
@所有人, the rain isn't over yet! Pay attention to traffic safety

author:Shijiazhuang Radio and Television People's Livelihood Concern
@所有人, the rain isn't over yet! Pay attention to traffic safety

Rain Express

From 20:00 on June 30, 2024 to 14:00 on July 1, 2024, there was rain in most parts of the city, with an average rainfall of 12.9 mm in the rainfall area, and 39 rainfall stations exceeding 25 mm, of which 16 rainfall stations in Jingcheng, Xingtang, Yuanshi, Zanhuang, and Luquan exceeded 50 mm. The largest in Xuhan Village in Jingcheng is 83.6 mm. The maximum hourly rainfall was 48.4 mm in Touquan Village (12 o'clock to 13 o'clock on the 1st). The rainfall in Chang'an District, Qiaoxi District, Xinhua District, and Yuhua District is 0.5 to 41.2 mm, with an average rainfall of 10.2 mm, and the maximum hourly rainfall of the Municipal Meteorological Bureau is 30.9 mm (12 o'clock to 13 o'clock on the 1st). Gale force 7 occurred in Xingtang, Wuji, Zanhuang, and Jinju, and the largest was 16.1 m/s (level 7) in Jinju.

@所有人, the rain isn't over yet! Pay attention to traffic safety

Shijiazhuang Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning signal for thunder and lightning at 10:03 on July 1, 2024: It is expected that from day to night today, there will be thundershowers or showers in all counties and districts of our city, and thunderstorms will be accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term heavy precipitation and short-term strong winds, please take precautions.

@所有人, the rain isn't over yet! Pay attention to traffic safety

Shijiazhuang Meteorological Observatory issued a blue warning signal for heavy rain at 12:41 on July 1, 2024: It is expected that from daytime to night today, Shijiazhuang City (Chang'an District, Qiaoxi District, Xinhua District, Jingcheng Mining Area, Yuhua District, Luquan District, Jingcheng County, Luancheng District, Lingshou County, Gaoyi County, Zanhuang County, Pingshan County, Yuanshi County, Zhao County) will have heavy rainfall, with a rain intensity of 30~40 mm/h, and the maximum rainfall at a single point exceeds 50 mm, please take precautions.

Shijiazhuang Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources and Planning and Shijiazhuang Meteorological Bureau

Joint release at 4 p.m. on July 1

Yellow warning for meteorological risks of geological disasters

Early warning of geological disasters and meteorological risks

@所有人, the rain isn't over yet! Pay attention to traffic safety

Shijiazhuang Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources and Planning and Shijiazhuang Meteorological Bureau jointly issued a yellow warning for geological disaster meteorological risks at 16:00 on July 1: from 16:00 on July 01 to 16:00 on July 02, the risk of geological disasters such as collapse, landslides, debris flows, and ground subsidence in Pingshan County, Lingshou County, Yuanshi County, Zanhuang County, Luquan District, Jingcheng County, and Jingcheng Mining Area in our city is high (yellow warning). The relevant responsible units and monitoring personnel in the above-mentioned areas are requested to do a good job in geological disaster monitoring, inspection, transfer and risk avoidance and other prevention work.

Affected by the high-altitude cold vortex, the high temperature weather is temporarily "turned off", and the sky will be cloudy in the next three days, and the maximum temperature will be between 28~34 °C. Tonight: Cloudy with moderate rain with isolated heavy rain, tomorrow during the day: light rain or scattered light rain to cloudy.

@所有人, the rain isn't over yet! Pay attention to traffic safety

It is expected that there will be moderate precipitation on the 5th and 7th in the coming week, and the weather will be mainly cloudy to sunny in other periods. The extreme maximum temperature of the week is 34°C, and the extreme minimum temperature is around 22°C.

@所有人, the rain isn't over yet! Pay attention to traffic safety

Rain disturbs our travel from time to time, not to mention lightning protection and rain protection, but also to reduce travel to mountainous areas, rivers and other dangerous areas.

Specific forecasts

24-48 hour forecast:

Tonight: cloudy with moderate rain, individual points of heavy rain Wind direction: northeast wind level 3~4 Minimum temperature: 21 °C

Tomorrow during the day: light rain or scattered light rain turns cloudy Wind direction and wind: northerly wind level 3~4 Maximum temperature: 28 °C

Tomorrow night: cloudy Wind direction: northerly wind level 2~3 Minimum temperature: 22°C

Daytime the day after tomorrow: sunny to cloudy Wind directionWind strength: southerly wind level 2~3 Maximum temperature: 31 °C

The night after tomorrow: cloudy Wind direction: northerly wind level 2~3 Minimum temperature: 24°C

3-5 days forecast (08-08 hours):

July 4: Cloudy and sunny southerly wind 2~3 25~34°C

July 5: Cloudy to overcast with thundershowers, southerly wind level 2~3, 24~30°C

July 6: Sunny to cloudy northerly wind level 2~3 24~32°C

Route forecast (sky conditions, visibility > 1000m or visibility <1000m):

Shijiazhuang-Beijing: Cloudy with moderate rain to cloudy, visibility > 1000 meters

Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan: cloudy with moderate rain to cloudy, visibility > 1000 meters

Shijiazhuang-Anyang: cloudy with moderate rain and cloudy, visibility > 1000 meters

Shijiazhuang-Hengshui: Cloudy with moderate rain, visibility > 1000 meters

Shijiazhuang Meteorological Observatory at 16:00 on July 1, 2024


● According to the analysis of the latest meteorological data, the hot weather has eased and the rainfall has increased this week, please pay attention to the nowcasting and warning information in time.

● When it rains, the road surface is slippery, the visibility is reduced, the local rain intensity is large, and some low-lying road sections are prone to water accumulation, which is easy to cause traffic congestion and safety accidents, and has an adverse impact on urban traffic.

● Please stay indoors as much as possible in rainy weather, if you need to go out, pay attention to avoid areas with serious water accumulation, walk close to buildings, and turn off the engine when driving in low-lying waterlogged places, get out of the car quickly, evacuate to a high place and wait for rescue. Residents or tourists in mountainous areas should take precautions against flash floods and move to a safe area immediately when the water level rises rapidly and the water level is suddenly turbid. The electrical and gas equipment at home should also be repaired in time, and if the rain accidentally enters, the power supply must be cut off as soon as possible.

@所有人, the rain isn't over yet! Pay attention to traffic safety

How to deal with severe convective weather?

@所有人, the rain isn't over yet! Pay attention to traffic safety
@所有人, the rain isn't over yet! Pay attention to traffic safety

(Meteorological Publicity and Science Popularization Center, China Meteorological Administration)

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