
The rain continues, and there are two more this week!

author:Nine Faction Express

[Source: Daily News]

The last two days

Rain comes every day to brush up on the sense of presence

Yesterday most of our city

There was significant rainfall

Rain information

From 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the 2nd, the average rainfall in the city's rainfall area was 15.3 mm, and the maximum rainfall was 52.7 mm. The average rainfall in the central urban area is 23.7 mm.

The rain continues, and there are two more this week!

Be affected by it

At 15 o'clock, the temperature in most parts of the city is around 20°C

It feels very cool

The rain continues, and there are two more this week!

It is expected that there will be more clouds in the sky in our city in the coming week

Mostly cloudy weather

4th and 6th

There are still scattered thundershowers or thundershowers

Please pay attention to the latest forecast adjustments in time

Take rain gear with you when you go out

Pay attention to lightning and rain protection and travel safety

Frequent rainfall has lowered temperatures

However, due to the increase in air humidity

The temperature is not high, and the body feels relatively hot

Everyone should still pay attention to heat prevention measures

Weather forecast for the coming week

Wednesday, July 3rd


Breeze, 30 to 23°C

Thursday, July 4th

Daytime: Cloudy to overcast with scattered thundershowers

Night: Cloudy

Breeze, 33 to 24°C

Friday, July 5th


Breeze, 33 to 24°C

Saturday, July 6th

Cloudy to thundershowers

Breeze, 31 to 24°C

Sunday, July 7th

Cloudy to overcast

Breeze, 29 to 23°C

Monday, July 8th


Northeast to north wind 3-4, 32 to 23°C

Tuesday, July 9th

Cloudy to sunny

Breeze, 34 to 24°C

Source / Tianjin Meteorology

Editor-in-charge / Zhai Yujing

Duty Editor / Wang Yan

Proofreading / Dou Huaiguo

Principal / Wang Yongbo

The rain continues, and there are two more this week!

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