
It's hot to go! The basketball game of the staff of Fengze District directly under the government was in love for a summer

author:Look at Fortress
It's hot to go! The basketball game of the staff of Fengze District directly under the government was in love for a summer

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, further promote the integration of party building, work, activities and feelings, boost the entrepreneurial spirit of the majority of cadres and workers, and show the new style of the team in the new era, on the evening of July 1, the "Celebrating the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China" Basketball Match for Employees of District Organs in Fengze District was held at the basketball court of the compound of the district government and kicked off the first opening game.

It's hot to go! The basketball game of the staff of Fengze District directly under the government was in love for a summer

Gao Jinquan, Secretary of the District Party Committee, Yang Huamin, Member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department, and Huang Zepeng, Member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department, visited the staff and athletes and cheered for them. The main responsible comrades of the working committee of the district party committee and the district federation of trade unions, representatives of the party committees and system trade unions of 13 district systems (directly under and state-owned enterprises) and representatives of 12 participating teams attended the launching ceremony.

"We will practice the spirit of sport higher, faster and stronger with practical actions." Wang Jianwei, the representative of the athletes, and Cai Qiaoxin, the representative of the referees, took the stage to solemnly swear, expressing their determination to strictly abide by the rules of the competition, carry forward the spirit of sportsmanship, and ensure the fairness, justice and openness of the event.

It's hot to go! The basketball game of the staff of Fengze District directly under the government was in love for a summer

"I hope that all the athletes can play at a high level, forge deep friendships through the competition, and show a positive spirit." The relevant responsible comrades of the organizer said that all referees should be dedicated to their duties, judge fairly, and create a good environment for the entire event with enthusiastic service to ensure the smooth development of the game.

It's hot to go! The basketball game of the staff of Fengze District directly under the government was in love for a summer

Subsequently, Yang Huamin kicked off the opening game of the basketball game for the staff of the district organs, officially igniting the fire of passion for summer basketball......

It's hot to go! The basketball game of the staff of Fengze District directly under the government was in love for a summer

The second team of the party-mass system wearing white uniforms and the representative team of the propaganda system wearing red uniforms immediately launched fierce competition, dribbling, passing, breaking, layups, defense, and surrounding......

It's hot to go! The basketball game of the staff of Fengze District directly under the government was in love for a summer
It's hot to go! The basketball game of the staff of Fengze District directly under the government was in love for a summer

"Beautiful, score!" "Come on, rush!" The crowd cheered and cheered, and the stadium was full of enthusiasm.

It's hot to go! The basketball game of the staff of Fengze District directly under the government was in love for a summer

The second half entered the white-hot stage, you chased me a ball, I shot three points back, and both sides gritted their teeth and were comparable. Superb ball skills, tight defense, wonderful coordination, clever steals, and accurate pitching pushed the atmosphere of the arena to a climax again and again, winning bursts of applause and cheers from the audience.

It's hot to go! The basketball game of the staff of Fengze District directly under the government was in love for a summer

Subsequently, the representative team of the supply and marketing cooperatives and the first team of the party-mass system also entered the "battlefield" and started the second game of the first day. The team members have taken out their housekeeping skills, you chase me, you fight for me, compete with me, and stage a thrilling and wonderful event.

The basketball game was sponsored by the Working Committee of the Fengze District Party Committee and the District Federation of Trade Unions, and co-organized by the Party Committees of the district organs, the Party committees directly under the Party Committee, the Party Committee of the State Investment Group, the Party Committee of the Urban Construction Group, the trade unions of various systems, and the District Basketball Association.

It's hot to go! The basketball game of the staff of Fengze District directly under the government was in love for a summer

A total of 12 teams and 168 players signed up for the basketball game, and the whole 35 games will be played over the next 17 game days. Welcome all those who love basketball and sports to watch the game and cheer for them!

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