
Know yourself

author:Sumi Shizukawa

When the end came, the sight of destruction gave mankind a glimpse of the infinite power of the universe. In this desperate moment, words are no longer ordinary symbols, but are worshipped as gods. The flower of thought, as bright as the stars, blooms with brilliant light and becomes people's only hope in the dark.

Know yourself

However, when materialism runs rampant, the world descends into chaos. Words have also become inferior, losing their original nobility and dignity, just like the human heart, being distorted and used, reduced to a tool to dispel desires. People sink deeper and deeper into the quagmire of materialism, forgetting the true power of words.

People are accustomed to dividing the years by the axis of time. From the ignorance of youth, to the rush of middle age, to the vicissitudes of twilight. In his twilight years, when he looked back on the past, he was shocked to realize that he had never really grown. It's like an ant clinging to the wheel of time, seemingly busy, but in fact blind. What is turning is only a meaningless magnetic needle, and the years are nothing but a vain.

Know yourself

Human beings, as the spirit of all things, every ordinary individual, are endowed with endless potential. The old adage "know thyself" has been gradually forgotten over the years. Have you ever remembered the desires and pursuits of our hearts?

Now, it's time to calm down, let go of the hustle and bustle of the outside world, and find your true self. When we are no longer deceived by materialistic desires and stop blindly following the footsteps of time, the wheel of time will stop. We will no longer be bound by time, but use eternity as a mark to leave our own light in the long river of history.

Know yourself

Let's re-examine the power of words, use them to express the truest thoughts of our hearts, and use the spark of thought to illuminate the way forward. Let's get rid of the shackles of desire, return to our true nature, and discover our own potential. In this short and long journey of life, find your own direction and achieve true growth and transcendence.

When we do this, no matter how the world changes, no matter whether the end will come again, we can have a firm heart and face everything with eternity. Because we have found ourselves, we have found the source of power that transcends time.

Know yourself