
She is a national first-class actor, an official or a general, and is known as the "most beautiful general", where is she now?

author:History of Logical Literature

In 1978, under the gaze of the examiner of the General Political Song and Dance Troupe, a figure danced on the stage. The dancer was 20 years old and performed well, and the on-site examiners unanimously recognized her, giving her the opportunity to be selected.

This dancer is Liu Min, a national first-class actor who was once known as the "most beautiful female general", and her dancing posture has made countless audiences fall in love with it.

Is she still on stage now?

She is a national first-class actor, an official or a general, and is known as the "most beautiful general", where is she now?

In 1958, Liu Min was born in a military family in Hefei, Anhui Province, and her parents' education shaped her tenacious personality.

She loved dancing since she was a child. Whenever she hears music, she will dance unconsciously, and the seeds of art have already taken root in her young heart.

At first, Liu Min's parents thought it was just a child's nature and didn't pay much attention to it, but after a long time, they found that Liu Min regarded this love as their life pursuit.

Her parents don't support her to embark on the path of art, and when she encounters obstacles, what will she choose?

Liu Min chose to persist and always maintained his passion for dance. Because of her persistence, Liu Min finally moved her parents and supported her to apply for art school.

In 1978, Liu Min was successfully admitted to the General Political Song and Dance Troupe, which can not only dance, but also become a soldier like her parents.

Liu Min still made unremitting efforts and perseverance in the song and dance troupe, and soon, at the age of 24, she ushered in an important moment in her career - she was rated as a national first-class actor.

When Liu Min was 33 years old, he suffered a performance accident.

As a member of the song and dance troupe, she went to Shanxi for a condolence performance, but as a result, there was a trip that required her to hurry back to Beijing.

Liu Min was unfamiliar with the layout of the stage, which led to an accident, and while performing a clip, he accidentally fell into the orchestra pit nearly 3 meters deep under the stage.

The audience witnessed the scene, and the performance was interrupted, and Liu Min was quickly taken to the hospital.

She is a national first-class actor, an official or a general, and is known as the "most beautiful general", where is she now?

After examination, she was diagnosed with a concussion, suffered multiple serious falls on her body, and had to start a two-year road of treatment and rehabilitation.

Fortunately, Liu Min has a tough personality and is not crushed by the injury, actively cooperates with the treatment, and works hard to recover. After a difficult recovery process, she was finally able to return to the stage.

In 1994, a new chapter in Liu Min's life ushered in, and her husband was appointed ambassador to the United States, Liu Min decided to accompany her husband to the United States, temporarily leaving her beloved domestic stage.

In the United States, Liu Min did not let her artistic career stand still, and participated in local cultural exchange activities with an open mind. was originally an outstanding dancer in China, Liu Min's outstanding dancing skills soon caused a sensation in the local cultural circle.

Liu Min carefully planned his own special dance evening in the United States, held it three times in a row, and donated the proceeds of all the performances to the Hope Project, hoping to help children in poor areas through his own modest efforts.

After returning to China, Liu Min continued to shine on the stage, appearing on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala many times, and each appearance brought new surprises to the audience.

She is actively involved in international art exchanges, and her steps have traveled to more than 40 countries.

With the continuous accumulation of artistic achievements, Liu Min's status in the General Political Song and Dance Troupe gradually improved, and her leadership and artistic talent were recognized, and she was awarded the rank of major general.

Today, Liu Min has become an important leader of the General Political Song and Dance Troupe, and has also shifted from the front of the stage to the backstage, devoting more energy to education and guidance.

She is a national first-class actor, an official or a general, and is known as the "most beautiful general", where is she now?

Fortunately for the students to have a professional and responsible teacher, Liu Min has cultivated new dance stars, and now they have become the backbone of the National Ballet and the Beijing Song and Dance Troupe.

She also received a title, "The Most Beautiful General".

Liu Min's story has inspired countless people. Dance crosses cultures and borders, connecting people from different regions, and she is the pride of the Chinese dance world.

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