
ArcGIS cartographic specification symbol library sharing

author:Water is injected into GIS

In the article "1:25,000, 1:50,000, 1:100,000 Military Topographic Map Schemas", we have shared military topographic maps for you.

In the "ArcGIS Forestry Symbol Library Sharing" articles such as "Super Practical Tritone Symbol Library Sharing and Downloading" and "1:10,000 Topographic Map Symbol Library Sharing", I have shared the symbol libraries of Tritone, topographic map and forestry for you.

Now I will share with you a cartographic symbol library, please check the how to receive the symbol library file at the end of this article.

Cartographic Specification Symbol Library Description

In March 2021, the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) issued the Specification for the Mapping of Municipal Land and Space Master Planning (Trial) (hereinafter referred to as the "Specification"), which provides a set of symbols for the mapping specification.

The symbol library consists of 4 style files, including land and sea classification, planning zoning, various control line symbols and other symbols, as shown in the figure below.

ArcGIS cartographic specification symbol library sharing

Specification documents and symbol library

Among them, the main colors of the land and sea are given in the previous version of the national standard, which are all surface \ fill symbols.

ArcGIS cartographic specification symbol library sharing

Guidelines for the classification and color matching of land and sea

The color matching guide table of planning zoning gives the color matching of the first and second planning zoning, all of which are surface \ fill symbols.

ArcGIS cartographic specification symbol library sharing

Planning zoning color matching guideline table

The various control line color matching and expression guide tables include two types: face\fill symbol and line symbol.

ArcGIS cartographic specification symbol library sharing

Various control line color matching and expression guideline tables

Other symbols include 10 kinds of reference symbols, including comprehensive transportation, power facilities, water supply and drainage facilities, gas facilities, sanitation facilities, heating facilities, communication facilities, comprehensive disaster prevention and mitigation, public service facilities, and historical and cultural protection, including three kinds of point \ mark symbols, surface \ fill symbols and line symbols.

ArcGIS cartographic specification symbol library sharing

Other symbols are displayed

It can be seen that the symbols contained in the symbol library this time are also rich and comprehensive, and you can use them by simply adding the style to the style manager in ArcGIS.

How to load the style file

The library of municipal cartographic norms shared here can be imported in ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro, and we will use the latter as an example to illustrate how to use it.

Click the Insert\Import tool in ArcGIS Pro to start importing coordinate data.

ArcGIS cartographic specification symbol library sharing

Import a symbol library in ArcGIS Pro

Find the downloaded style file, select it, and click OK.

ArcGIS cartographic specification symbol library sharing

Locate the file and add it

To import the data that needs to be mapped, select "Symbology" in the context menu of the layer to open the imported symbol library.

ArcGIS cartographic specification symbol library sharing

Right-click the layer to open the symbology

As you can see, it contains all kinds of symbols that have been added, and you can use it by clicking on it.

ArcGIS cartographic specification symbol library sharing

Select the desired symbol

Repeat the above steps to configure the corresponding symbols for the other layers, and after the symbols are configured, the map will display the map data according to the selected legend.

ArcGIS cartographic specification symbol library sharing

Symbol configuration effect display

The "Specification" mapping colors and symbols are applicable to the production of the overall planning of land space in the national municipal administrative regions (cities, prefectures, prefectures, leagues), and the content not specified in the "Specification" can be implemented with reference to the drafting provisions of other professional standards.

The Tritone Symbol Library will be available soon

Feature symbols are a full expression of map information, and can also make the map more intuitive and beautiful.

Because of this, we will also introduce the three-tone symbol library in the water meridian micro map (referred to as "micro map"), please look forward to it.

At present, there are only the following symbol libraries in the web version of Micromap for you to mark and draw your own map.

ArcGIS cartographic specification symbol library sharing

Point feature picture symbol library

ArcGIS cartographic specification symbol library sharing

A library of vector symbols for point features

ArcGIS cartographic specification symbol library sharing

Line style library

ArcGIS cartographic specification symbol library sharing

Polygon style library

ArcGIS cartographic specification symbol library sharing

Text annotation public map symbol library

ArcGIS cartographic specification symbol library sharing

Text-annotated historical map symbol library

You can open the following URL to immediately experience the feature symbol configuration function in the web version of the micromap.           

Write at the end

This article shares the use of the cartographic symbol library in ArcGIS, and also briefly shares the symbol library in the web version of Micromap.

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