
To be a firm practitioner of comprehensively deepening reform in the new era with practical actions

author:Study Times

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has comprehensively deepened reform with great political courage and wisdom, and promoted historic achievements and changes in various undertakings of the Party and the country. Fujian is a pioneer province in reform and opening up, and General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to and has high hopes for Fujian's comprehensive deepening of reform. The whole province deeply understands the decisive significance of the "two establishments", resolutely achieves the "two safeguards", holds high the great banner of reform and opening up, and steadily promotes the work of comprehensively deepening reforms, so as to provide institutional and institutional guarantees for writing a chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Fujian.

We will always keep in mind the earnest entrustment, unswervingly move forward in the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping, and ensure the steady and far-reaching progress of Fujian's comprehensive deepening of reform

General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of new thoughts, new views and new assertions on comprehensively deepening reform constitute the richest, most vivid and most creative important part of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and are the guiding ideology and fundamental compliance for promoting the comprehensive deepening of reform and opening up in the new era. Fujian insists on making efforts to comprehensively study, comprehensively grasp and fully implement, effectively enhance the high consciousness of reform, and promote reforms in various fields as a whole, so that General Secretary Xi Jinping has orders, the Party Central Committee has deployment, and Fujian sees action and practical results.

Dig deep and make good use of the valuable theoretical and practical "bonanza" left by General Secretary Xi Jinping to Fujian. Fujian is an important breeding ground and practice place of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, which is the most important and unique advantage of Fujian's development. General Secretary Xi Jinping has worked in Fujian for 17 and a half years, created a series of important concepts and major practices, led the cadres and the masses to take the lead in the battle to get rid of poverty, proposed and vigorously promoted the construction of digital Fujian, a strong marine economy province, an ecological province and mountain and sea cooperation, summarized and promoted the "Jinjiang experience", the system of science and technology commissioners, and the reform of the collective forest tenure system, continued to carry out cultural heritage protection and soil erosion control in Changting, Yundang Lake governance, Mulan Creek governance, and "table pollution" governance, and vigorously promoted the construction of a service-oriented government. In the construction of the efficiency of organs, we will further promote the work of double support and joint construction, and actively advocate the fine work style of "weak birds fly first, dripping water through stones", "four grassroots units", "four thousand families", "do it right away, and do real work". These ideological, spiritual, and practical achievements contain the strategic courage and farsightedness of reform, the enterprising consciousness of innovation, and the spirit of hard work, which are extremely precious to Fujian's reform and development. The party members and cadres of the province have transformed their deep love for General Secretary Xi Jinping into a powerful driving force for promoting reform, inherited and carried forward the important concepts and major practices of General Secretary Xi Jinping during his work in Fujian, emancipated their minds, pioneered and innovated, dared to be the first, loved to fight and win, and promoted the comprehensive deepening of reform and continuous new breakthroughs.

Deeply practice the earnest trust and ardent expectations placed on Fujian by General Secretary Xi Jinping. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has put forward a series of important requirements for Fujian's comprehensive deepening of reform, and when he visited Fujian in November 2014, he personally drew a new grand blueprint for Fujian with "active mechanism, excellent industry, rich people, and ecological beauty"; In March 2019, when participating in the deliberations of the Fujian delegation at the second session of the 13th National People's Congress, it was emphasized that "we must adhere to the problem orientation, emancipate the mind, and create a better environment for innovation and entrepreneurship through comprehensively deepening reform and opening up"; When he visited Fujian in March 2021, he put forward the important requirements of "four greater", and put forward clear requirements for deepening medical reform and forestry reform; Wait a minute. All these have provided scientific guidance and action guidelines for Fujian's comprehensive deepening of reform. We regard the systematic and in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and important instructions on Fujian's work as a major political task, earnestly study specific implementation measures, and carry out a "retrospective" implementation of the situation on a regular basis, so as to better promote the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and important instructions to take root and bear fruit.

Thoroughly implement the major missions and tasks entrusted to Fujian by General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee. Under the personal care of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the CPC Central Committee has granted Fujian Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone, Maritime Silk Road Core Zone, Pilot Free Trade Zone, Fuzhou New Area, Fuxiaquan National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone, National Ecological Civilization Pilot Zone, Cross-Strait Integrated Development Demonstration Zone and other pilot policies and major reform pilots. It's a great responsibility, but it's also a great opportunity. We have made bold reforms and in-depth experiments, and promoted the pilot reform from local exploration and ice-breaking breakthroughs to systematic coordination and comprehensive deepening, and a number of pioneering reform achievements have been solidified in the form of institutions, and some have risen to national-level systems and policies, which not only add vitality and impetus to the development of Fujian, but also explore ways and contribute experience to national reform.

We have always grasped the main contradictions, focused on breaking down the institutional and institutional obstacles restricting high-quality development, and deepened and implemented the reform of the socialist market economy system

Focus on the "primary task" of high-quality development, insist on giving prominence to solving major institutional and institutional problems, give full play to the breakthrough and leading role of reform, and promote the economy to achieve qualitative and effective improvement and reasonable quantitative growth.

Focus on strengthening basic strategic support, and promote the reform of the system and mechanism of education science and technology talents. Deepen the reform of the scientific and technological system, establish a collaborative innovation mechanism for the Fuxiaquan National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone, promote the construction of a scientific and technological innovation platform system led by innovation laboratories, improve the mechanism for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and accelerate the formation of new quality productivity; Improve the system of science and technology commissioners in the new era, and take the lead in formulating national standards for science and technology commissioners. We have done a good job in the comprehensive reform of education, improved the mechanism of coordinated education of science and education, and achieved positive results in the reform of vocational education and the construction of "double first-class" colleges and universities. Accelerate the reform of the talent development system and mechanism, constantly improve the talent policy system, and read the "talent scripture" of good knowledge, lifting, using, waiting and nurturing.

Carry forward the "Jinjiang experience" and the spirit of "loosening" and delegating power, and improve the implementation of the "two unswerving" systems and mechanisms. Resolutely implement the important requirements of "'Jinjiang experience' is still of guiding significance", continue to innovate and develop the "Jinjiang experience", deploy and implement the strategy of strengthening the province with a private economy in the new era, build a "1+N" policy system, promote the comprehensive reform of optimizing the environment for the development of the private economy, and create a market, openness, government affairs, rule of law, and social environment conducive to the development and growth of private enterprises. Carry forward the strong reform courage and innovative spirit contained in the "loosening" and decentralization, continue to deepen the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises, promote the integration of the party's leadership into corporate governance, strengthen strategic restructuring and professional integration, deepen the reform of the "three systems" of personnel, labor and distribution, and continuously enhance the core functions and core competitiveness of state-owned enterprises.

Actively integrate into the national unified market and deepen the reform of market-oriented allocation of factors. Formulate the implementation plan and list of authorized items for the comprehensive reform of the market-oriented allocation of factors in Fuxia Spring. Accelerate the reform of "standard land" for industrial land in the province, and steadily promote the pilot project of redevelopment of inefficient land and the pilot project of rural collective management construction land into the market. Deepen the reform of inclusive finance and green finance, and improve the quality and efficiency of financial services for the real economy. The country's first normative document on the development and utilization of public data was issued, and the Fujian Big Data Exchange was established to accelerate the cultivation of the data element market.

In line with the world-class level, we will continue to promote the innovation and reform of the business environment. Local laws and regulations such as the Regulations on Optimizing the Business Environment of Fujian Province have been promulgated. Carry out market access efficiency assessments, and improve mechanisms for online handling of the entire process of discovery, identification, and disposal of hidden barriers. Optimize the construction of government efficiency, deepen the reform of digital government, promote the interconnection and sharing of government affairs data, and deepen the innovation of government service models. Promote the reform of "doing one thing efficiently" and effectively reduce the institutional transaction costs of enterprises. Improve mechanisms for the coordinated protection of civil, criminal, and administrative intellectual property rights, and build a dispute resolution and litigation service system. Innovate and establish a digital monitoring and supervision mechanism for the business environment, and carry out "unannounced inspections" of the business environment on a regular basis.

Recite the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" in the new era, and improve the mechanism for coordinated development of urban and rural areas. Establish the idea of "a game of chess", issue opinions on further deepening and solidifying the cooperation between mountains and seas in the new era to promote regional coordinated development, make solid progress in the construction of high-quality development demonstration zones in western Fujian's old revolutionary base areas, and accelerate the revitalization and development of old Soviet areas. In-depth study of the experience of the "Ten Million Project", the implementation of the "Thousand Villages Demonstration Leading, Ten Thousand Villages Common Prosperity and Common Beauty" project, focusing on the county level to promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas, promote the comprehensive reform of agriculture and rural areas, and take the road of rural revitalization with Fujian characteristics. Accelerate the integrated development of Fuzhou metropolitan area and Xiamen-Zhangquan, and form a "one-hour living circle" in Fuzhou-Xiamen and a "half-hour traffic circle" in Xiamen-Zhangquan. The "Fujian-Ningbo model" has become a model of cooperation between the east and west of the country, the work of aiding Tibet and Xinjiang has remained at the forefront of the country, and the counterpart cooperation mechanism between Shanghai Sanming and Guangzhou Longyan has been gradually improved.

We have always dared to take the lead in experimenting, continuously deepened the reform with Fujian's characteristics, and given full play to the role of the "experimental field" of reform and opening up

Make good use of the advantages of the "multi-district superposition" policy, explore ways to break through problems and innovate in the reform of Fujian-Taiwan integration, opening up, ecological civilization, etc., and constantly shape new momentum and new advantages for development.

Implement the special mission and actively explore new paths for cross-strait integration and development. Solidly promote the construction of cross-strait integrated development demonstration zones, accelerate the construction of the first home for Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan enterprises, so that the majority of Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan enterprises can settle, retain and develop well. Focusing on bringing the "life circle" closer, we took the lead in releasing and implementing a list of 225 items of equal treatment for Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan enterprises, improved the policy support and service system for Taiwanese youth to work and start businesses in Fujian, and accelerated the establishment of a cross-strait social integration mechanism. Focus on tightening the "cooperation chain", establish a list of major projects for the integrated development of Fujian and Taiwan, implement a priority guarantee mechanism for approval, elements and funds, build high-quality Taiwanese investment zones and Taiwan farmers' pioneer parks, etc., and continuously improve the cross-strait economic integration mechanism. Focus on drawing "concentric circles", implement the continuation of family and hometown feelings, create cross-strait non-governmental exchange brands such as the Straits Forum and the Straits Youth Festival, and deepen and expand the cross-strait emotional integration mechanism. We will speed up the opening up and development of the Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone, solidly promote the construction of "one island, two windows and three zones", and build an all-round opening pattern to Taiwan. Solidly promote the pilot of Xiamen's comprehensive reform, improve the quality and efficiency of the integration between Xiamen and Kinmen, and promote the integrated development of the whole region.

Promote reform through opening up and speed up the construction of a new system of open economy. Focusing on service and integration into the new development pattern, adhering to the "two-wheel drive" of reform and opening-up, the pilot free trade zone has launched a total of 275 national initiatives and 35 innovative practices to promote to the whole country, the construction of Xiamen's BRICS innovation base has been steadily promoted, and institutional opening-up has continued to expand. The construction of the core area of the Maritime Silk Road has been deepened and solidified, and the construction of international cooperation brands such as "Silk Road Shipping", "Silk Road Investment", "Two Countries and Two Parks" and "Maritime Silk Road Central Legal Zone" has been accelerated; The first China Overseas Chinese Intelligence Development Conference was held, an effective docking mechanism for projects, talents and resources was established, and the working mechanism for overseas Chinese affairs in the new era was continuously improved, so that the pace of promoting reform and development through opening up became more and more solid.

Build a beautiful Fujian and continue to deepen the reform of the ecological civilization system. Always keeping in mind that "green mountains and clear waters are priceless treasures", we have unswervingly implemented the strategy of ecological province, achieved fruitful results in the construction of national ecological civilization pilot zones, and promoted 39 reform measures in the fields of natural resource asset property rights, land and space development and protection, environmental governance system, and comprehensive improvement of water resources and water environment to the whole country, and the forest coverage rate has remained the first in the country for 45 consecutive years. Focus on answering the "four questions of forest reform" in a continuous manner, promote comprehensive reforms such as clarifying ownership, revitalizing management rights, implementing disposal rights, and ensuring income rights, improve the value realization mechanism of ecological products, and incorporate innovative achievements such as forest tickets and forestry carbon tickets into the national plan for deepening the reform of the collective forest tenure system. Taking the opportunity of Wuyi Mountain being selected as one of the first national parks, a nature reserve system with Fujian characteristics was constructed. Fujian's sky is bluer, the mountains are greener, the water is clearer, and the environment is more beautiful, which has become a vivid practice of Xi Jinping's thought on ecological civilization.

We have always adhered to the supremacy of the people, deepened the reform of the social and people's livelihood, and continuously improved the quality of people's life and the sense of gain from reform

Adhere to the people-centered value orientation of reform, start by solving the most immediate and realistic interests of the masses, plan reform ideas, formulate reform measures, and promote the results of reform to benefit the people more and more fairly.

Continue to deepen the reform of the medical and health system. Unswervingly support and protect Sanming's exploration and innovation, and continuously deepen the coordinated development and governance of the "three medicines", the relevant reform experience has been promoted by the State Council's leading group for medical reform for many times, and Sanming City has been approved as the only deepening medical reform experience promotion base in the country. Coordinate the reform and high-quality development of public hospitals, promote the construction of regional medical centers, medical "double highs", and close-knit county-level medical communities, and the evaluation of the comprehensive reform effect of public hospitals has ranked among the top in the country for 9 consecutive years. Deepen the integrated reform of "drug price protection", improve the dynamic adjustment of medical service prices, centralized procurement of drug consumables and other mechanisms. We have explored a new model of national health management, promoted the transformation from "disease-centered" to "people's health-centered", and steadily improved the health literacy level of residents.

Deeply promote the reform of social undertakings. Improve the people's livelihood investment guarantee mechanism, and more than 70% of the province's annual fiscal expenditure is invested in the field of people's livelihood. By carrying out "rectification of problems", "consultation on problems" and "legislation on small incisions", we will actively respond to the concerns of the masses and better solve their worries. In the past 10 years, the number of urban employment in the province has increased by more than 5 million, the unemployment rate index has been kept within the control target for a long time, and the reform models such as group schooling, "Fujian Health Care", "Elderly Canteen", and "Quick Compensation 121" for traffic accidents have been emerging. Improve the multi-level social security system, establish and improve the dynamic monitoring and assistance mechanism for the low-income population, and make the support for the needy groups more effective and warm-hearted.

Innovate and improve social governance methods. Adhere to and develop the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era, establish and improve the diversified mechanism for resolving contradictions and disputes, comprehensively promote the "neighborhood party building" model, and formulate and issue the country's first local regulations to standardize village rules and regulations. Carry forward the spirit of "Zhangzhou 110" in the new era, solidly promote the physical construction of the comprehensive management center, and rank among the top in the country in the performance evaluation of safe construction. Build a food and drug safety supervision system, innovate the management mechanism of drug use, continue to build a "food safety project", deepen the control of "table pollution", and maintain the "safety on the tip of the tongue" of the masses.

We have always strengthened the party's leadership, adhered to the correct reform methodology, and continuously improved the comprehensive efficiency of comprehensively deepening reform

Give full play to the leading role of the party committee in the overall reform work, adhere to the direction, seek the overall situation, cohesion, promote implementation, and solidly promote the reform to improve quality, expand the scope and increase efficiency.

Comprehensively strengthen overall leadership and improve the working mechanism for in-depth reform. Establish and improve the reform work system of the Provincial Party Committee and the Deep Reform Committee to coordinate the overall planning, the special working group to take the lead and coordinate, and the coordination of all localities and departments, and to run the party's leadership through the whole process of reform in all aspects. Further strengthen the "deliberation" and "coordination" functions of the Provincial Party Committee Deep Reform Committee, and the Provincial Party Committee Deep Reform Committee regularly studies the reform work in key areas, clarifies that the provincial leaders will lead the promotion and coordination of the implementation of major reform matters, promote the solution of cross-field, cross-departmental, and cross-regional difficult and blocking problems, and promote the improvement of the quality and efficiency of reform work.

We should thoroughly implement the "three contentions" action and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all sectors for reform. In the face of the new journey of comprehensively deepening reform, the Provincial Party Committee deployed and implemented the action of "striving for excellence through deep learning, daring to be the first, and striving for efficiency through hard work", consolidating and expanding the educational achievements of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, guiding and promoting Party members and cadres to break the mindset and path dependence, and to carry out the spirit of reform, reform thinking, and reform methods throughout all work, so as to dare to take the lead, be a pioneer, and strive for first-class. Efforts will be made to promote the normalization and institutionalization of the "three contentions" action, establish and improve the "four mechanisms" of responsibility implementation, employment orientation, selection of models, and publicity and reporting, and carry out the selection of outstanding reform cases for two consecutive years, and continue to create a strong atmosphere of "dare to do, dare to break through, dare to do, and dare to be the first" in the province.

Strengthen the integration of reform systems, and build a work pattern of coordination and integration of upper and lower levels. Based on the overall situation of reform, strengthen the overall planning, introduce an in-depth implementation plan for comprehensively deepening reform, deploy and implement key reform tasks in different fields, formulate the annual work points of the Provincial Party Committee and the Deep Reform Committee every year, and guide all departments to clarify reform responsibilities and refine reform measures. Respect the spirit of initiative, encourage grassroots innovation, launch integrated reform pilots in the fields of home-based community elderly care services and green development mechanism innovation, and deploy and implement special reforms of "one city, one pilot, one county, one characteristic", so as to enhance reform and innovation, leadership and breakthrough. Through the benign interaction between top-level design and grassroots exploration, Fujian's reform flavor is stronger and more colorful.

Pay more attention to the effectiveness of reform, and grasp the implementation in the spirit of nailing. Establish the "four lists" of the province's reform work, that is, the major reform tasks deployed by the central government, the national-level reform pilot given to Fujian, the characteristic reform projects planned and implemented at the provincial level, and the reform pilot exploration launched by local independent innovation. Establish a mechanism for the meeting of the Provincial Party Committee Deep Reform Committee to listen to the implementation of the reform of the special working group on a regular basis, optimize the liaison meeting system of the special working group, and strengthen the responsibilities of each special working group to implement the reform. Deepen the use of the "four grassroots" system, carry out special supervision of reform, do a detailed and practical work on regular scheduling, tracking and supervision, evaluation and effectiveness of key reform tasks, and tighten the chain of responsibility for the implementation of reform.

The upcoming Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) will make strategic arrangements for further deepening reform in an all-round way and promoting Chinese-style modernization. We must thoroughly study and implement a series of new ideas, new views and new assertions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on comprehensively deepening reform, and do a solid job in further deepening reform with the ambition and courage to stand at the forefront and be a pioneer, and strive to write a chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Fujian.