
Where is the virtue? When I was sick and didn't have parents to visit, the female teacher was crazy in class: Don't think I'm good to you!

author:Cowlin Court

In recent years, the public's reputation for teachers has become lower and lower, making many teachers feel very aggrieved, saying that someone has deliberately stigmatized teachers. But in reality, it is not anyone else who stigmatizes teachers, but the black sheep of the teaching ranks, what they say and do.

Where is the virtue? When I was sick and didn't have parents to visit, the female teacher was crazy in class: Don't think I'm good to you!

A few days ago, a recording of a female teacher complaining in class that she did not come to offer condolences during her illness spread on social platforms, causing widespread attention and heated discussions among netizens.

According to the content of the online information and video, the situation is as follows: the female teacher works in a school in Changchun, Jilin Province, she was sick some time ago, but none of the students and parents expressed concern and condolences to her, and her heart was very unbalanced, so she talked about it in class.

The female teacher said to the students, the relationship is reciprocal, I try my best to be good to you, but you take it for granted, I didn't ask you to care about me, what to eat to see me, then how low is your emotional intelligence, I don't rarely say you. In addition, she also connotates that some classmates and parents have a clear relationship, let her be a class teacher is not good for a good relationship, but prefer to have a good relationship with the subject appointment, other teachers are sick, some students and parents don't know how attentive they are, she herself is sick but does nothing, which makes her very angry.

Where is the virtue? When I was sick and didn't have parents to visit, the female teacher was crazy in class: Don't think I'm good to you!

After the relevant recording was released on the Internet, it aroused heated discussions among netizens, and netizens almost questioned the female teacher, thinking that she was threatening students and parents in disguise. Some netizens even said that now the morality and style of teachers have deteriorated to a record low, and called on the relevant departments to rectify and clean up those black sheep.

In response, the staff of the school involved responded that the relevant audio was not a recent video, and the school had received a notice from the Education Bureau and was investigating the matter.

Where is the virtue? When I was sick and didn't have parents to visit, the female teacher was crazy in class: Don't think I'm good to you!

It's hard to imagine that such words could come from the mouth of a class teacher! And what is the difference between this kind of behavior and the protection money that the underworld threatens others?

What does a teacher do? It is to teach and educate people, and it is the teacher's duty to care for and love students, but in her mouth, it has become something that students and parents must exchange interests to obtain. Such a person is really not worthy of being a teacher, no matter how high the level of knowledge is, it will have a very bad impact on the student's conduct and three views.

As a teacher, it will be very uncomfortable to be sick but no parents and students show concern, perhaps because parents and students really have no sense of gratitude. But her own words denied this speculation, and other teachers were sick and had students and parents go to condole, so why couldn't she get it? In the final analysis, it is her own problem, her way of dealing with the world is not recognized by students and parents, and naturally there is no one to condolence when she is sick.

In such a situation, normal people usually reflect and correct their ways of behaving in the world, but she does the opposite, threatening students and parents. Such a teacher is no different from a ruffian hooligan.

Where is the virtue? When I was sick and didn't have parents to visit, the female teacher was crazy in class: Don't think I'm good to you!

This incident also proves that there are indeed some people in the teaching team who have forgotten the original intention of being a model teacher and the code of conduct of teachers, and their existence will cause great damage to the credibility of schools and teachers, and exacerbate the contradictions and antagonism between families and schools.

It is hoped that the competent departments will strengthen the supervision and management of the teaching force, clean up the black sheep in the teaching ranks, restore the innocence of the teaching profession, and prevent the vast majority of teachers who are conscientious, down-to-earth, and conscientious and responsible in teaching and educating people from suffering unjustly injustice.

Where is the virtue? When I was sick and didn't have parents to visit, the female teacher was crazy in class: Don't think I'm good to you!

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