsory education and pre-school education enrollment and enrollment work implements the system of "city-level coordination and guidance, county (district) management", and the county education bureau formulates the "2024 Weiyuan County Compulsory Education and Pre-school Education Stage Enrollment and Enrollment Implementation Plan", and each school and kindergarten formulates the "Enrollment Guide" to ensure that all school-age children in our county receive compulsory education and pre-school education.

(2) Adhere to the zoning enrollment. The enrollment of schools in the compulsory education and pre-school education stages is strictly in accordance with the principle of "zoning enrollment and entrance without examination", and according to the number of school-age students, school distribution, school size, surrounding students, traffic conditions, home address and household registration and other factors, the scope of each public school and kindergarten is scientifically delineated to ensure that the school-age children are exempted from examinations and are relatively close to the nearest enrollment policy is fully covered.

(3) Adhere to inclusive equality. Strictly implement the "Compulsory Education Law" and the "Law on the Protection of Minors", strengthen the government's statutory responsibilities, and protect the right of every school-age child to receive compulsory education and preschool education on an equal footing in accordance with the law. When recruiting students, schools pay special attention to the enrollment of children with disabilities, children from extremely poor families, left-behind children, and children of migrants.

(4) Persist in fairness and openness. Each school shall fully disclose to the public the enrollment policy, enrollment scope, enrollment plan, enrollment procedure, enrollment results, and consultation channels in the "Enrollment Guide", and consciously accept social supervision. All schools should standardize enrollment behavior to ensure that enrollment opportunities are fair, procedures are open, and results are fair.

(5) Persist in recruiting citizens together. Adhere to the principle of equal treatment and fair development of public and private schools, and the enrollment of private schools (kindergartens) is included in the unified management of the place of approval, and the public schools (kindergartens) in our county are registered, enrolled, and registered at the same time. Adopt the principle of parental voluntariness, and the school district is responsible for reviewing the enrollment publicity materials, enrollment time, enrollment class, fee standard, admission age, etc. For private kindergartens that do not enroll students in accordance with the enrollment regulations with false publicity, the Education Bureau will cancel the enrollment qualifications.

3. Enrollment Target

(1) Preschool stage. School-age children who are at least three years old (born before August 31, 2021) and have not entered the kindergarten in accordance with the policy requirements in each kindergarten area.

(2) Primary school stage. Registered in each primary school area and school-age children who are at least six years old (born before August 31, 2018) who meet the policy requirements and are not enrolled in school.

(3) Junior high school stage. All primary school graduates in our county in 2024, primary school graduates with household registration in our county who need to go back to the place of household registration to study in other places, and primary school graduates who meet the requirements of the policy and the children of non-county household registration work attendants (migrant workers and businessmen) can be promoted to the corresponding junior high schools in our county without examination.

(4) Household registration requirements. The household registration of school-age children in the area must not change after January 1, 2024.

Fourth, the division of areas

(1) The division of county districts

For details of the zoning scope of the county, please refer to the schematic diagram of the zoning of each school section in the county.

1. Pre-school education

(1) County kindergartens. north of the Wei River, east of the old Tongqi Middle School Road to Xiyi Road, east of Weishui Huating Community (excluding Weishui Huating); To the south of Shangguanping, the family building of the Radio and Television Bureau and the Xingfuli of Weishui Tianhua Community start from the dividing line, along the Xingfuli section of the North Ring Road, through Zhongjie Road to the planning area of the county west of the Weihe River. The main residential areas and residents' family buildings include: Weishui Home, State Taxation Bureau Family Building, Local Taxation Family Building, New Family Building of Electric Power Company, Family Building of Highway Section, Family Building of County and Township Station, Family Building of Water Supply Company, Family Building of Urban Construction Bureau, Family Building of Court, Weibao Yaju, Family Building of Public Security Bureau, Family Building of Education Commission, Family Building of Judicial Bureau, Family Building of Seed Company, Family Building of Animal Husbandry Bureau, Family Building of Carton Factory, Commercial Street Community, Family Building of Agricultural Machinery Factory, Zhongzhi Home, Yixie Garden, Qingping Road Community, Pingqiao Road Community, Grain Trade Building A, Grain Trade Building D, Grain Bureau Family Building, Grain Management Institute Family Building, Triangle Market, Construction Company Family Building, Wanjiafu, Hardware Company Family Building, Industrial and Commercial Bureau Family Building, Cinema Family Building, Weibao Yayuan, Department Store Family Building, Commercial Bureau Family Building, No. 3 Low-rent Housing Building, Radio and Television Bureau Family Building, etc.

(2) County No. 2 Kindergarten. The area north of the Wei River, east of Xuefu Road, south of Shouyang Road, and west of Liren Road on the north bank of the Wei River. The planning area of the county town is south of Balingqiao Road, west of the railway bridge, east of Xisan Road, and north of Qingyuan Road. The main residential areas and residents' family buildings include: Ximei International, Jincheng Bund, Weibao Runyuan, Medicinal Material Market, Fude Home, etc.

(3) The third kindergarten in the county. The planning area of the county town north of Laojun Mountain, west of Pingqiao Road, south of Weihe River, and east of the special education school. The main residential areas and residents' family buildings include: Jinfang Mansion, Weihe New Town, Yonghe Mansion (west of Pingqiao Road), etc.

(4) The fourth kindergarten in the county. north of the Wei River, east of Zhongjie Road, through the Xingfu Li section of the North Ring Road to the east of the dividing line between the family building of the Radio and Television Bureau and the Xingfu Li of Weishui Tianhua Community; North of Weihe River, west of Xuefu Road, through Shouyang Road, east of Yizhong Road, through Beihuan Road to the intersection of Changcheng Road, west of National Highway 310; The area within the planning scope of the county south of Shangguanping. The main residential areas and residents' family buildings include: Xinglong Zhiyuan, Post and Telecommunications Bureau Family Building (in the courtyard of the mobile company), Printing Factory Community, Old Agricultural Bureau Family Building, Second Light Company Family Building, Supply and Marketing Cooperatives Family Building, Agricultural Bank Family Building, Hongyuan Community, People's Bank Family Building, Old Iron Society Family Building, Xinhua Bookstore Family Building, Old Industrial and Commercial Bank Family Building, Ruideli Family Building, Old Procuratorate Family Building, New Post Family Building (in the courtyard of the Post Office), Credit Union Family Building, County Party Committee Family Building, County Government Family Building, Shironghui East Garden, Old County Hospital Family Building, No. 1 Middle School Family Building, Guanshanyue, Shuxiangli, Qingyuan School District Family Building, Ruihua Home Community, Civil Affairs Bureau Family Building, Pharmaceutical Company Family Building, Xinjie Road Community, Garden Community, Xingfuli, Agricultural Machinery Bureau Family Building, Weifu, Tianhua Phase I, etc.

(5) The fifth kindergarten in the county. North of the Wei River, east of Gaojiabao, south of Shangguanping, Weishui Huating Community and No. 3 low-rent housing passage, along the West Road, the old Tongqi Middle School Road to the west of the intersection of the Wei River planning area of the county. The main residential areas and residents' family buildings include: Weishui Huating, Jinyuan Community, Weibao Jiayuan, Changlin Community, Xinxing Hotel, Old Power Company Family Building, Wild Wolf River Bay, etc.

(6) The seventh kindergarten in the county. West of Hospital Road, north of Shouyang Road, along No. 1 Middle Road through the North Ring Road to the intersection of Changcheng Road, east of National Highway 310 in the planning area of the county. The main residential areas and residents' family buildings include: Weijin Jiayuan, Yuhe Jinwan, Weishui Jingyuan, Weishui People's Home, etc.

(7) The eighth kindergarten in the county. The area north of the Wei River, along the east of Balingqiao Road, Liren Road, and Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Road. The area south of the Wei River and east of the railway bridge is within the planning scope of the county. The main residential areas and residents' family buildings include: building materials market, etc.

(8) County Ninth Kindergarten. North of Laojun Mountain, east of Pingqiao Road, south of Weihe, intersection of Xisan Road to Qingyuan Road, and along Qingyuan Road to the west of the railway bridge. The main residential areas and residents' family buildings include: Yonghe Mansion (the east part of Pingqiao Road), Carpet Factory Family Building, Weishui Runyuan, Xinlongjiayuan, Runyuan Huafu, etc.

2. Primary school education

(1) Qingyuan is a small. North of Laojun Mountain, east of the Special Education School, south of the Wei River, west of the southern section of Xuefu Road, and south to the area west of Laojun Mountain through Qingyuan Road to the intersection of Xisan Road (bus station at the entrance of the medicinal herb market). North of the Wei River, along the highway section of the family building next to the lane, east of Qingping Road, south of the North Ring Road, along the west of Pingqiao Road, through the south of Shouyang Road to the west of Junshan Road in the planning area of the county. The main residential areas and residents' family buildings include: Jinfang Mansion, Weihe New Town, Yonghe Mansion, Carpet Factory Family Building, Weishui Run Garden, Xinlong Family Garden, Highway Section Family Building, County and Township Station Family Building, Yixie Garden, Qingping Road Community, Zhongzhi Home, Pingqiao Road Community, Grain Trade Building A, Grain Trade Building D, Grain Bureau Family Building, Grain Management Institute Family Building, Triangle Market, Construction Company Family Building, Xinglong Zhiyuan, Post and Telecommunications Bureau Family Building (in the courtyard of the mobile company), Printing Factory Community, etc.

(2) Qingyuan two elementary schools. The planning area of the county town north of Shouyang Road, east of Pingqiao Road, south of North Ring Road, and west of No. 1 Middle School Playground Road. The main residential areas and residents' family buildings include: Wanjiafu, hardware company family building, industrial and commercial bureau family building, cinema family building, Weibao Yayuan, department store family building, commercial bureau family building, old iron society family building, Xinhua bookstore family building, old ICBC family building, Ruideli family building, old procuratorate family building, new postal family building (in the post office yard), credit union family building, county party committee family building, county government family building, Shironghui East Garden, old county hospital family building, Qingyuan School District family building, Ruihua home community, The family building of the Civil Affairs Bureau, the family building of the pharmaceutical company, the Xinjie Road community, the garden community, etc.

(3) Qingyuan three small. north of the Wei River, east of Junshan Road, through Shouyang Road, east of the playground road along No. 1 Middle School; South of North Ring Road, north of Yuhe East Road, along Longting School Gate Road, south of Guanzhong Road; Along the Wei River, through Liren Road, the county planning area west of the Hospital Road. The main residential areas and residents' family buildings include: the family building of the old Agricultural Bureau, the family building of the Second Light Company, the family building of the supply and marketing cooperative, the family building of the Agricultural Bank, the Hongyuan community, the family building of the People's Bank of China, the Ximei International, the Jincheng Bund, the family building of No. 1 Middle School, Guanshanyue, Shuxiangli, Weijin Jiayuan, Yuhe Jinwan, Weishui people's house, etc.

(4) Central Experimental Primary School. North of the Wei River, east of Gaojiabao, south of Shangguanping, along the dividing line between the family building of the Radio and Television Bureau and Xingfuli of Weishui Tianhua Community, through the North Ring Road, along Qingping Road and the roadway next to the highway section to the south to the county planning area west of the Wei River. The main residential areas and residents' family buildings include: Wild Wolf River Bay, Xinxing Hotel, Old Power Company Family Building, Weishui Home, State Taxation Bureau Family Building, Local Taxation Family Building, New Family Building of Electric Power Company, Jinyuan Community, Weibao Jiayuan, Changlin Community, Water Supply Company Family Building, Urban Construction Bureau Family Building, Court Family Building, Weibao Yaju, Public Security Bureau Family Building, Education Commission Family Building, Justice Bureau Family Building, Seed Company Family Building, Animal Husbandry Bureau Family Building, Carton Factory Family Building, Commercial Street Community, Agricultural Machinery Factory Family Building, Zhongzhi Home (part of the west area of Qingping Road), Weishui Huating, No. 3 low-rent housing, family building of the Radio and Television Bureau, etc.

(5) Primary School of Longting School. The planning area of the county is east of the dividing line between the family building of the Radio and Television Bureau and Xingfuli of Weishui Tianhua Community, north of Beihuan Road, along the northern section of Yuhe East Road, and west of Guanzhong Road (including county seven kindergartens) through Menqian Road of Longting School. The main residential areas and residents' family buildings include: Xingfuli, Agricultural Machinery Bureau Family Building, Weifu, Tianhua Phase I, Weishui Garden, etc.

(6) Primary School of Longting School Branch. South of the Wei River, east of Xuefu Road, and south to the area east of Laojun Mountain through Qingyuan Road to the intersection of Xisan Road (bus stop at the entrance of the medicinal herb market). North of the Wei River, along the east of Liren Road and Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Road, the planning area of the county. The main residential areas and residents' family buildings include: Runyuan Huafu, Fude Home, Weibao Runyuan, medicinal materials market, building materials market, etc.

3. Junior high school education

(1) Qingyuan Middle School. North of Shouyang Road, east of Gaojiabao, south of Shangguanping, the dividing line between the family building of the Radio and Television Bureau and Xingfuli of Weishui Tianhua Community, west of Beihuan Road, and west of Qingping Road. The main residential areas and residents' family buildings include: Changlin Community, Jinyuan Community, Weibao Jiayuan, Water Supply Company Family Building, Urban Construction Bureau Family Building, Court Family Building, Weibao Yaju, Public Security Bureau Family Building, Education Commission Family Building, Justice Bureau Family Building, Seed Company Family Building, Animal Husbandry Bureau Family Building, Carton Factory Family Building, Commercial Street Community, Agricultural Machinery Factory Family Building, Zhongzhi Home (Qingping Road West District), Weishui Huating, No. 3 Low-rent House, Radio and Television Bureau Family Building, etc.

(2) Qingyuan Middle School Branch. North of Laojun Mountain, east of the special education school, south of Shouyang Road, through Qingping Road, along the family building of the North Ring Road Radio and Television Bureau and the Xingfuli section, through the north section of Zhongjie Road, along Xinjie Road, Junshan Road to the Weihe Scenic Bridge, along the intersection of Weihe South Road, Xuefu Road, Qingyuan Road to Xisan Road (bus station at the entrance of the medicinal herb market) to the south to the county planning area west of Laojun Mountain. The main residential areas and residents' family buildings include: Jinfang Mansion, Weihe New Town, Yonghe Mansion, Carpet Factory Family Building, Weishui Run Garden, Xinlong Family Garden, Wild Wolf River Bay, Xinxing Hotel, Old Power Company Family Building, Weishui Home, State Taxation Bureau Family Building, Local Taxation Family Building, New Family Building of Electric Power Company, Highway Section Family Building, County and Township Station Family Building, Yixie Garden, Qingping Road Community, Zhongzhi Home (Qingping Road East District), Pingqiao Road Community, Grain Trade Building A, Grain Trade Building D, Grain Bureau Family Building, Grain Management Institute Family Building, Triangle Market, Family building of construction company, Wanjiafu, family building of hardware company, family building of industrial and commercial bureau, family building of cinema, Weibao Yayuan, family building of department store, family building of commercial bureau, Xinglong Zhiyuan, family building of post and telecommunications bureau (in the courtyard of mobile company), printing factory community, family building of old iron society, family building of Xinhua bookstore, family building of old ICBC, family building of Ruideli, family building of old procuratorate, family building of new postal service (in the courtyard of post office), family building of credit cooperatives, etc.

(3) Longting School Junior High School. East of the dividing line between the family building of the Radio and Television Bureau and the happiness lane of Weishui Tianhua Community, along the North Ring Road, Zhongjie Road, Xinjie Road, through the northern section of No. 1 Middle School Playground Road, along the North Ring Road to the intersection of Yuhe East Road, through the northern section of Yuhe East Road, along the front road of Longting School, west of Guanzhong Road (including the county seven kindergartens) of the county planning area. The main communities and residents' family buildings include: Qingyuan School District Family Building, Ruihua Home Community, Civil Affairs Bureau Family Building, Pharmaceutical Company Family Building, Xinjie Road Community, Garden Community, Xingfuli, Agricultural Machinery Bureau Family Building, Wei Future, Tianhua Phase I, Weishui Jingyuan, etc.

(4) The junior high school of Longting School Branch. South of the Wei River, east of Xuefu Road, along the intersection of Qingyuan Road to Xisan Road (bus stop at the entrance of the medicinal herb market) to the south to the area east of Laojun Mountain. North of the Wei River, along Junshan Road, through Xinjie Road, along the northern section of No. 1 Middle School Playground Road, along the North Ring Road to the intersection of Yuhe East Road, through the northern section of Yuhe East Road, along Longting School Menqian Road to the east of Guanzhong Road in the planning area of the county. The main residential areas and residents' family buildings include: Runyuan Huafu, Fude Home, Weibao Runyuan, Medicinal Materials Market, Family Building of the Old Agricultural Bureau, Family Building of Erqing Company, Family Building of Supply and Marketing Cooperative, Family Building of Agricultural Bank, Hongyuan Community, People's Bank of China Family Building, Ximei International, Jincheng Bund, Family Building of County Party Committee, Family Building of County Government, Shironghui East Garden, Family Building of Old County Hospital, Family Building of No. 1 Middle School, Guanshanyue, Shuxiangli, Weijin Jiayuan, Yuhe Jinwan, Weishui Family, Building Materials Market, etc.

(2) Zoning arrangements for Huichuan and Lianfeng towns

1. Aikawa

(1) Junior high school stage. It is divided by West Street. Weiyuan No. 2 Middle School recruits sixth-grade graduates from other schools in Xiguan, Wenfeng, Guanbao and Huichuan School District, who live south of West Street; Huichuan Middle School enrolls sixth-grade graduates from Xiguan, Wenfeng, Guanbao and other schools in Huichuan School District who live north of West Street; All students transferred from other surrounding towns were transferred to Huichuan Middle School.

(2) 3 primary schools in the township. It is divided according to the old police station laneway and the mill canal and the new 316 National Highway. Xiguan Primary School enrolls students south of the old police station and west of the Moqu line, as well as students from part of Nangou, part of Shangji and Xincheng; Wenfeng Primary School enrolls students east of National Highway 212, along the Moqu, near the third kindergarten, Yangzhuang, Helizhuang, and some Wangjiazui; Guanbao Primary School enrolls students from other areas of Huichuan Town and students transferred from other towns.

(3) Village-level primary schools. Enrollment is conducted in accordance with the principle of "enrollment within the district".

(4) Township kindergartens. Enrollment is carried out with reference to the elementary school zoning. The school-age children in the Guanbao Primary School area are classified as Huichuan Town Kindergarten; The school-age children in the Xiguan Primary School area are classified into the second kindergarten of Huichuan Town; The school-age children in the Wenfeng Primary School area are classified as the third kindergarten in Huichuan Town.

2. Lianfeng Town

In 2024, in accordance with the principle of "convenient travel and relative proximity", Lianfeng School District will carefully study and analyze the school situation in the jurisdiction according to this plan, and divide the area that is in line with the actual situation of Lianfeng Town. In the fourth high school, the seventh grade is opened, with 2 classes; The first grade is opened in Lianfeng Middle School, with 2 classes. The second and third grades of the existing Lianfeng No. 1 Primary School and Lianfeng No. 2 Primary School will each be diverted to Lianfeng Middle School by one class. The first kindergarten of Lianfeng Town and the second kindergarten of Lianfeng Town are divided into areas according to the principle of relative proximity to the school.

(3) Other townships. According to this plan, each relevant school district shall carefully study and analyze the school situation in its jurisdiction, and divide the districts that meet the actual situation in their respective jurisdictions.

V. Enrollment Procedures

(1) Registration process

1. Online registration. Guardians pay attention to the enrollment announcements issued by each school, log in to the enrollment registration system of Weiyuan County, enter the student's registration information on time, upload relevant certificates or supporting materials, select the school to be enrolled, and submit the registration information.

2. Preliminary review of the network. The school conducts an online review of the student's online registration information and related materials, and the review results are fed back to the guardian in a timely manner through the registration system, and the guardian should pay attention to the school's review results in the registration system in a timely manner. If the online review is passed, the guardian shall go to the designated window of the school on time to conduct an on-site review according to the notice; If the online review fails, the registration information shall be revised in a timely manner, and the registration information shall be submitted on time according to the vacant places and enrollment batches (order) of each school.

3. On-site review. After the school confirms the preliminary examination information to the guardian through the enrollment system, it must notify the guardian to submit the materials for on-site review at the specified time and place within 3 working days. According to the notice, the guardian shall go to the designated window of the school within the specified time limit with the relevant materials to conduct on-site data review and identification. If the on-site audit is passed, the school will admit the student online and notify the student to register on time; If the on-site audit fails, the school shall not admit the student, and the guardian shall bring the relevant materials to the recruitment office of the county education bureau for registration.

4. Enrollment in school. School-age children should register on time according to the results of the school's on-site audit, and go through the enrollment registration and school registration procedures. Those who fail to complete the enrollment registration procedures in time will be treated as automatically giving up the opportunity to enroll.

(2) Registration conditions

Each school (kindergarten) must select the following enrollment conditions according to their actual situation, confirm the enrollment order, and review the documents in turn:

Category A: School-age children with a house and a household. School-age children who are determined to have permanent household registration and fixed residence (real estate) or purchase commercial housing in the designated enrollment area, and meet the requirements for admission (kindergarten), must provide the original and photocopy of the household registration booklet and the residence certificate of the fixed residence.

Category B: school-age children with a house but without a household. If the household registration is not within the area, but there is a fixed residence (real estate) or purchase a commercial house in the area, the original and copy of the household registration booklet and the residence certificate of the fixed residence must be provided.

Category C: Children of school-age who are officially established by the employees of organs and institutions. The children of regular staff of organs and institutions in the designated enrollment area shall provide the original and photocopy of the parents' work transfer (assignment) documents and household registration booklets, and the relevant schools (kindergartens) shall accept them according to the students in the area.

Category D: Policy-based guarantee for children enrolled in school. According to the "Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Justice and the General Office of the Ministry of Education on the Implementation of Preferential Education for the Children of the Judicial Administrative Organs, the People's Police, the Heroic Martyrs and the Disabled People's Police Officers Who Sacrificed Their Lives in the Line of Duty" (Si Ban Tong [2020] No. 32), the Notice of the Gansu Provincial Department of Education and the Political Department of the Gansu Provincial Military Region on Printing and Distributing the Regulations on the Preferential Education of Military Children in Gansu Province (Zhenglian [2012] No. 84), and the "Notice of the Gansu Provincial Emergency Management Department and the Gansu Provincial Department of Education on Printing and Distributing the Regulations on the Preferential Education of the Children of the National Comprehensive Fire and Rescue Team Personnel in Gansu Province" (Gan Emergency Personnel [2019] No. 41) "Dingxi City Education System to Support the Construction of Schools and Student Enrollment (Parks) in Ecological and Geological Disaster Avoidance and Relocation Areas" (Dingjiao Jihan [2023] No. 15) and other relevant documents, the children of eligible relevant personnel shall be arranged by the county education bureau according to the wishes of parents, and each school (kindergarten) will be unconditionally accepted. The relevant materials to be provided shall be submitted to the county education bureau by the county public security bureau, the Ministry of People's Armed Forces, and the fire and rescue team in an official letter before July 15 of that year. The county education bureau does not accept correspondence and individual applications from any other unit alone.

Category E: School-age children from families with many children. Where there are already school-age children in a family with many children studying at a certain school, in order to facilitate the parents' pick-up and drop-off, the school will give priority to solving the problem according to the degree situation after verification.

Category F: school-age children without a household or a house. Students in the compulsory education stage and preschool education stage of the county and town who apply for transfer or new enrollment in each township (including the children of migrants with household registration in other provinces, cities and counties) are willing to transfer and report as much as possible. Junior high school students who do not have a fixed residence (rent or have purchased a house but the project has not yet been completed and delivered): Qingyuan Middle School accepts grades 7 to 9, Qingyuan Middle School branch accepts 7th grade, Longting School branch accepts 7th and 8th grade; Primary school students without a fixed residence: the experimental primary school accepts grades 2 to 6, the third primary school accepts grades 2 to 6, and the primary school of Longting School branch accepts grades 1 to 6; Pre-school children without a fixed residence: Kindergarten 8 and Kindergarten 9 are accepted. A business license, proof of employment, and a contract to purchase or rent a house are required. Each transfer school will accept the vacant places according to the vacant places, and when the places are full and cannot be transferred, they will be allocated by the Education Bureau.

Students who apply for transfer should register their information at the recruitment office of the county education bureau or the school they intend to transfer to before July 2 to 15, and the county education bureau will issue a transfer list to each school before July 20 after all the transfer information is summarized.

Category G: For students with individual special difficulties (orphans, major family casualties, etc.), because the guardian is in the corresponding area, the township or village community will first issue a certificate, affix the official seal, and the education bureau will investigate and verify the school according to the guardian's application, and each school (kindergarten) will accept it unconditionally.

(3) Enrollment order

For details of the registration and registration review time of students in the county area, please refer to the enrollment announcement issued by each school (kindergarten). The school will review and admit all kinds of children in order, and sort each category of children according to factors such as settlement time and house purchase time, and only after completing the admission of the previous category can the admission of the next category begin. If it is not possible to admit all the children in a certain category due to the limitation of places, they will be admitted in order of order. If a student who applies to transfer to a school in the county is unable to accept it because the school is full, the county education bureau will make the allocation according to the principle of relative proximity.

6. Registration

The school-age children with household registration in our county still use the method of "online enrollment application, on-site audit, independent admission" + "deployment admission", and the first registration of new students is all carried out on the online platform, and the registration process is detailed in the announcements of each school and kindergarten.

Kindergarten new student enrollment website: (system opening time: July 10-15)

Enrollment website for new primary school students: (system opening time: July 12-15)

Junior high school freshman enrollment website: (system opening time: July 14-15)

7. Job requirements

(1) Formulate an enrollment plan. All school districts, schools and kindergartens shall formulate detailed and specific school enrollment work plans and enrollment guidelines according to this plan, and report them to the county education bureau for review and approval and release them to the public in a timely manner.

(2) Standardize enrollment procedures. All school districts, schools, and kindergartens shall not exceed the prescribed scope and the prescribed number of classes for enrollment. Priority will be given to the enrollment of students in the area, strictly do a good job in qualification review, and shall not enroll students in violation of regulations without authorization, and the list of new students who are officially enrolled and registered shall be submitted to the county education bureau for approval before July 20 for class arrangement, and the registration for the opening of the school shall be organized.

(3) Adhere to balanced class arrangement. All school districts, schools, and kindergartens should make overall plans for school enrollment work, and must not make experimental classes, key classes, and specialty classes, but should arrange classes in a balanced manner, and resolutely put an end to the generation of new large classes.

(4) Do a good job of consulting services. All school districts, schools, and kindergartens should attach great importance to enrollment work, determine the reception and consultation personnel, and set up enrollment consultation offices. Before registration, the registration implementation plan should be formulated, and for possible emergencies, a plan should be formulated in advance and dealt with in a timely and proper manner. During the registration process, the relevant kindergartens and school districts should strictly review the student's household registration booklet, real estate certificate and other relevant supporting materials.

(5) Standardize the collection of fees. No school may take the opportunity of enrollment to charge any fees other than those specified in the policy and standards in any name. Compulsory education schools implement "zero" fees for enrollment.

(6) Strengthen policy publicity. All schools should vigorously promote "sunshine enrollment", actively do a good job of publicity and guidance, promptly disclose compulsory education enrollment policies to the public through radio, television, WeChat public accounts and other online media, actively respond to the concerns of the people, and realize sunshine enrollment.

Complaint and report telephone:

County Education Bureau Recruitment Office: 0932-4136119

County Education Bureau Office: 0932-4132977

2024 Weiyuan County Compulsory Education and Preschool Education School Zoning Enrollment Announcement
2024 Weiyuan County Compulsory Education and Preschool Education School Zoning Enrollment Announcement
2024 Weiyuan County Compulsory Education and Preschool Education School Zoning Enrollment Announcement

Weiyuan County Education Bureau

July 2, 2024

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