
Important, be sure to check it out!

author:Zhangjiajie in the palm of your hand


Important, be sure to check it out!

It's summer vacation again! Summer vacation is not only a time for children to have fun, but also a period of high risk prone to drowning, electric shock, fire, disastrous weather, traffic accidents...... How to ensure the safety of children during the summer vacation? This is something to keep in mind


Drowning prevention

The hot weather during the summer vacation, coupled with the increased rainfall intensity during the flood season, has led to a high incidence of drowning incidents. Parents and children alike must be vigilant!

1. Do not swim in the water without permission.

2. Do not play in areas such as rivers, water platforms, and construction site ponds.

3. Do not swim without a parent or guardian.

4. Do not pick up items that have fallen into rivers and other waters.

5. Do not wash things or fish for shrimp by the river.

6. Do not play or swim in rivers, lakes and other places without safety facilities and rescue personnel.

7. Don't swim in unfamiliar waters.

8. Don't frolic in the pool.

9. If you find a companion drowning, seek adult help immediately, and throw a lifebuoy, foam board, lifesaving rope, etc. to the drowning person, but do not blindly rescue them.


Safe at home

Important, be sure to check it out!

1. Don't play in bay windows or on balconies. 2. Do not touch household appliances with wet hands or a damp cloth. 3. Don't open the door to strangers. 4. Don't throw objects out of the window. 5. Standardize the use of gas equipment, knives, etc. 6. Don't play with fire, call 119 in time if you find a fire.


Travel safely

1. Obey traffic laws and regulations, do not run red lights, and do not climb over barriers. 2. Keep a certain distance from the car and do not play on the side of the road or in the blind spot of the vehicle. 3. Under the age of 12 must not ride a bicycle on the street, and under the age of 16 must not ride an electric vehicle on the road. 4. Don't look at your phone, listen to music, or play while walking or cycling. 5. Do not play at the entrance and exit of motor vehicles, on the side of the road or in the blind spot of the vehicle. 6. Consciously abide by the rules of public transportation. 7. Do not cross the railroad tracks at will, and do not walk on the side of the railroad tracks or play at railroad crossings.


Travel safely

1. Do not participate in "donkey tours" or adventure tours.

2. Do not travel to areas with frequent geological disasters. In case of extreme weather, do not go to dangerous areas such as mountains and river valleys, and do not wade in the water.

3. Take buses, planes and other means of transportation, and consciously fasten your seat belt; Take a cruise, ferry, bamboo raft, etc., and consciously wear a life jacket.

4. When checking into the hotel, you should know the fire escape routes and safety exits in time.

5. Do not stay in places with danger signs, and do not take photos or photographs in places where photography is prohibited.

6. In case of emergencies, follow the command and respond calmly.


Electricity safety

Important, be sure to check it out!

1. Understand the main power switch and learn to turn off the main power supply in an emergency.

2. Do not use your hands or conductive objects (such as wires, nails, pins and other metal products) to touch or probe the inside of the power outlet.

3. Do not touch the appliance with wet hands, and do not wipe the appliance with a damp cloth.

4. Try to avoid using multiple high-power electrical appliances at the same time to avoid overloading electricity.

5. When using household appliances, in case of smoke or fire, unplug the power cord immediately and cut off the power supply.

6. If you find someone electrocuted, call an adult for help, and don't deal with it yourself, so as to prevent serial electrocution.


Prevent fires

Important, be sure to check it out!

1. When using a gas or gas stove, it must be supervised by an adult and should not be used as much as possible.

2. If you find a gas leak, close the valve and open the window for ventilation, cut off the power supply, do not use an open flame, and do not make a phone call to avoid explosion.

3. Do not place mosquito coils and candles directly on flammable floors, tables and chairs, and keep away from flammable materials such as carpets, curtains, and bedding.

4. If you find a fire, you should call 119 to call the police in time, and try to explain where and what is on fire and the size of the fire when calling the police.


Prepare for severe weather

Important, be sure to check it out!

Summer is the flood season, frequent typhoons, heavy rain, lightning and other disastrous weather, be sure to do a good job of typhoon, rainstorm, lightning protection, etc., so that children master the necessary safety protection knowledge.

1. Pay attention to weather forecasts and early warning information in time, and avoid going out in situations that are not suitable for outdoor activities.

2. Don't watch TV or call fixed phones during thunderstorms, and cut off power to fixed household appliances depending on the situation.

3. When encountering thunderstorms outside, quickly find a safe lightning shelter, such as indoor buildings or vehicles, and avoid staying in the open air, under trees or near water.

4. Play in thunderstorms, avoid touching metal pipes, etc.

5. Pay attention to observation when walking in stagnant water to prevent falling into manholes, pits and holes.

6. Stay away from fences, billboards, and large trees to prevent accidents.

7. Avoid activities in low-lying areas and areas threatened by landslides.

8. When going out in a sudden rainstorm, take shelter from the rain and stay away from dangerous areas such as high-voltage lines and electrical equipment.


Prevent heat stroke

1. Minimize going out as much as possible in hot weather, and it is recommended to do a good job of sun protection when going out, such as wearing a parasol, a sunhat and sunglasses.

2. After sweating profusely, replenish water in time.

Source丨First Instance of China Emergency Management Newspaper and Financial Media Work Department| Wang Yan's second trial丨Zhou Mi's third trial丨Zhou Heping's production丨Zhangjiajie

Important, be sure to check it out!

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