
Multiple departments in Anyue County jointly carried out elevator emergency rescue drills and special equipment safety publicity activities

author:Yasutake Flux

On June 29, representatives of Anyue County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, Anyue County Real Estate Management Bureau, Yuecheng Street, Shiqiao Street, Yueyang Town and 43 property companies jointly carried out elevator emergency rescue drills and special equipment safety publicity activities in Jinxin No. 1 Square to improve the emergency rescue capabilities of relevant departments in the face of elevator emergencies and enhance the safety awareness of relevant personnel and the people.

Multiple departments in Anyue County jointly carried out elevator emergency rescue drills and special equipment safety publicity activities

The drill activity simulates the failure of a passenger elevator. According to the process of the emergency plan, after the elevator fails, the passenger presses the alarm bell in the car to request rescue, and the personnel on duty notify the elevator safety administrator through the intercom, and at the same time do a good job of comforting the "trapped personnel"; The elevator safety administrator notifies the elevator maintenance unit and attends the scene to stabilize the mood of the "trapped personnel"; The rescuers of the maintenance unit responded in time to rescue the "trapped people". The whole exercise process was well organized, the measures were appropriate, and all links were tightly connected to achieve the expected results.

Multiple departments in Anyue County jointly carried out elevator emergency rescue drills and special equipment safety publicity activities

At the event site, the staff also preached the safety knowledge of taking the escalator and distributed the elevator safety knowledge publicity materials to the residents, so that the masses could more intuitively understand how to take the elevator safely.

Multiple departments in Anyue County jointly carried out elevator emergency rescue drills and special equipment safety publicity activities

In the next step, the Anyue County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau and other departments will continue to strengthen the safety inspection of elevators in densely populated places, consolidate the main responsibility of special equipment users, and urge elevator maintenance units to strictly implement maintenance and emergency duty work, so as to escort the safety of people's lives and property.

Reporter: Ellen Flower

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