
Weiyuan County held a mass concert of "Singing in the Prosperous Age, Singing in Weiyuan" to sing the motherland

author:Yuyuan Flux

In order to deeply study, publicize and implement Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts, and celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the party. On July 1st, the "Singing of the Prosperous Age, Prosperous Weiyuan" Singing Motherland Mass Concert was held in Junshan Cultural Square.

Weiyuan County held a mass concert of "Singing in the Prosperous Age, Singing in Weiyuan" to sing the motherland
Weiyuan County held a mass concert of "Singing in the Prosperous Age, Singing in Weiyuan" to sing the motherland

The concert kicked off with the majestic chorus "The Great Motherland, the Great Party", and the classic red songs such as "No Communist Party, No New China" and "Towards Rejuvenation" sang the deep friendship of the broad masses of people in Weiyuan for the party and the country. The instrumental ensemble "Yangge Supporting the Army", which is full of ethnic customs, shows the deep emotion of the unity of the army and the people. The dance "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party" expresses loyalty and love for the party. The three-and-a-half-sentence "The Voice of the Party Moistens the People's Hearts" performed by the veteran cadres art troupe won the first prize of the 2023 Dingxi Literature and Art Propaganda Competition, conveying the new development of Weiyuan in the new era with its unique art form. In addition, the dances "Collector's Children's Heart to the Party" and "Flowers in China" respectively demonstrated national unity and local characteristics, and won bursts of applause from the audience.

Weiyuan County held a mass concert of "Singing in the Prosperous Age, Singing in Weiyuan" to sing the motherland

The concert was hosted by the Weiyuan County Cultural Center and undertaken by the Weiyuan County Elderly Art Troupe. The concert showed the gratifying achievements of the "five new" Weiyuan construction through singing, and further stimulated the high morale of the cadres and masses in the county to catch up with development and strive for the first. The whole concert was full of passion and emotion, and the applause and cheers of the audience came one after another, wishing the motherland a better tomorrow.

Reporter: Zhao Fei

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