
Should the elderly stay away from hawthorn? The doctor reminds: These types of elderly people should eat as little as possible, don't care

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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In the current social life, the elderly have an increasing demand for health management. Hawthorn, as a widely spread fruit that has a variety of effects such as promoting digestion, lowering blood lipids and lowering blood pressure, is often considered to be a good product in the diet of the elderly. However, not all older people are suitable for large amounts of hawthorn.

Should the elderly stay away from hawthorn? The doctor reminds: These types of elderly people should eat as little as possible, don't care

If an elderly person consumes a large amount of hawthorn for a long time, what symptoms may occur? Although hawthorn has the effect of lowering blood lipids and aiding digestion, it also contains high organic acids, and long-term consumption of large amounts may lead to excessive stomach acid.

In this older man's case, he may experience persistent stomach discomfort, including symptoms such as stomach pain, heartburn, and even acid reflux. Especially for older people who already have stomach ulcers or excess stomach acid, hawthorn may exacerbate these symptoms.

Should the elderly stay away from hawthorn? The doctor reminds: These types of elderly people should eat as little as possible, don't care

Although hawthorn's cellulite reduction effect is praised, for some elderly people with dyslipidemia, if not accompanied by proper diet and medical control, trying to regulate blood lipids by eating large amounts of hawthorn alone may cause nutritional imbalances.

For example, this elderly person who relies on hawthorn to regulate his blood lipids may neglect a well-rounded and balanced diet by consuming too much of a certain nutrient, which can have a negative impact on health in the long run.

Should the elderly stay away from hawthorn? The doctor reminds: These types of elderly people should eat as little as possible, don't care

Hawthorn has a certain antihypertensive effect, for the elderly with normal or low blood pressure, frequent consumption of hawthorn in large quantities may cause low blood pressure, which can cause dizziness, fatigue and other hypotensive symptoms. Consumption of large amounts of hawthorn may cause a more frequent drop in blood pressure, affecting daily activity and quality of life.

Should the elderly stay away from hawthorn? The doctor reminds: These types of elderly people should eat as little as possible, don't care

Although hawthorn is a natural ingredient, it also contains certain sugars and fruit acids, and for diabetics or elderly people who need to control their blood sugar, long-term consumption of hawthorn in large quantities may make his blood sugar management more complicated and difficult.

Although hawthorn has many health benefits, moderate amounts are key for older people, especially those with pre-existing chronic conditions, and should be consumed with caution under the guidance of a doctor.

Should the elderly stay away from hawthorn? The doctor reminds: These types of elderly people should eat as little as possible, don't care

When it comes to the specific population of the elderly who should avoid excessive consumption of hawthorn, there are several different medical perspectives that can be explored in depth. These groups include people with heart disease, people with sensitive gastrointestinal functions, people with diabetes who have poor blood sugar control, and older people who are taking certain medications. Each category has its own specific rationale and physiological mechanism for why hawthorn intake should be reduced.

Should the elderly stay away from hawthorn? The doctor reminds: These types of elderly people should eat as little as possible, don't care

For people with heart disease, hawthorn, while thought to help with cardiovascular health, may interact poorly with some heart medications due to its ability to promote blood flow.

The vasodilating effect of hawthorn may exacerbate the antihypertensive effect of the drug, causing low blood pressure, which can cause symptoms such as dizziness and fatigue. In addition, some chemical components in hawthorn may interfere with the heart rhythm, especially for those elderly people who are already taking related medications due to irregular heartbeats, and hawthorn consumption without a doctor's guidance may complicate symptoms and affect the effectiveness of treatment.

Should the elderly stay away from hawthorn? The doctor reminds: These types of elderly people should eat as little as possible, don't care

For the elderly with sensitive gastrointestinal function, the high organic acid content in hawthorn is a problem that cannot be ignored. Organic acids stimulate gastric acid secretion to a certain extent, which may aggravate the symptoms of hyperacidity.

Especially for those elderly people who already have chronic gastritis or gastric ulcers, an excess of hawthorn may not only cause pain, but may also delay the healing process of the gastric mucosa. Therefore, this part of the elderly should be more cautious when consuming hawthorn to avoid aggravating the condition due to improper food choices.

Should the elderly stay away from hawthorn? The doctor reminds: These types of elderly people should eat as little as possible, don't care

Diabetics should pay special attention to the sugar content of hawthorn. Although hawthorn is not as high in sugar as some sweet fruits, the sugars it contains can cause blood sugar fluctuations in people with uncontrolled diabetes.

Especially without the guidance of a doctor, if the elderly diabetic patients consume a large amount of hawthorn, it may have a negative impact on their blood sugar management, especially when taking hypoglycemic drugs, it is necessary to pay more attention to the interaction between food and drugs to avoid dangerous conditions such as hypoglycemia.

Should the elderly stay away from hawthorn? The doctor reminds: These types of elderly people should eat as little as possible, don't care

For older adults who are taking anticoagulant drugs such as warfarin, hawthorn's hypolipid-lowering and circulation-improving properties may increase the risk of bleeding.

Because hawthorn has a slight anticoagulant effect, this may have a superimposed effect with anticoagulant medications, making patients more susceptible to bruising or other bleeding symptoms. Therefore, such elderly people should consult their doctor before consuming hawthorn to ensure that consuming hawthorn does not affect their medication regimen.

Should the elderly stay away from hawthorn? The doctor reminds: These types of elderly people should eat as little as possible, don't care

Although hawthorn offers a multifaceted health benefit to most older adults, it should be consumed with caution and under the guidance of a medical professional for specific health conditions and for older adults who are taking certain medications to ensure safe and effective health management.

This unique perspective reminds us that when recommending any natural food or supplement, it is important to consider individual differences and existing medical conditions.

Should the elderly stay away from hawthorn? The doctor reminds: These types of elderly people should eat as little as possible, don't care

When exploring fruits suitable for older adults, we need to consider not only their nutritional value and health benefits, but also a unique perspective on the potential benefits of these fruits for specific geriatric diseases. The following recommendations for consumption of fruits among older adults are not only based on their general nutritional value, but also include some of the health effects that may be less mentioned but are of great significance.

Should the elderly stay away from hawthorn? The doctor reminds: These types of elderly people should eat as little as possible, don't care

Kiwi is a fruit suitable for the elderly, it is rich in vitamins C and E, which not only strengthens the immune system, but also helps skin health, prevents and reduces skin dryness and wrinkles.

Kiwifruit also contains an enzyme called "plant tyrosine," which helps break down proteins and improve digestion, which is especially beneficial for older people, as the efficiency of the digestive system tends to decline as we age.

Should the elderly stay away from hawthorn? The doctor reminds: These types of elderly people should eat as little as possible, don't care

Cherry. Cherries are rich in anti-inflammatory components, such as cherrycin, which is especially beneficial for older adults with arthritis or other inflammatory diseases.

The natural compounds in cherries can help reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of gout attacks. Additionally, cherries are also believed to help improve sleep quality, as they are one of the few foods that contain melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate sleep cycles.

Should the elderly stay away from hawthorn? The doctor reminds: These types of elderly people should eat as little as possible, don't care

When choosing fruits that are suitable for the elderly, consider not only their basic nutritional value, but also the potential benefits of these fruits for specific health problems. This unique selection criterion not only helps older adults maintain their basic health needs, but also plays an important role in the prevention and management of age-related diseases.

What do you think about hawthorn? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Should the elderly stay away from hawthorn? The doctor reminds: These types of elderly people should eat as little as possible, don't care



[1] Zhang Meng, Zhang Li, Liu Mengya, Song Nannan, Zhou Jinglei. Association analysis of self-rated health status and mortality risk in older adults, Preventive Medicine, 2024-2

Should the elderly stay away from hawthorn? The doctor reminds: These types of elderly people should eat as little as possible, don't care

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