
The web version 1.9.0 of the water economy micro map was released

author:Water is injected into GIS

A new version of the Water Meridian Micro Map (referred to as "Micro Map") has been launched, in which the main functions of loading WGS84 image sources, Mars coordinate map source loading, large font image source loading, and multi-faceted features have been added.

Now, let's share with you the main new features of this iteration, as well as the performance of some of them.

Current version

The current version number is: 1.9.0-beta.5

If you find a problem in this version, please report to us in a timely manner.

For more information on versioning of our products, please refer to the article "Semantic Versioning Specification for Water Scripture Note Version 1.2.0".

You can experience the new features by opening the following URL.           

You can also search for the "Water Jing Micro Map" applet in WeChat or scan the QR code below to experience it immediately.

The web version 1.9.0 of the water economy micro map was released

Water meridian micro map applet

What's new

The main features of Micromap Web 1.9.0 include:

(1) Added WGS84 image source loading function;

(2) Added GCJ02 Mars coordinate source loading function;

(3) Added the function of loading large font image source;

(4) New support for multi-faceted elements;

(5) Optimization of known bugs and interface functions.

In this function upgrade, the main time and energy spent on the support of multi-geometric elements, as well as the research and development of WGS84 and GCJ02 source support.

The image source loading effect is displayed

In the main menu of the map, click the Image Source button to open the Image Source Manager, and in the Image Source Manager, click the "Add" button to add the Image Source.

The web version 1.9.0 of the water economy micro map was released

Image source management

In the Add Source Management interface, you can set the map projection to Mercator, Mercator China, or WGS84.

Among them, Mercator China is GCJ02, that is, everyone often says that there are Mars coordinates, and when the data source is loaded, the map will be automatically corrected.

The tile size can be set to 256 or 512, where 512 will generally be displayed in large font.

The web version 1.9.0 of the water economy micro map was released

Add a source

Now you want to show the loading effect of several sources, including 2D and 3D.

The web version 1.9.0 of the water economy micro map was released

WGS84 privatizes global image loading 2D effects

The web version 1.9.0 of the water economy micro map was released

WGS84 privatizes global imagery to load 3D effects

The web version 1.9.0 of the water economy micro map was released

GCJ02 AutoNavi satellite image two-dimensional effect

The web version 1.9.0 of the water economy micro map was released

GCJ02 3D effect of AutoNavi satellite imagery

The web version 1.9.0 of the water economy micro map was released

Satellite imagery in large print

The web version 1.9.0 of the water economy micro map was released

Large-print electronic map

The web version 1.9.0 of the water economy micro map was released

Large font topographic map

When adding a map projection, be sure to make sure that the set parameters match the source of the map, otherwise it may cause the map to display abnormally or the coordinates to be offset.

Update the relevant documentation

To make it easier for you to understand the previous updates, here's a list of relevant documentation.

Water Classic Micromap Web version 1.8.0 was released

Water Classic Micromap Web version 1.7.0 was released

Water Classic Micro Map Web Version 1.6.0 is released

Water Classic Micromap Web version 1.5.0 is released

The new version of the micro map of the water economy is released (1.4.0)

The web version of the water meridian micromap was released (1.1.0)

A list of 309 functions in the web version of the water meridian micrograph

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Write at the end

This article shares the new and optimized features of Micromap Web 1.9.0, I hope these features will be useful to you.

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