
Apple tree summer pruning technique

author:Sweat drops turn into rain with pen ploughing

Author:Northwest Greening Time:2024-07-02 15:12:03

Apple tree summer pruning technique

Apple tree summer pruning technique

Summer is the most vigorous period for the growth and development of apple trees, which not only increases branches and leaves, accumulates nutrients, completes the expansion and maturity of young fruits, but also forms flower buds, laying the foundation for high yield next year. However, during this period, the weather is unpredictable, and various disasters occur from time to time, which often have a great impact on the quality and yield of apples. Fertilizer and water management, summer pruning and pest control are the essence of summer management, and the key to a bumper apple harvest. Summer pruning is mainly to make up for the lack of winter pruning, and to adjust the relationship between growth and fruiting by using the law of synthesis, conduction, accumulation and consumption of tree nutrients and endogenous hormones in the growing season. Summer pruning of apple trees had a significant effect on accelerating the cultivation of fruiting branches, especially on slowly promoting flowering and increasing fruit setting rate.

1. Pruning time

The effect of summer shearing is affected by the pruning period, and missing the appropriate pruning time can sometimes have a negative effect, such as twisting the shoots must be carried out when the base of the new shoots is semi-lignified, otherwise the new shoots will be broken. For example, in order to improve the fruit setting rate, ring peeling should be carried out during or before flowering, and the effect of missing this period is not obvious and causes flower and fruit drop.

2. Trim the object

Generally, it should only be applied on young trees, flourishing trees, dense branches, flourishing branches or varieties with more vigorous growth, such as ring stripping should only be applied on auxiliary branches, temporary branch groups or biennial branches of flourishing trees, so as to promote flower bud differentiation and lay the foundation for fruiting in the following year.

3. Pruning method

1. Pull branches

Apple tree summer pruning technique

Pulling branches is generally carried out in mid to late June before the differentiation of flower buds, and the time is appropriate at noon, because the branches are soft, tough and not easy to break at noon. Pulling branches generally opens branches with an angle of less than 60 degrees to 80-90 degrees.

2. Twist the pins

The object of twisting the tip is the strong branch on the backbone branch, the base thickness is 2-5 cm, and the twisting tip rotates about 180 degrees. After twisting, the base is easy to pull out new erect branches, and the buds should be wiped or thinned in time.

Apple tree summer pruning technique
Apple tree summer pruning technique

3. Ring stripping (cutting)

The method of ring stripping is to peel off the bark at the base of the strong branch, and the width is determined according to the growth of the tree body and the thickness of the branches, and the principle is that it can heal one month after peeling. In general, the depth is to reach the xylem. If the ring is cut twice, the interval should be 5-10 cm.

Apple tree summer pruning technique

4. Topping

The implementation of topping or continuous topping technology for the current year's branches of apple trees is an important technical link in the management of fruit trees during the growth period.

(1) Topping time: mid-May, mid-July and mid-September.

(2) Topping objects: the current year's branches that are born on the back, under the back and dorsal side of the mother branch, and the branches that will not stop growing for a long time during physiological stopping.

(3) Topping method. Pinch off the young tip first, then remove the top 3-5 young leaves, and keep the petioles.

(4) Topping effect. After the implementation of topping and leaf removal, the tip will not reappear, and the first and second leaves left after leaf removal can make most of the leaf buds form high-quality flower buds due to the increase in nutrient accumulation.

Apple tree summer pruning technique
Apple tree summer pruning technique

5. Sparse tips

Shoot thinning is to remove the long branches, competing branches, erect branches and densely packed branches growing on the tree body in August and September, so as to save nutrients, improve light, and promote the growth of the remaining branches and buds to grow strong and flower and bear fruit early.

6. Stubbing. The truncation time is generally in mid-July, and the objects of stubbing are mainly the new shoots of lateral branches and the new shoots on the back that are born near the top of the annual branches. If the new shoots extracted from the back of the branches, and the second branches that germinate after stubbing are vigorous, they should be thinned from the base.

Thinning of dense branches or ring peeling during pruning can cause wounds to form. If the wound heals slowly, it is easy to cause the occurrence of apple rot disease and other diseases, so when thinning large branches, it is necessary to prevent a large number of wounds caused by excessive thinning at one time, and pay attention not to leave short piles, which should be removed from the base, so as not to cause the wound to be not easy to heal or cause a large number of long branches in the latent buds, and the wound caused by the ring should be coated with a protective agent, and the wound of the ring peel should be wrapped with a film.

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