
In 1983, 12 of our troops were buried alive by shelling, and 1 survivor bravely eliminated 46 enemy soldiers in 1 minute

author:History of Logical Literature

One night in August 1983, a series of shelling broke the tranquility, and the 162 heights on the Sino-Vietnamese border instantly became a sea of fire, and 12 soldiers of our army were buried in the soil by the shelling.

When the sound of artillery gradually dissipated, the 162nd Heights were full of potholes, and the original positions no longer existed. At a glance, there was no one to be seen on the battlefield, and it seemed very silent. But behind this calm, there is a glimmer of life.

In 1983, 12 of our troops were buried alive by shelling, and 1 survivor bravely eliminated 46 enemy soldiers in 1 minute

Thinking that our position had been destroyed, the Vietnamese army immediately began to attack, and dozens of enemies rushed to the high ground in an attempt to occupy this position.

Luo Sangui, a soldier of the 9th squad, was curled up under a mound of earth by the shelling just now, and when the shelling stopped, he was almost buried. As soon as the artillery stopped, he immediately sat up, slowly recovered his body, observed the enemy, and tried to call out to his comrades.

"The enemy is coming! Is there anyone alive? ”

No one answered him, Luo Sangui's heart sank instantly, and a bad feeling came to his heart. He didn't care about the discomfort of his body, and went around to look for other comrades. Under the heavy shelling, the soldiers of the 9th squad scattered to hide, and no one was seen at this time.

Luo Sangui ran on the battlefield, constantly shouting the names of his comrades, but there was no answer. Luo Sangui inspected the mounds, outposts, and caves where he was hiding, but they were all bombarded and buried.

All Luo Sangui found was some weapons from his comrades, he didn't care about being uncomfortable, he understood that he was probably the only survivor of Class 9.

Luo Sangui told himself in his heart: "Even if I am the only one left, I can't let the position fall into the hands of the enemy!" ”

Luo Sangui checked the guns and ammunition, found a hiding place, and simply built a fortification, ready to deal with the attacking enemy.

In 1983, 12 of our troops were buried alive by shelling, and 1 survivor bravely eliminated 46 enemy soldiers in 1 minute

Soon, the enemy came up, Luo Sangui clenched his gun and slowly aimed at the enemy.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and Luo Sangui seemed to hear the other party's voice. Despite the dire situation, he did not rush to shoot, but instead looked for a perfect opportunity, one that would maximize the number of enemies he could kill.

Luo Sangui always paid attention to the enemy's advance route, and when a group of enemies appeared under his gun, a series of gunshots rang out. Like a hunter who has been waiting for a long time, he launched a fierce attack on his prey, and one enemy after another fell to the ground.

After the attack, Luo Sangui quickly moved to another bunker and changed his gun to shoot at another group of enemies. The enemy was taken by surprise, and they simply could not judge how many of our troops were still alive.

In the next minute, the battlefield was filled with chaotic gunfire, and Luo Sangui relied on his accurate shooting skills and grasp of the battlefield environment to inflict great damage on the enemy.

When there was no enemy in front of him, the gunfire stopped, and there was not a single enemy in sight. Luo Sangui looked around, it was all the corpses of the enemy, and the cowardly enemies had already fled.

Luo Sangui only took one minute to destroy 46 enemies with his own strength and kept his position!

When the enemy retreated, reinforcements from our army also arrived in time. When the reinforcements came to the position, they only saw Luo Sangui and the corpses of the enemy all over the ground......

In 1983, 12 of our troops were buried alive by shelling, and 1 survivor bravely eliminated 46 enemy soldiers in 1 minute

After seeing the reinforcements, Luo Sangui's heart finally calmed down, and he stepped forward and said to Li Haixin, the deputy company commander who came to reinforce: "The position is preserved, and the other fighters are ......."

Li Haixin didn't speak, hugged him tightly, patted him on the back, and his eyes were full of tears......