
Twice diagnosed with cancer and still lived to be 109 years old! The famous writer Ma Shitu's anti-cancer and longevity secrets are these 5 points

author:Doctor Sanqin

Content Sources:

1. National Cancer Center. China Cancer Statistical Annual Report 2019. Beijing:People's Medical Publishing House, 2019.

2. Li Qing, Zhang Chi. New Advances in Targeted Therapy for Lung Cancer. Chinese Journal of Lung Diseases, 2020, 13(5): 1023-1029.

3. Liu Yang, Song Lixin. "Advances in the application of immunotherapy in the treatment of malignant tumors". Chinese Medical Journal, 2021, 101(22): 1668-1672.

In the Chinese literary world, there are many people who are respected by the world, among which Ma Zhitu Ma Lao can be called a weather vane. One of the "Ten Tales of the Night" created by him, "The Story of the Thief", was adapted into the movie "Let the Bullets Fly", which became the box office champion at the time, and also pushed him into the public eye again, attracting much attention.

However, Ma Zhitu's life experience is much more bumpy than most, born in the war-torn era, the precarious days make him scared all day long, always on guard against the every move of the people around him. Fortunately, after nine deaths, he ushered in the dawn of hope.

After spending a fairly flat middle-aged life, his later life once again gave him a dismount. In 2001, Ma was diagnosed with kidney cancer.

Twice diagnosed with cancer and still lived to be 109 years old! The famous writer Ma Shitu's anti-cancer and longevity secrets are these 5 points

That year, Ma Lao was 86 years old. But he never stopped creating, writing all day long, and often didn't fall asleep until late at night. The family persuaded him to take care of his health, but he blew his beard and glared at him bluntly saying that he was in good health.

However, he slowly sensed that something was wrong. The lower limbs began to swell, and a pit could be formed when pressed down with the hand, and the limbs became weak and weak, and it was difficult to lift the hand to write. After a period of time, Ma Lao went to the hospital accompanied by his family, and was told that it was kidney cancer.

After the consultation, the doctors agreed that Ma Lao's condition was serious and that immediate surgery was needed, otherwise things would become very troublesome when the cancer cells metastasized. The family thought that Ma was old and whether he could get off the operating table smoothly was a problem, so he didn't dare to sign and agree to the operation.

At this time, Ma Lao was extremely optimistic, and bluntly said, "If you have cancer, you will get it, eating grains will give rise to all kinds of diseases, there is nothing to be afraid of!" With these words, the operation was able to go smoothly. After a few hours of surgery, everyone present was apprehensive, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief at the moment of stitching.

Twice diagnosed with cancer and still lived to be 109 years old! The famous writer Ma Shitu's anti-cancer and longevity secrets are these 5 points

Ma Lao recovered well after the operation and was soon discharged from the hospital. After that, he was able to fully recover and his life was back on track.

In 2007, Ma Zhitu was diagnosed with lung cancer. The five-year survival rate for lung cancer has remained low, but the five-year survival rate for early-stage lung cancer has increased from 15% over the same period to about 55% today.

After the last cancer experience, the 92-year-old Ma Lao seemed more calm. Eating and drinking without delay, in cooperation with the doctor's treatment plan, during which Ma Lao asked his children to bring the manuscript paper to the hospital to continue writing, and even created the sequel to "Ten Tales of the Night" in the ward.

Ma Lao once said that there was no word surrender in his dictionary, and his family was worried that he would not be able to carry it, but he was inspired and made the most stubborn resistance to the disease in his own way. After half a year of drug treatment, Ma Shitu once again achieved success in fighting cancer.

Suffering from cancer twice, Ma Zhitu is still in good spirits and has won a big victory, which is unimaginable to ordinary people. Because of this, many people have speculated whether it is because Ma Lao has medical resources that ordinary people cannot reach, so that it can go so smoothly.

Twice diagnosed with cancer and still lived to be 109 years old! The famous writer Ma Shitu's anti-cancer and longevity secrets are these 5 points

Regarding the speculation of the outside world, Ma Lao has never responded. Gradually, these voices faded away, and it was not until March 28, 2024, when the news of Ma Laoxian's death came out, that people once again paid attention to this centenarian who had two successful cancer fighting experiences.

The secret of his longevity has also been hotly discussed again, and in this regard, Ma Lao's interview before his death can see clues: it all depends on these 5 "gets"!

Twice diagnosed with cancer and still lived to be 109 years old! The famous writer Ma Shitu's anti-cancer and longevity secrets are these 5 points

Longevity has always been one of the important goals pursued by human beings, and the way to achieve this goal mainly involves all aspects of lifestyle. The five points of "eating, sleeping, walking, writing, and enduring" can be regarded as a microcosm of the secret of longevity.

First of all, "eating well" means eating a balanced and nutritious diet. From a nutritional point of view, a proper diet can ensure that the body receives various essential nutrients, such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

These nutrients are essential for maintaining the body's basic life activities, supporting cell growth and repair, and providing energy. Moreover, a reasonable diet also involves the control of intake, and excessive or insufficient consumption will lead to metabolic imbalance in the body, which in turn will cause health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Twice diagnosed with cancer and still lived to be 109 years old! The famous writer Ma Shitu's anti-cancer and longevity secrets are these 5 points

Second, "sleeping well" is about getting enough and quality sleep. Medical studies have shown that good sleep plays an important role in promoting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health, regulating endocrine, and enhancing the immune system. Adequate sleep helps the brain remove metabolic waste products and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases, and it is also the basis for mental state and emotional regulation, which is beneficial for reducing stress and preventing mood disorders such as depression and anxiety.

"Walking" mainly emphasizes a moderate amount of physical activity. Proper exercise can improve cardiopulmonary function, strengthen muscles and bones, improve the overall metabolic capacity of the body, and can also regulate blood lipids, lower blood pressure, and prevent cardiovascular diseases. In addition, regular physical activity can also promote the release of "happy hormones" such as endorphins, which can help improve mental health and quality of life.

"Writing" uniquely reflects the importance of spiritual and cultural life. Writing is not only a creative activity, but also a way of reflection and self-expression, which can help individuals clarify their life goals, reduce psychological stress, and improve their emotional management skills. In addition, continuous mental activity, such as writing, reading, etc., helps to improve cognitive function and delay brain aging.

Twice diagnosed with cancer and still lived to be 109 years old! The famous writer Ma Shitu's anti-cancer and longevity secrets are these 5 points

Finally, "withstanding" reflects the ability to adjust to mindset and cope with stress. In the complex and ever-changing modern life, learning to adapt to the environment, deal with interpersonal relationships, and accept inevitable challenges can effectively reduce psychological stress and emotional distress, which is beneficial to mental health. In addition, a positive and optimistic attitude is also thought to be associated with enhanced immune function and a reduced risk of disease.

To sum up, the five points of "eating, sleeping, walking, writing, and bearing" reflect the all-round embodiment of a healthy lifestyle, from reasonable diet, adequate sleep, regular exercise, spiritual and cultural life to mental adjustment.

The practice and persistence of these habits not only help to improve the physical health of individuals, but also have a positive impact on psychological state and social adaptability, thus forming a virtuous circle of promoting health and prolonging life. Therefore, practicing these five points is actually actively building and maintaining a well-rounded, healthy lifestyle, which is also one of the important secrets of longevity.