
The acknowledgment of the graduate thesis is only 5 words, challenging the ability of the tutor to bear, and netizens shouted: Too brave!

author:Yumi MaMa

Hello everyone, I'm Yumi MaMa~

It's the annual graduation season again, and at this time of year, a large number of graduating undergraduate and master's students begin to check their graduation theses over and over again.

The graduation thesis should be the last examination in every student's learning career, and the school, tutor, and the student themselves will pay special attention to it!

The acknowledgment of the graduate thesis is only 5 words, challenging the ability of the tutor to bear, and netizens shouted: Too brave!

I remember that when Youmi's mother was writing her essay at that time, the format alone was adjusted 3 times. In the middle, he was beaten back by the tutor countless times, pushed down and rewrote again and again, stayed up late again and again to revise the draft, and finally collapsed the moment he passed. Because it was difficult to complete, I thanked many people for the paper at that time.

When I was in school, the essay appreciation part was still very serious, and we would seriously thank the people who helped us during the study process. But in the past few days, I have swiped the paper thank you letters of some graduates, and I suddenly feel that this batch of graduates is "too brave".

Essay thanks for going off the beaten path

When I saw the thank you part of a student's paper, I only wrote one sentence: Thank you for my guidance of "seemingly directing but not directing"!

The acknowledgment of the graduate thesis is only 5 words, challenging the ability of the tutor to bear, and netizens shouted: Too brave!

According to this student's recollection, his tutor never read his thesis once from the opening to the submission for review, and only when the tutor wanted to find someone to work for, he would think of him.

I have to say that although most of the mentors are very responsible, it is not excluded that there are individual mentors who touch the fish. I don't know what they're up to, but it's really hard to find him, let alone guide him.

Some netizens said with empathy: He has never opened his paper, from the first draft to the blind review, and the documents sent to the tutor!

If you want to say that this kid is really "brave", just write "sarcasm" into the paper so straightforwardly, who can't say "admiration" when you read it!

Although some people ignore the student's thesis, most of the tutors are still quite responsible, such as this student who is in the paper, gritting his teeth and thanking his supervisor.

The acknowledgment of the graduate thesis is only 5 words, challenging the ability of the tutor to bear, and netizens shouted: Too brave!

He said: Thank you for your valuable comments on my graduation project. If it weren't for him, my dissertation would have been written long ago.

The feeling of loving and killing each other between master and apprentice overflowed across the screen. Inexplicably, people have a feeling of "all causes must have results, and your retribution is me"!

Although the students are complaining about their mentors with their lives, this thank-you speech still makes countless graduates turn into sour lemons!

The acknowledgment of the graduate thesis is only 5 words, challenging the ability of the tutor to bear, and netizens shouted: Too brave!

Some people said enviously: How can he de, and the tutor will change the paper!

Some people also blushed and said: Such a mentor is really responsible, and he also looks at it paragraph by paragraph! My own supervisor will only say "Your own thesis, don't count on me!" ”

In the letter of thanks, in addition to falling in love with their mentors, the students can also direct and act in a big play.

The acknowledgment of the graduate thesis is only 5 words, challenging the ability of the tutor to bear, and netizens shouted: Too brave!

Someone shouted: It's so tiring to write papers, no one is thankful anymore, thank myself, I am the best!

It's really tiring to write a paper, but it's the first time to thank yourself so blatantly! Today's students really "never let go of any of their own credits".

There are also people who take advantage of the paper to thank themselves blatantly, "Thank you mom for giving birth to me smart, cute, generous, and good-looking" What's the matter?

The acknowledgment of the graduate thesis is only 5 words, challenging the ability of the tutor to bear, and netizens shouted: Too brave!

Classmates, thank you for the sound of braised chicken in the Meiyuan canteen of Southeast University, I heard it thousands of miles away.

Let's just say that a graduation thesis really doesn't need to expose our "foodie" nature.

A paper can not only expose the attribute of "foodie", but also give full play to the character of some students who are natural comedians.

The acknowledgment of the graduate thesis is only 5 words, challenging the ability of the tutor to bear, and netizens shouted: Too brave!

For example, this student only used 5 words "I will really thank you" to turn the already serious thank you part into a witty and humorous part.

Among the graduates of each class, there are students who sell their foodie essence for the sake of yellow stewed chicken, and there are students who have the family and the country in mind and the righteousness of the nation.

The acknowledgment of the graduate thesis is only 5 words, challenging the ability of the tutor to bear, and netizens shouted: Too brave!

You see, although this student's gratitude is only 6 words "I hope for world peace", it instantly pulls the pattern of the paper to the ceiling level.

The acknowledgment of the graduate thesis is only 5 words, challenging the ability of the tutor to bear, and netizens shouted: Too brave!

Another student even used only the 4 words "thank the country", turning the supposed bland thanks into a little deafening.

The meaning of the essay thanks

After reading these funny or serious thank-you letters, many people questioned, what is the point of writing a paper and writing a paper, and getting a meaningless thank you letter?

The acknowledgment of the graduate thesis is only 5 words, challenging the ability of the tutor to bear, and netizens shouted: Too brave!

I consulted a friend who is a tutor at the university on this issue, and he said that in fact, the tutor doesn't care much about the gratitude part, and it is his freedom to write what the student writes, but this part is really indispensable.

This is because in the academic field, respect and integrity are crucial. By writing a thank you speech in the paper, the graduate is actually practicing this principle.

The recognition and appreciation of those who contributed to the completion of the dissertation demonstrates the children's respect for the labor and knowledge of others and is a sign of academic integrity.

My friend also said that when he read a student's paper, he would take a look at the thank you part. This is because he feels that through thank-you words, he can demonstrate students' interpersonal skills and gratitude to a certain extent. This ability is equally important in future careers, helping to build and maintain good interpersonal relationships, promoting teamwork and career development.

Indeed, from this point of view, although the thank-you part of the paper is a little verbose, to a certain extent, it is not a way to show the interpersonal skills of graduates and transmit positive energy.

I still remember that the acknowledgment part of a doctoral dissertation of the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, went viral on the Internet, he said:

"I have come a long way and endured a lot of hardships to get this doctoral dissertation to you. Twenty-two years of study, all the way through the wind and rain muddy, many not easy. It's like a dream, as if the family was reunited yesterday. ”

In the thanksgiving part of the paper, the student recalled how he walked all the way out of the small mountain col and fought against fate, which touched a large number of netizens.

This may be the original intention of the paper's gratitude~

Today's topic: What do you think about the gratitude part of the paper that is becoming more and more free?

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