
The Nomin River People's Procuratorate jointly visited the history of the Red Anti-Japanese Federation

author:Liaoning regional economy

【Heilongjiang Procuratorate News】

The Nomin River People's Procuratorate jointly visited the history of the Red Anti-Japanese Federation
The Nomin River People's Procuratorate jointly visited the history of the Red Anti-Japanese Federation

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the People's Procuratorate of Nuominhe in the Forest District of Heilongjiang Province and the People's Procuratorate of Suileng County jointly carried out the activity of "pairing and building a celebration of the party's grace and remembering the journey side by side" with the goal of "helping each other and learning from each other and improving together". The Nuimin River People's Procuratorate joined hands with more than 60 party members of the Suileng County People's Procuratorate to go to the Suileng County Red Historical and Cultural Memorial Hall to relive the history of the Red Anti-Japanese Federation.

During the visit, the cadres and policemen felt the arduous and eventful years with their hearts, relived the ups and downs of the revolutionary career of the revolutionary ancestors in the old pictures, and felt their unswerving political conviction, fine style of hard work and heroic and fearless revolutionary spirit in a piece of physical materials, and realized the hard-won happiness of today's life.

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's constitution...... Always ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people, and never betray the party......" The cadres and policemen of the two courts faced the bright red party flag, solemnly raised their right fists, and reviewed the oath of joining the party.

Only by not forgetting history can we open up the future, and only by being good at inheritance can we be good at innovation. Through this pairing and visit and study, the procuratorial cadres and police of the two courts have expressed that they have received a profound spiritual baptism and patriotism education, listened to a vivid theme party class, and will continue to expand the field of co-construction with practical actions in the future, consolidate the good momentum, continue the good state, continue the spiritual blood of the communists, never forget the original intention, bravely undertake the mission, and strive to move forward!

The Nomin River People's Procuratorate jointly visited the history of the Red Anti-Japanese Federation
The Nomin River People's Procuratorate jointly visited the history of the Red Anti-Japanese Federation

Trainee Editor: Li Renjie

Editor-in-charge: Song Qian

Responsible proofreader: Yang Fang

Audit Editor-in-Chief Fu Qiang

The Nomin River People's Procuratorate jointly visited the history of the Red Anti-Japanese Federation

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