
Adhere to the party's innovative theory in the new era to lead and promote the connotative development of ideological and political courses

author:Study Times

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has taken the construction of ideological and political courses as the top priority of the party's leadership education work, and the development environment and overall ecology of ideological and political courses have undergone overall and fundamental changes. Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions on the construction of ideological and political courses in schools, emphasizing: "In the new era and new journey, the construction of ideological and political courses is facing new situations and new tasks, and there must be new atmosphere and new achievements. "We must thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, take the party's innovation theory in the new era as the guide, based on the great practice of the new era, closely follow the goal of building a strong country in education in the new era and new journey, promote the connotative development of ideological and political course construction with self-confidence, self-improvement, integrity and innovation, and constantly create a new situation in ideological and political education in schools in the new era, and strive to cultivate more new people of the era who can reassure the party, love and dedicate themselves, and take on the important task of national rejuvenation.

Firmly grasping the ideological and political course is the fundamental positioning of the key course of moral education

What kind of people to cultivate is the primary issue of education. Every country cultivates its people according to its own political requirements. The mainland is a socialist country under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, which determines that our education is socialist education. Strengthening the party's leadership is the fundamental guarantee for doing a good job in education, and we must always adhere to the guiding position of Marxism, comprehensively implement the party's education policy, implement the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people, and ensure that there are successors to the party's cause and the construction of a strong modern socialist country. Ideological and political work is the lifeblood of all aspects of the school's work. The nature of the curriculum, the textbook system, the teaching requirements, the objectives and tasks of ideological and political courses are the fundamental embodiment of the socialist direction of running schools and the concretization of the party's political construction in the field of education. Mao Zedong pointed out: "Without a correct political viewpoint, it is equivalent to having no soul." "In the final analysis, ideological and political work is the work of being a human being, and ideological and political work is a course for shaping the soul. To do a good job in the construction of ideological and political courses is to grasp the root and soul of education. Young students are in the "jointing and booting period" of life, and they need careful guidance and cultivation the most, and the most important thing is to teach them the right ideas and guide them to take the right path. As the main channel and main front of ideological and political work in schools, ideological and political courses play an irreplaceable and important role in it. Running socialist education with Chinese characteristics and taking a clear-cut stand and opening ideological and political courses with confidence and boldness is a summary of our party's historical experience, an important requirement for building a strong country and national rejuvenation, and a strategic task for grasping the initiative and winning the future.

It is the glorious responsibility entrusted to us by the times to do the ideological and political courses better and better, and to implement the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people in detail. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "ideological and political courses are the key courses to implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality, and the role of ideological and political courses is irreplaceable", profoundly expounding the great significance, fundamental tasks, direction and goals, methods and paths of running ideological and political courses, and providing a scientific guide and strong motivation for running ideological and political courses in the new era, with distinct reality, pertinence and leadership. The new historical orientation and the new topics of the times have given a greater mission and put forward higher requirements for the construction of ideological and political courses. In response to the great changes in the world unseen in a century, the complex situation in the ideological field at home and abroad requires the ideological and political courses to be clear from the source, turbidity and purity, and the new characteristics of the ubiquitous network and new media in the information age, and the pluralistic and diverse thinking of students. Following the laws of ideological and political work, teaching and educating people, and the laws of students' growth and success, with the focus on political identity, family and country feelings, moral cultivation, awareness of the rule of law, cultural literacy, and innovative character, education and guidance guide students to consciously integrate patriotism, ambition to strengthen the country, and serving the country into the struggle to uphold and develop the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, build a modern socialist power, and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and accelerate the construction of a strong country in education with the strong support of new achievements and new experiences in the construction of ideological and political courses.

Adhere to the construction of ideological and political courses and the party's innovative theoretical arming to advance simultaneously

Wherever the party's innovative theory develops, theoretical study must follow up; Every time the party's theoretical innovation takes a step forward, the theoretical armament must follow suit. The party's innovative theories do not naturally enter the minds of young students, and correct political stances and firm ideals and convictions do not arise out of thin air, but need to be continuously armed in theory and tempered in practice. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "insisting on the construction of ideological and political courses and the party's innovative theoretical arming are advancing simultaneously", which is both an epistemology and a methodology, and provides an important guide for the construction of ideological and political courses in schools in the new era. Only in this way can we advance with the times and innovate according to the situation, do a good job in ideological and political courses, educate and guide the majority of students to strengthen their belief in Marxism, their belief in socialism with Chinese characteristics, and their confidence in realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and help them buckle the "first button" in life, and build a solid foundation of faith, ideology, and values.

We have always adhered to the guiding position of Marxism. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that Marxism is the fundamental guiding ideology for our party and country, and it is also the brightest background color of mainland universities. This requires us to consolidate the guiding position of Marxism in the ideological field of colleges and universities, take a firm political stand on the issue of the direction of running schools, constantly strengthen and improve the ideological and political work in colleges and universities, and consistently use scientific theories to train people and guide people with correct thinking. Ideological and political courses are the main channel for the vast number of students to carry out systematic education in Marxist theory, and it is necessary to make continuous efforts to educate and guide students to profoundly understand the scientific nature and truth of Marxism, so as to consolidate the scientific and ideological foundation for students' growth and success. It is necessary to explain clearly and clearly the Marxist standpoint, viewpoint, and method, respond to students with thorough academic analysis, persuade students with thorough ideological theories, and guide young students to truly study, understand, believe, and apply. It enables young students to have an in-depth understanding of the history of the development of Marxism, understand the relationship between the latest theoretical achievements of the Sinicization and modernization of Marxism and the existing achievements that are continuous and advancing with the times, use the Marxist world view and methodology to analyze and criticize historical nihilism, neoliberalism and other erroneous trends of thought, and help students truly understand and agree that "why the Communist Party of China is able and why socialism with Chinese characteristics is good, in the final analysis, is the practice of Marxism and the practice of Marxism in the Chinese era".

Solidly promote the "three advances" of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era runs through Marxist philosophy, political economy, scientific socialism, history, reality and the future, and through reform, development, stability, internal affairs, foreign affairs, national defense, governance of the party, governance of the country and the army, and has made original contributions to the enrichment and development of Marxism. The most fundamental thing to insist on the simultaneous advancement of the construction of ideological and political courses and the party's innovative theoretical arming is to accelerate the construction of a curriculum and textbook system with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the core content, and promote Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era into textbooks, classrooms, and minds. Among them, "entering the textbook" is the foundation to realize the transformation of the party's innovative theoretical achievements into the textbook system; "Entering the classroom" is the core, promoting the transformation of the textbook system into the teaching system; "Entering the mind" is the goal, guiding students to transform the knowledge system learned in the classroom into a value system. We have always taken the unremitting use of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to cast the soul and educate people as the consistent theme of ideological and political courses, and set up a high-quality "Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era" to profoundly explain the historical, theoretical, and practical logic behind Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, so that students can know what it is, why it is true, and why it is inevitable, solidly promote the "three advances", improve the effectiveness of educating people, and promote the latest achievements of the party's innovative theory into the brain and heart.

Give full play to the educational and stimulating role of the great achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. The great practical achievements are the most vivid ideological and political teaching materials. Since the reform and opening up, our party has continuously deepened its understanding and grasp of the laws governing the Communist Party, the laws of socialist construction, and the laws of the development of human society, opening up a new realm for the development of the theory and practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that we must make good use of the "big ideological and political courses", which must be combined with reality, and the construction of ideological and political courses should be supported by the world-renowned achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We must persist in opening the door to ideological and political courses, closely integrate the ideological and political classroom with the social classroom, fully interact with practice, and resonate with the times. Always stand at the forefront of the times, answer the questions of the times, and guide the majority of young students to go to the society, pay attention to reality, better understand the national conditions and people's conditions, and better identify with China's road, China's governance, and China's principles. In particular, it is necessary to focus on the historic achievements and historic changes made by socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, tell the story of China and the Communist Party of China in the new era, enrich the teaching content of ideological and political courses, guide students to understand the practical power of the party's innovative theories, and truly make ideological and political courses a fertile soil for cultivating patriotic feelings and sowing the seeds of "four self-confidence".

Integrity and innovation promote the connotative development of ideological and political courses in the new era

The construction of ideological and political courses in schools is a strategic project and a systematic project, and in order to maintain vigorous vitality and vitality, it is necessary to establish a clear problem-oriented and goal-oriented, strengthen top-level design, overall planning, and persist in making long-term contributions and doing good work. General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the requirement of adhering to the "eight unifications" to promote the reform and innovation of ideological and political courses, and recently he clearly pointed out in the important instructions for the construction of ideological and political courses in schools: "Explain the truth deeply, thoroughly and lively, keep the integrity and innovation to promote the connotative development of ideological and political courses, and continuously improve the pertinence and attractiveness of ideological and political courses", which pointed out the way forward for promoting the high-quality and connotative development of ideological and political courses in the new era, and strengthened our confidence and determination to do ideological and political courses better and better.

Coordinate and promote the integration of ideological and political courses in primary and secondary schools. Students' ideological and political education is a continuous process, which requires the joint efforts of different stages of primary and secondary schools. The gradual and spiraling establishment of ideological and political courses in primary and secondary schools is an important foundation for promoting the connotative development of ideological and political courses. Following the laws of education and teaching, combined with the cognitive characteristics of students of different ages, adhering to the principle of "the vertical main line of primary and secondary schools runs through, step by step, and the horizontal structure of various courses is reasonable and the functions are complementary", comprehensively build an integrated ideological and political course textbook system for primary and secondary schools, and focus on the design of ideological and political teaching objectives, curriculum setting, textbook compilation, teaching reform, teacher training, assessment and evaluation in different school stages, and carry out the construction of an integrated community of ideological and political courses in primary and secondary schools. At the same time, it is also necessary to focus on strengthening the ideological and political construction of primary and secondary school courses, adhere to the unity of knowledge transfer and value guidance, so that all kinds of courses and ideological and political courses at different stages go in the same direction, so that students love to listen, love to learn, and understand and learn.

Build a solid foundation for the construction of cultural empowerment ideological and political courses. Over the past several thousand years, the Chinese nation has formed a broad and profound traditional Chinese culture, and the revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture forged by our party and the people in the process of revolution, construction, and reform have laid a solid foundation for running ideological and political courses well. The ideological and political courses of the school will be built into a spiritual home and a fortress for educating people to carry forward and inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture, and moisten things silently to give students life enlightenment, wisdom and spiritual strength. Cultivate the teaching foundation of ideological and political courses with the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and awaken the cultural genes hidden in the blood and soul of each student. Cultivate the red nostalgia of ideological and political courses with revolutionary culture, and guide students to better continue the red blood and inherit the revolutionary spirit. Stimulate the vitality of ideological and political courses with advanced socialist culture, guide students to increase their ambition, strengthen their backbone, and build a solid foundation, so as to be strivers, pioneers, and devotees in the new era.

Grasp the key links in the construction of ideological and political teachers. "The key to running a good ideological and political theory course lies in teachers, and the key lies in giving play to teachers' enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity." In accordance with the requirements of "four unifications", "four good teachers" and "four guides", we should benchmark the standards of the "six qualities" proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping for ideological and political teachers, effectively improve the political quality and comprehensive ability of ideological and political teachers, and better exert their demonstration effect and influence. We should do a good job in all aspects of the training, selection, and use of ideological and political teachers, improve the evaluation system that highlights the priority of teaching, improve the status and treatment guarantee mechanism for teachers, strengthen the cultivation of reserve talents for ideological and political teachers, and strive to build a team of ideological and political teachers who are politically strong, have deep feelings, have new thinking, have a wide vision, are strict in self-discipline, and have a positive personality.

Innovate the methods, carriers and paths of ideological and political course construction. Young students are the most active group, and the construction of ideological and political courses should accurately focus on the resonance points and emotional trigger points of students, and constantly adjust and enrich the content output of the "supply side" of ideological and political courses according to the actual situation of students' "demand side" and in a way that students like to see, so as to improve the affinity, appeal, pertinence and effectiveness of ideological and political courses. To innovate the discourse system of ideological and political education, we should not just follow the book and talk to ourselves, but should be good at using popular language, so that the theory is grounded, the basic principles are explained into vivid truths, and the fundamental methods are turned into effective methods, so as to guide students to forge their ideals and beliefs. To make good use of the Internet, the biggest variable, to build a new pattern of online ideological and political education, it is necessary not only to "face to face", but also "key to key", so as to enhance the sense of the times and attractiveness of ideological and political courses. Deepen the comprehensive reform of "three comprehensive education", improve the school, family and social collaborative education mechanism, and gather the strong joint force of the whole party and the whole society to run ideological and political courses.

(The author is Secretary of the Party Committee of Capital Normal University and Director of the Research Base of Capital Normal University, Beijing Xi Jinping Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era)