
Americans: Why do only 20 million people in China have electricity at home? Netizens from all over the world watched and discussed

author:Chigyo Union

The U.S. misunderstanding of China's electricity situation is a complex topic that not only involves knowledge of China's power infrastructure, but also reflects cultural and information dissemination differences. Recently, an American netizen asked a ridiculous question on the American version of Zhihu, questioning whether only 20 million people in China have electricity at home. This question quickly sparked heated discussions among netizens, with many pointing out that this concept may still be stuck in the 80s of the last century, which is far from the reality.

First of all, we need to understand the history of China's electric power. Since the reform and opening up, China has experienced rapid industrialization and modernization, and the power industry has also developed rapidly. The Chinese government attaches great importance to the construction of power infrastructure and has invested a lot of resources in the expansion and upgrading of the power grid. Today, China has built one of the largest and most complex power systems in the world, covering almost all urban and rural areas.

According to the International Energy Agency, as of 2023, China ranks first in the world in total electricity generation, far surpassing the United States and other developed countries. China's electricity supply not only meets the huge domestic industrial and civil needs, but also exports power technology to other countries through international cooperation projects such as the Belt and Road Initiative, helping them improve their power situation.

However, the misunderstanding of American netizens may stem from stereotypes about China and the asymmetry of information. In the 80s of the last century, China did face the problem of power shortage, but with the rapid development of the economy and the progress of science and technology, this problem has long been solved. Both cities and villages in modern China enjoy a stable and reliable electricity supply, and household electricity has become a basic need in daily life.

In addition, China's electricity supply is highly diverse and sustainable. In addition to traditional thermal power generation, China is also vigorously developing clean energy such as hydropower, wind power, and solar power. The development of these new energy sources not only reduces the impact on the environment, but also provides more options and guarantees for power supply.

On social media, many netizens refuted this misconception by sharing their own experiences of living in China. They showed appliances in their homes, such as televisions, refrigerators, air conditioners, etc., which are direct evidence of the spread of electricity. At the same time, China's modern lifestyles such as mobile payment and smart home are also inseparable from stable power support.

Americans: Why do only 20 million people in China have electricity at home? Netizens from all over the world watched and discussed

However, despite China's great achievements in power supply, it still faces some challenges. For example, with the growth of population and economic development, the demand for electricity continues to rise, which puts forward higher requirements for the carrying capacity of the grid and the sustainable supply of energy. In addition, China is also working to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels and promote the transformation of its energy structure to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality.

Overall, the misunderstanding of Chinese electricity by American netizens reflects the information barriers and cognitive biases that exist in cross-cultural communication. Through more communication and understanding, we can dispel these misunderstandings and increase mutual understanding and trust. At the same time, China's experience and technology in power development can also provide valuable reference for global energy transition and sustainable development.

On the American version of Zhihu, an American netizen's question has attracted widespread attention and discussion. His questioning that only 20 million people in China have electricity at home not only seems absurd, but also exposes a serious misunderstanding of China's power infrastructure. In fact, as a fast-growing country, China's electricity supply already covers almost all areas of the country, including remote rural and mountainous areas.

The development of China's power industry can be traced back to the end of the 19th century, but the real rapid development began after the reform and opening up. According to 1, China's electric power industry began with the first installation of power generation on Nanjing Road in Shanghai in 1882, and has a history of more than a century. With the passage of time, China's power industry has undergone a transformation from starting to catching up, and then to leading the world in some fields. In 2005, the promulgation and implementation of the Renewable Energy Law of the People's Republic of China accelerated the development and utilization of renewable energy in China.

China has not only made remarkable achievements in the field of clean energy such as hydropower, wind power and solar energy, but also is at the forefront of the world in ultra-high voltage transmission technology. According to 2, China has many world-first records, such as the world's largest wind power grid-connected country, the world's largest UHVDC transmission project, and the world's largest thermal power plant in service. In many fields, China's power technology has become a leader in leading the direction of technological development and setting technical standards.

Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, China's power industry has achieved leapfrog development. From 57.12 million kilowatts of installed power generation capacity in 1978 to 1.777 billion kilowatts in 2017, China's installed power capacity and power generation capacity have surpassed those of the United States, becoming the world's largest power power. Behind this achievement is the Chinese government's great attention to and continuous investment in the construction of power infrastructure, as well as the continuous deepening of the reform of the power system.

The rapid development of China's power industry has not only provided strong support for domestic economic and social development, but also made important contributions to global energy transition and sustainable development. China's breakthroughs in ultra-high voltage transmission technology, nuclear power technology and other fields have broken the monopoly of foreign technology, achieved "corner overtaking", and gradually become the setter of international standards.

Americans: Why do only 20 million people in China have electricity at home? Netizens from all over the world watched and discussed

In addition, the competitiveness of Chinese power companies in the international market has also been significantly improved. Many power companies have not only achieved great success in China, but also made remarkable achievements in overseas markets, which has become a striking milestone of China's power development achievements in the past 40 years of reform and opening up. China's power companies have become an important force in promoting global modernization with increasing international influence.

However, despite China's great achievements in the power sector, it still faces some challenges. With the rapid development of the economy and the improvement of people's living standards, the demand for electricity continues to grow, which puts forward higher requirements for the stability and sustainability of power supply. In addition, China is also actively promoting the transformation of its energy structure, reducing its dependence on fossil fuels and developing clean energy to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality.

In general, the misunderstanding of China's power situation by American netizens reflects a lack of understanding of the history of China's power development and a misunderstanding of China's power status. Through more communication and understanding, we can dispel these misunderstandings and increase mutual understanding and trust. At the same time, China's experience and technology in power development can also provide valuable reference for global energy transition and sustainable development.

The question raised by American netizens on the American version of Zhihu about China's power situation has sparked heated discussions among netizens. Many point out that this notion may still be stuck in the 80s of the last century, and it is far from the reality. In the 80s of the last century, China did face the problem of power shortage, but with the rapid development of the economy and the progress of science and technology, this problem has long been solved.

The history of the development of China's power industry can be traced back to the end of the 19th century, but the real rapid development began after the reform and opening up. Since the reform and opening up, China's power industry has undergone earth-shaking changes and has made tremendous development achievements that have attracted worldwide attention. From the perspective of the growth of the population using electricity, from less than 5 million people in 1921, accounting for less than 1% of the total population, by 2015, 100% of the country's 1.4 billion people had access to electricity. From the perspective of per capita electricity consumption, it increased from less than 1 kWh/person in 1921 to 5,365 kWh/person in 2020. The installed power generation capacity increased from 80,000 kilowatts in 1921 to 2.2 billion kilowatts in 2020; Electricity generation increased from 200 million kWh in 1921 to 7.6 trillion kWh in 2020.

The development of China's power industry is not only reflected in the expansion of scale, but also in the progress of technology and the improvement of service level. China's breakthroughs in ultra-high voltage transmission technology, nuclear power technology and other fields have broken the monopoly of foreign technology, achieved "corner overtaking", and gradually become the setter of international standards. In addition, the competitiveness of China's power companies in the international market has also been significantly improved, and they have become an important force in promoting global modernization.

Americans: Why do only 20 million people in China have electricity at home? Netizens from all over the world watched and discussed

However, despite China's great achievements in the power sector, it still faces some challenges. With the rapid development of the economy and the improvement of people's living standards, the demand for electricity continues to grow, which puts forward higher requirements for the stability and sustainability of power supply. In addition, China is also actively promoting the transformation of its energy structure, reducing its dependence on fossil fuels and developing clean energy to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality.

In general, the misunderstanding of China's power situation by American netizens reflects a lack of understanding of the history of China's power development and a misunderstanding of China's power status. Through more communication and understanding, we can dispel these misunderstandings and increase mutual understanding and trust. At the same time, China's experience and technology in power development can also provide valuable reference for global energy transition and sustainable development.

The U.S. itself faces a series of challenges in terms of power supply, including the massive power outage in Texas in 2021. The power crisis, triggered by extreme weather conditions, has not only exposed the fragility of the U.S. power system, but also severely affected the daily lives of local people.

In February 2021, Texas was hit by historic cold weather, with temperatures plummeting and the state's power system devastated. Due to the surge in demand for electricity and the inability of power generation facilities to function properly, Texas has experienced unprecedented large-scale blackouts. The outage was not only long-lasting, but also widespread, affecting millions of residents and businesses. In some cases, residents have been left without electricity for several days in a row, leaving heating and lighting unusable and life in jeopardy.

The Texas government has been struggling to respond to the crisis. On the one hand, due to the lack of effective emergency plans and cross-state coordination mechanisms, it is difficult for Texas to receive timely support from other states when there is a shortage of power supply. On the other hand, Texas' grid system is relatively independent and has limited grid connections to the rest of the United States, which limits the ability to deploy electricity. In addition, there are problems with the design of Texas' electricity market, which cannot effectively regulate supply and demand in the face of extreme conditions, resulting in soaring electricity prices and sky-high electricity bills for some residents.

Faced with this crisis, the Texas government was forced to take a series of measures to upgrade and improve the grid system. This includes strengthening the resilience of grid infrastructure, improving the cold resilience of power generation and transmission facilities, and improving the functioning of the electricity market. In addition, Texas is beginning to consider strengthening grid interconnection with other states to improve the flexibility and reliability of power distribution.

Americans: Why do only 20 million people in China have electricity at home? Netizens from all over the world watched and discussed

However, these improvements require time and financial investment, and can be politically and economically challenging. Texas' electricity market is made up of multiple entities, including power generators, transmission companies, and retailers, and the alignment of interests among them is not easy. In addition, upgrading the grid system requires huge investments, and how to allocate these costs, and how to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the investments, are all issues that need to be addressed.

The power crisis in Texas has also triggered a rethinking of the overall state of the U.S. power system. As a developed country, the United States should have a high degree of reliability and resilience in its power system. However, the Texas outage shows that even in the United States, power systems can have problems due to design flaws, underinvestment, or poor management. This reminds us that the construction and maintenance of power systems is an ongoing process that requires constant adaptation to new challenges and needs.

The root causes of the U.S. power problem are manifold, including aging infrastructure, imperfect market mechanisms, and insufficient ability to cope with extreme weather. Solving these problems requires the joint efforts of governments, businesses and the public. The government needs to develop sound policies and plans to increase investment in power infrastructure; Enterprises need to continuously innovate technology and improve service quality; The public needs to raise awareness of energy conservation and use electricity resources rationally. It is only through integrated policies that the stability and sustainable development of the power system can be ensured.

In 2021, the US state of Texas was hit by an unprecedented extreme weather event, with freezing temperatures and blizzards leading to the worst power outage crisis in the state's history. The catastrophic power outage not only exposed the fragility of Texas' power infrastructure, but also had a huge impact on the daily lives of local people.

Texas' power system was not designed with the effects of extreme cold weather in mind, so many power generation facilities were unable to function when temperatures plummeted to historic lows. Wind turbines froze, gas pipelines burst due to bitter cold, and coal-fired power plants were unable to get enough fuel due to freezing weather. This chain reaction has led to a sharp drop in electricity supply, while at the same time electricity demand has risen sharply as residents use electricity for heating their homes in large quantities.

The direct impact of power outages is a huge inconvenience to people's lives. Without electricity, home heating systems do not work, and many residents have to endure bitter cold, with temperatures in their homes even dropping below freezing. In addition, many homes are unable to use lighting, cooking, and refrigeration facilities due to inadequate electricity supply, severely affecting the basic needs of daily life. In some extreme cases, power outages have even caused water pipes to freeze and burst, and homes have suffered a second blow from flooding.

Texas' healthcare system has also been severely affected. Hospitals and clinics rely on electricity to maintain critical medical equipment and life-support systems, and power outages have forced these facilities to urgently evacuate patients or perform surgeries and treatments without adequate equipment. In addition, emergency services have been limited due to traffic disruptions, and some patients in need of emergency medical assistance have not been able to receive timely treatment.

Americans: Why do only 20 million people in China have electricity at home? Netizens from all over the world watched and discussed

In addition to directly impacting people's lives, power outages have also dealt a major blow to the Texas economy. Many businesses and factories had to temporarily close due to power outages, resulting in production disruptions and financial losses. Agriculture has also been affected, with some crops and livestock suffering losses due to the inability to guarantee suitable temperatures. In addition, supply chains have also been affected due to disruptions in transportation and logistics, with some supermarkets and stores having to close due to the inability to replenish their goods.

The Texas outage has also raised concerns about the overall state of the U.S. electrical infrastructure. As one of the most developed countries in the world, the United States should have a high degree of reliability and resilience in terms of power supply. However, the Texas outage shows that even in the United States, power systems can have problems due to design flaws, underinvestment, or poor management. This reminds us that the construction and maintenance of power systems is an ongoing process that requires constant adaptation to new challenges and needs.

The Texas power outage also highlights the importance of responding to extreme weather. As the effects of global climate change intensify, extreme weather events are likely to become more frequent and severe. Therefore, the design and construction of power systems need to take these factors into account to improve the ability to cope with extreme weather. This could include strengthening the resilient design of infrastructure, improving the cold resilience of power generation and transmission facilities, and improving the functioning of the electricity market to ensure that supply and demand can be effectively regulated in the face of extreme conditions.

Overall, the Texas outage is a wake-up call to the need for continued investment and improvement in the power system to ensure its reliability and resilience. This requires not only government leadership and planning, but also innovation and technological advancement by businesses, as well as public participation and support. Only through the joint efforts of society can we ensure the stability and sustainable development of the power system and avoid the recurrence of similar crises.

Texas suffered a severe power outage crisis during the extreme weather events of 2021, which not only exposed the vulnerability of the state's power system, but also revealed the government's inadequacies in responding to and managing the crisis. In the aftermath of the power outage, the Texas government is under pressure to identify the cause and take effective action. However, due to a combination of factors, including aging infrastructure, inadequate planning, and deficiencies in market mechanisms, the Texas government was unable to identify the root cause of the outage in a timely manner.

First, Texas' grid system is relatively independent of the rest of the United States, which limits the ability to obtain outside power support in the event of an emergency. The Texas Electric Reliability Council, the agency responsible for the supply of electricity to much of Texas, failed to adequately assess the potential impact of extreme weather on the grid and develop an effective emergency response plan before the storm approached. When a crisis occurs, ERCOT and the Texas government show significant deficiencies in information communication, resource allocation, and emergency response.

Second, there is a clear vulnerability to Texas' power infrastructure. Many power generation facilities, including wind turbines and natural gas power plants, do not operate properly in extremely low temperature conditions. In addition, the grid's transmission lines and substations were not able to withstand the cold and ice. These technical and design deficiencies, combined with the lack of necessary maintenance and upgrades, led to widespread paralysis of the power system.

Americans: Why do only 20 million people in China have electricity at home? Netizens from all over the world watched and discussed

Moreover, Texas' electricity market design is powerless in the face of extreme supply-demand imbalances. The market mechanism can effectively regulate the supply and demand of electricity under normal circumstances, but in the face of the violent fluctuations in supply and demand caused by extreme weather, the market price mechanism fails, and the stability and affordability of electricity supply cannot be guaranteed. Some residents received sky-high electricity bills after power outages, which further exacerbated discontent and social unrest.

Faced with this crisis, the Texas government was forced to take a series of measures to upgrade and improve the grid system. This includes retrofitting existing power generation facilities to enhance their ability to operate in extreme weather conditions; strengthening the transmission and distribution capacity of the grid to reduce the risk of power outages due to equipment failures; and improving the functioning of the electricity market to improve responsiveness and flexibility in emergency situations.

In addition, the Texas government is also beginning to consider strengthening grid interconnection with other states to improve the flexibility and reliability of power distribution. By connecting to the power grids of neighboring states, Texas can get outside support in times of power shortages, as well as help when other states face power crises.

However, these improvements require a significant investment of time and money. The Texas government needs to allocate sufficient funds in its budget for grid upgrades and retrofits, while also coordinating interests to ensure smooth implementation. In addition, Texas needs to demonstrate greater determination and efficiency in policy development and implementation to ensure that these measures address the vulnerability of the power system in a timely and effective manner.

The Texas outage is a wake-up call to the importance of the stability and reliability of the power system to modern society. It also highlights the government's responsibility to plan, build and manage the power system. It is only through sustained investment, innovation and technology upgrading, as well as effective policy formulation and implementation, that we can ensure the long-term stability and sustainability of the power system.

The development of China's power is a magnificent history, which not only witnesses the rapid growth of China's economy, but also an important symbol of China's modernization process. From small power plants in the early days to super-large power generation enterprises and advanced power grid systems today, the development of China's power industry has undergone a transformation from scratch, from small to large, from weak to strong.

Americans: Why do only 20 million people in China have electricity at home? Netizens from all over the world watched and discussed

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, China's electric power industry had a very weak foundation, limited power generation capacity, and the power supply was far from meeting the needs of the national economy and people's lives. In order to change this situation, the Chinese government regards the power industry as an important pillar of the national economy, and has increased investment and support for the power industry. With the completion of a series of large-scale hydroelectric, thermal and nuclear power plants, China's power generation capacity has increased significantly.

Especially in remote and impoverished areas, the Chinese government has implemented a series of electricity popularization projects, such as the "West-to-East Power Transmission" and "Village-to-Village" projects, to deliver electricity to every corner. These projects not only improve the quality of life of local residents, but also provide impetus for economic development. As a result of these efforts, China has succeeded in achieving nationwide access to electricity, allowing even the most remote areas to enjoy a stable and reliable power supply.

With the rapid development of the economy, China's electricity demand continues to grow, and China has surpassed the United States to become the world's largest power generation country and the world's largest electricity consumer. According to the International Energy Agency, China's total power generation has ranked first in the world for many years, which not only reflects the huge size of China's power industry, but also reflects China's important position in the global energy sector.

In terms of power technology, China has always adhered to the combination of independent research and development and international technical experience. Through the introduction, digestion, absorption and re-innovation, China has made a series of technological breakthroughs in the fields of hydropower, nuclear power, wind power and solar power generation. In particular, China has been at the forefront of the world in UHV transmission technology, and has successfully built the world's highest voltage level, the largest transmission capacity, and the farthest transmission distance UHV transmission project, which not only improves the efficiency and safety of power transmission, but also provides valuable experience for the development of the global power industry.

At the same time, China's power companies actively participate in international cooperation, and through initiatives such as the Belt and Road Initiative, they bring advanced power technology and management experience to the rest of the world to help other countries improve their power infrastructure and power supply capacity. The "going out" of China's power technology has not only enhanced China's influence in the global energy field, but also contributed to the sustainable development of global energy.

The development of China's power industry fully proves the importance of the development of a country's power system to economic and social development. From infrastructure construction to technological innovation, from domestic market development to international cooperation, every step of China's power industry reflects the vision of the national strategy and the unremitting efforts of the power people. With the continuous development of China's economy and the transformation of the global energy structure, China's power industry will continue to play a key role in ensuring national energy security and promoting green development.

The development of China's power system is a magnificent epic spanning the century, which not only witnesses the process of national industrialization and modernization, but also is an important embodiment of the country's poverty alleviation and regional balanced development. In particular, China has made remarkable achievements in providing access to electricity in remote and impoverished areas.

Americans: Why do only 20 million people in China have electricity at home? Netizens from all over the world watched and discussed

At the end of the last century, there were still many remote and impoverished areas in China due to remote geographical location, inconvenient transportation, and backward economic conditions, and the power supply was seriously insufficient. In order to solve this problem, the Chinese government has formulated a series of policies and measures to vigorously promote the construction of electric power infrastructure, especially the implementation of major power projects such as the "Village-to-Village" project and the "West-to-East Power Transmission" project.

The "Village-to-Village" project is an important project implemented by the Chinese government to solve the power problem in rural areas, especially in poor areas. The goal of the project is to ensure that every village has access to electricity, so that electricity can become an important force for rural economic development and improve people's lives. Through the implementation of this project, countless remote mountain villages have ended the history of no electricity, and the production and living conditions of farmers have been greatly improved.

The "West-to-East Power Transmission" project is another major project implemented by the Chinese government to optimize the allocation of power resources across the country and promote coordinated regional development. Through the construction of ultra-high voltage transmission lines, the project will transport the abundant hydropower and thermal power resources in the western region to the economically developed areas in the east, which not only solves the problem of power resources in the western region, but also meets the power demand of the eastern region.

In the process of implementing these projects, China's power companies have overcome various difficulties and challenges, such as complex topography, harsh climatic conditions, and difficult construction. But it is precisely these efforts that have led to remarkable achievements in China's access to electricity. Today, China has achieved nationwide access to electricity, allowing even the most remote areas to enjoy a stable and reliable power supply.

The popularization of electricity has not only greatly improved the quality of life of people in remote and poor areas, but also provided a strong impetus for local economic development. With electricity, industries such as agricultural product processing and rural tourism in mountainous areas have developed rapidly, providing more employment opportunities and sources of income for local residents. At the same time, the popularization of electricity has also promoted the development of education, medical care and other social undertakings, and improved the living standards of local residents.

In addition, China has also paid special attention to green development and sustainable development in the process of electricity popularization. In remote areas, China has vigorously promoted the use of clean energy, such as solar and wind energy, which not only solves the problem of power supply, but also protects the ecological environment. These clean energy projects not only provide clean and reliable electricity for local residents, but also contribute to the global fight against climate change.

In short, the development of China's power system, especially the popularization of electricity in remote and impoverished areas, is a concrete manifestation of the Chinese government's commitment to people-oriented and social fairness and justice, as well as the continuous progress and innovation of China's power industry. With the continuous development of China's economy and the continuous progress of power technology, China's power system will play a more important role in the future, providing more solid support for the people's better life and the country's prosperity.

Americans: Why do only 20 million people in China have electricity at home? Netizens from all over the world watched and discussed

The rapid development of China's power industry has attracted widespread attention around the world. In recent years, China has overtaken the United States to become the world's largest power generation country and the world's largest electricity consumer. Behind this achievement is the Chinese government's long-term attention and continuous investment in the power industry, as well as the unremitting efforts of China's power industry in technological innovation, industrial upgrading and market reform.

China's power generation growth is due to rapid economic growth and industrialization. As China's economy booms, so does the demand for electricity. To meet this demand, the Chinese government has invested heavily in the construction of power infrastructure, including thermal power, hydropower, nuclear power, wind power and solar power. China's coal-fired power capacity has long dominated the country, but in recent years, clean energy has grown at a particularly rapid pace, with hydropower, wind and solar power both growing significantly in terms of installed capacity and power generation.

Hydropower development is particularly prominent in China, with the world's largest hydropower plant in its power generation mix. The completion and operation of the Three Gorges Dam has not only greatly increased China's power generation capacity, but also demonstrated China's strength in the construction of large-scale water conservancy projects. In addition, China has also made significant progress in the field of wind and solar power generation, and has become one of the world's largest manufacturers of wind and solar power generation equipment.

China's electricity demand is also growing rapidly. With the acceleration of industrialization and urbanization, as well as the continuous improvement of people's living standards, China's electricity consumption continues to rise. Industrial production, residential life, business services, and agriculture are increasingly dependent on electricity. Especially in the field of high-tech industry and intelligent manufacturing, the demand for electricity is showing explosive growth.

While meeting domestic demand, China is also actively participating in global energy governance and promoting global energy transition and sustainable development. Chinese power companies invest and cooperate around the world, bringing advanced power technology and management experience to the world. Through multilateral cooperation mechanisms such as the Belt and Road Initiative, China shares the fruits of power development with countries and regions along the Belt and Road, and jointly promotes the green, low-carbon and sustainable development of global energy.

The rapid development of China's power industry has also benefited from its continuous efforts in technological innovation and industrial upgrading. China's power companies continue to increase R&D investment to promote innovation and breakthroughs in power technology. In the fields of smart grid, ultra-high voltage transmission, and clean energy grid integration, China has been at the forefront of the world. These technological advances not only improve the efficiency and reliability of the power system, but also provide strong support for the sustainable development of the power industry.

Americans: Why do only 20 million people in China have electricity at home? Netizens from all over the world watched and discussed

In addition, the reform of China's electricity market is also deepening. Through the introduction of market competition mechanism, optimize the allocation of power resources, and improve the service level and operational efficiency of the power industry. The reform of the electricity market has not only promoted the healthy development of the power industry, but also provided more choices and better services for power users.

In short, China surpassed the United States to become the world's largest power generation country and the world's largest electricity consumer, an achievement that is the result of China's rapid economic development, scientific and technological progress, market reform, and international cooperation. With the continuous growth of China's economy and the deepening of the global energy transition, China's power industry will continue to maintain a strong momentum of development and make greater contributions to the prosperity of the country and the sustainable development of the world.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, China's power industry has undergone a huge transformation from a weak foundation to the world's largest electricity country. In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the country's installed power capacity and power generation were very limited, far from meeting the needs of national construction and people's lives. Faced with this challenge, the Chinese government has made the power industry a national strategic priority and has embarked on a large-scale power infrastructure construction.

From the 50s to the 70s of the 20th century, China's power industry was dominated by thermal power, and at the same time, it actively developed hydropower, and gradually established a relatively complete power industry system. During this period, China successfully built a number of large-scale hydropower stations, including the Three Gorges Dam, which not only greatly increased China's power generation capacity, but also laid a solid foundation for the further development of China's power industry.

After the reform and opening up, China's power industry has ushered in new development opportunities. With the reform of the economic system and the expansion of opening up to the outside world, China's electric power industry has begun to introduce advanced foreign technology and management experience, which has promoted the breakthrough of electric power technology and the upgrading of the industry. Especially after the 90s, the installed capacity and power generation of China's power industry have achieved rapid growth, and the scale of the power grid and the level of technical equipment have also been continuously improved.

In the 21st century, the development of China's power industry has entered the fast lane. With the sustained and rapid growth of China's economy and the rising demand for electricity, China's power industry has achieved leapfrog growth in installed capacity and power generation. According to the International Energy Agency, China has overtaken the United States to become the world's largest power producer and the world's largest consumer of electricity.

In this process, China's power industry has not only achieved a huge breakthrough in scale, but also made remarkable achievements in technological innovation and international status. China has successfully developed ultra-supercritical power generation technology with independent intellectual property rights, and built the world's largest single-unit thermal power generation unit. In the field of renewable energy, China is also at the forefront of the world, ranking first in the world in terms of installed wind and solar power capacity.

Americans: Why do only 20 million people in China have electricity at home? Netizens from all over the world watched and discussed

In addition, China has also successfully mastered ultra-high voltage transmission technology, and built the world's highest voltage level and the longest transmission distance of ultra-high voltage transmission project. These projects not only improve the efficiency and reliability of China's power system, but also provide valuable experience for the development of the global power industry.

The rapid development of China's power industry has benefited from the strong support of national policies and the unremitting efforts of power companies. The Chinese government regards the power industry as an important pillar of the national economy, and continues to increase investment to promote technological innovation and industrial upgrading. At the same time, China's power companies have also actively responded to the national strategy and continuously improved their competitiveness and influence through technological innovation and management optimization.

On the international stage, China's power companies actively participate in global energy governance and promote global energy transition and sustainable development. Through multilateral cooperation mechanisms such as the Belt and Road Initiative, China shares the fruits of power development with countries and regions along the Belt and Road, and jointly promotes the green, low-carbon and sustainable development of global energy.

The rapid development of China's power industry has not only greatly supported the sustained growth of China's economy, but also made important contributions to global energy development. With the further development of China's economy and the deepening of the global energy transition, China's power industry will continue to maintain a strong momentum of development and make greater contributions to the prosperity of the country and the sustainable development of the world.

The development of China Power has gone through a long and difficult journey, from its initial beginnings to becoming a global power producer and consumer, a process full of challenges and sacrifices.

Beginnings: The beginnings of electricity in China can be traced back to the late 19th century, when electricity was introduced to China as a new thing. The earliest power facilities and power plants were small-scale, mainly concentrated in large cities along the coast and along the river, such as Shanghai, Tianjin and other places. These early power facilities were mainly designed to meet the needs of concessions and foreign businesses, while vast inland and rural areas remained without electricity. Nonetheless, these early power facilities laid the foundation for the development of China's power industry.

Challenges during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression: During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, China's power industry suffered tremendous damage. The Japanese invaders carried out large-scale destruction and plundering of China's power facilities, many power plants were forced to shut down, the power grid was paralyzed, and the power supply was seriously insufficient. During this period, the power workers showed great courage and sacrifice, and they made an important contribution to the victory of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression by working hard to protect and repair power facilities under extremely difficult conditions.

Americans: Why do only 20 million people in China have electricity at home? Netizens from all over the world watched and discussed

The importance of electricity: Electricity plays a vital role in China's development. With the founding of the People's Republic of China, the state began to invest heavily in the power industry to support the rapid process of industrialization and modernization. Electricity has become a key factor in driving economic development and improving people's lives. From heavy industry to light industry, from urban to rural, the popularization of electricity has led to the modernization of the entire society.

Popularization of electricity in modern life: In the 21st century, with the continuous growth of China's economy and the progress of science and technology, electricity has penetrated into every corner of modern life. Household electricity has evolved from simple lighting to support a variety of household appliances such as TVs, refrigerators, air conditioners, etc. In cities, electricity underpins business activities, transportation systems, and public services; In rural areas, the spread of electricity has promoted agricultural modernization and improved agricultural production efficiency. In addition, with the development of the Internet and informatization, electricity has become the basis of information transmission and data processing, and its impact on modern society is deepening day by day.

Achievements in Accessibility to Electricity: The Chinese government has been working to provide access to electricity, especially in remote and impoverished areas. Through projects such as the "Village-to-Village" project and the "West-to-East Power Transmission" project, China has successfully achieved nationwide electricity coverage, allowing even the most remote areas to enjoy the benefits of electricity. This achievement not only reflects the importance that the Chinese government attaches to people's livelihood, but also demonstrates the great progress of China's power industry.

Challenges: Despite the remarkable achievements, China's power industry is also facing a series of challenges in the development process, including the transformation of the energy structure, the pressure of environmental protection, and the improvement of grid security and reliability. In order to meet these challenges, China is actively promoting the development of clean energy, strengthening the construction of power grids and intelligent upgrades, and improving the efficiency and stability of the power system.

Future Prospects: Looking ahead, China's power industry will continue to play a key role in ensuring national energy security, promoting economic and social development, and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. With the continuous innovation of technology and the continuous optimization of policies, China's power industry is expected to play a more important role in the global energy field and make greater contributions to the construction of a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system.

Electricity plays a vital role in China's development and is an indispensable energy source for the country's modernization. From industrial production to daily life, from urban infrastructure to rural development, electricity is ubiquitous, and its importance permeates every corner of China's social economy.

The driving force of industrial production: In the process of industrialization, electricity is the core energy source that drives the development of productivity. As the world's factory, China's booming industrial manufacturing industry has put forward a huge demand for electricity supply. Whether it is steel smelting and machinery manufacturing in heavy industry, or textile and electronic assembly in light industry, they all rely on a stable and reliable power supply. Electricity not only ensures the normal operation of production equipment, but also supports the development of industrial automation and intelligent manufacturing, improving production efficiency and product quality.

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Accelerator of urbanization: As China's urbanization accelerates, the role of electricity in urban construction and management is becoming increasingly prominent. Urban transportation systems, lighting systems, commercial facilities, etc. are inseparable from the support of electricity. Especially in the construction of smart cities, electricity is the foundation for realizing urban informatization and digitalization. Through smart grids and distributed energy systems, cities can manage and distribute power resources more efficiently, improve energy efficiency, and reduce environmental pollution.

Modernization of agricultural production: The popularization of electricity has also greatly promoted the modernization of China's agriculture. In rural areas, the use of electricity makes agricultural production activities such as irrigation, greenhouse control, and grain processing more efficient. In addition, rural electrification has also promoted the development of rural industries and cottage industries, increased the income level of farmers, and improved the living standards of rural areas.

Convenience of residents' lives: In modern life, electricity has become a necessity in people's daily lives. Household electricity has expanded from the initial lighting and heating to household appliances, communication equipment, entertainment systems and other aspects. With the development of science and technology, smart home systems are gradually popularized, and through power networking, people can remotely control electrical appliances at home and enjoy a more convenient and comfortable life.

Improvements in education and health care: Access to electricity has also greatly improved education and health care. In schools, electricity supports the use of multimedia teaching and online educational resources, improving the quality of education. In the medical field, electricity ensures the operation of medical equipment, makes telemedicine and precision surgery possible, and improves the level of medical services.

Contribution to the environment and sustainable development: China also pays attention to environmental protection and sustainable development in the development of electric power. By vigorously developing clean energy sources such as hydropower, wind power, and solar energy, China is gradually reducing its dependence on fossil fuels, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and promoting the transformation of its energy structure. The development of these clean energy sources not only meets the growth of electricity demand, but also contributes to the global fight against climate change.

Future Prospects: Looking ahead, with the continuous development of China's economy and the improvement of people's living standards, the demand for electricity will continue to grow. China will continue to promote technological innovation and industrial upgrading in the power industry, strengthen the construction of smart grids, and improve the efficiency and reliability of the power system. At the same time, China will also play a greater role in global energy governance, promote the sustainable development of global energy, and make greater contributions to building a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system.

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