
Latest! The retail scale of drugs has reached 165.5 billion, and these types of drugs have performed well (with download)

author:New Kangjie

Zhongkang CMH China Pharmaceutical Out-of-Hospital Retail Market Analysis - Omni-channel, April 2024 data is freshly released! (Pay attention to Xinkang Circle, reply to [Omnichannel April], you can get the full report)

From January to April 2024, the scale of drug sales in China's pharmaceutical retail market reached 165.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 1.5%, with a steady increase. In terms of channels, the scale of retail pharmacies (including O2O) accounted for 87.8%, with a growth rate of 1.1%, and the importance of e-commerce B2C was further enhanced, accounting for 12.2% and a growth rate of 4.6%.

Latest! The retail scale of drugs has reached 165.5 billion, and these types of drugs have performed well (with download)

Prescription drugs have a higher share in retail pharmacies and B2C, and the growth rate is higher than that of over-the-counter drugs; The share of over-the-counter drugs in O2O is relatively high, and both prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs have a rapid growth rate.

Latest! The retail scale of drugs has reached 165.5 billion, and these types of drugs have performed well (with download)

The category pattern in different channels is very different, and the channel attributes are prominent

  • Daily drugs and standing medicines, such as colds and heat, gastrointestinal diseases and vitamin and mineral supplements, entered the top 10 in all channels;
  • Retail pharmacies show professionalism, and oncology drugs, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, and hypertension drugs rank high;
  • B2C is easy to stock up on drugs and has privacy, and skin drugs and urinary system drugs rank among the top three;
  • O2O is convenient, fast and time-sensitive, and the growth rate of cold medicines, cough and expectorants, oral and throat drugs, and systemic anti-infective drugs is prominent.
Latest! The retail scale of drugs has reached 165.5 billion, and these types of drugs have performed well (with download)

Note: Retail pharmacies are national data; B2C includes Tmall +;

O2O includes the two major platforms of Meituan +, which are 70 cities with sales + 70% direct delivery to stores.

Pay attention to the new health industry and reply to [Omnichannel April] to get the full report

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