
The shattering of the dream of the pool

author:Sumi Shizukawa

On a hot summer day, the blazing sun bakes the earth as if it wants to melt everything. And I, choosing this hot season, walked into the pool and tried to challenge the blue waters.

The shattering of the dream of the pool

I paddled in the pool, even though I didn't know how to swim. I remember my coach once told me that as long as you relax, your body will be able to float on the water. So, I tried to relax myself and let my body adapt to the power of the water.

The water seemed to pass my ears, and the world around me became quiet and unfamiliar. I closed my eyes, nervous and expectant. At that moment, I felt like I was floating, as if I were one with the water. I was convinced that I was about to surface and that I was about to succeed.

The shattering of the dream of the pool

However, at this critical moment, the second the alarm clock rang, like a sharp arrow, instantly pierced my beautiful illusion. It was as if my whole body had lost all my strength in an instant, and all my hopes and expectations had vanished. I sank limply, and the water quickly flooded my head.

At that moment, panic gripped my heart. The water, which had been cool, was now cold and biting, as if it were a merciless cage that trapped me in it. I struggled desperately to get back to the surface, but my body didn't listen and kept sinking.

The shattering of the dream of the pool

In those short but long seconds, countless thoughts flashed through my mind. I regret that I didn't master the swimming skills properly, and I regret that I was too confident to challenge the waters. At the same time, I also felt the fragility and impermanence of life.

When I finally struggled out of the water and took a big breath of fresh air, my heart was filled with awe for life and reflection on myself. This experience made me understand that in the face of unknowns and challenges, we cannot just rely on momentary courage and fantasy, but also need solid preparation and sufficient ability.

The shattering of the dream of the pool

That hot summer pool has become an eternal memory in my heart, always reminding me that on the road of pursuing my dreams and challenging myself, I must be down-to-earth and fully prepared to truly embrace success.

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