
The city's and district's "two excellent and one first" commendation! Fortress these collectives and individuals were awarded the ......

author:Look at Fortress

In order to give full play to the leading role of typical demonstration

Create a strong atmosphere of burning passion, entrepreneurship and striving for the first

On the occasion of the celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Quanzhou Municipal Party Committee, Fengze District Party Committee

Recently, a batch of commendations were made

"Outstanding Communist Party Member" and "Outstanding Party Worker"

and "Advanced Grassroots Party Organization"

Let's take a look at who they are?

Quanzhou "two excellent and one first" commendation list


1. Outstanding Communist Party members in the city

Hu Qinghua, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Taxation Bureau of Fengze District, Quanzhou City, State Administration of Taxation

Chen Xiaolong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of Fengze District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau

Xin Chuyang, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Beifeng Street, Fengze District, and fourth-level researcher

Xu Huirong Director of the Office of the Political and Legal Committee of the Fengze District Party Committee

Wang Zhichao is the head of the news gathering and editing unit of Fengze District Financial Media Center

Huang Shan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Principal of Chengdong Middle School in Quanzhou City

Chen Wenshan, Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of Tonghai Community, Chengdong Street, Fengze District

Tong Wanting Member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of Quanzhou Gas Co., Ltd

2. Outstanding party workers in the city

Zheng Lezeng, Deputy Secretary of the Working Committee of Fengze District Party Committee and District Organs, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Working Committee

Huang Liudong is a member of the Party Working Committee of Donghu Street, Fengze District

Li Chaokun Director of the Party Committee Office of the Fengze Branch of the Quanzhou Public Security Bureau

Lin Pingli, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of Fengze Community, Fengze Street, Fengze District

Ke Xianshan, Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Community Health Service Center of Quanxiu Street, Fengze District

Wu Ruiying, Secretary of the General Party Branch and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of Huanshan Community, Qingyuan Street, Fengze District

Liang Peidong, Secretary of the Party Branch and Vice President of Fujian (Quanzhou) Advanced Manufacturing Technology Research Institute

Third, the city's advanced grass-roots party organizations

Party Working Committee of Donghai Street, Fengze District

Party Committee of Fengze District High-tech Industrial Park

General Party Branch of the Standing Committee of the Fengze District People's Congress

General Party Branch of the Second Affiliated Primary School of Quanzhou Normal University

Party Committee of Shenghu Community, Donghu Street, Fengze District

Party Committee of Dengxing Community, Quanxiu Street, Fengze District

General Party Branch of Nanpu Community, Huada Street, Fengze District

Party Committee of Antong Holding Co., Ltd

Fengze District "two excellent and one first" commendation list

1. Outstanding Communist Party members in the whole region

Chen Bozhao is a member of the United Front Work Committee of the Party Working Committee of Donghai Street

Chen Jiachuan, Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of Houpu Community, Donghai Street

Huang Yuzhi, Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of Jinqi Community, Donghai Street

Xu Qiuli, Manager of the Corporate Publicity Department of Fujian Quanzhou Peak Sporting Goods Co., Ltd

Chen Longhuang Member of the Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the Labor Union, and General Manager of the Administrative Management Center of Nanwei Software Group

Lin Songzi Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Office of Chengdong Street

Wei Jiazhen Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of Tongyuan Community, Chengdong Street

Wei Shuwen Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of Xifu Community, Chengdong Street

Zhang Yuechang is a party worker in Xunmei Community, Chengdong Street

Wang Weiwei is a staff member of the Economic Development Office of Chengdong Street

Huang Yinpeng, Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of Vanke City Community, Beifeng Street

Lin Zhijie Secretary of the General Party Branch and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of Zhaoxian Community, Beifeng Street

Zeng Zhangfu is a member of the Zhaolian Community Neighborhood Committee of Beifeng Street

Wang Wenzhi is a member of the Party Working Committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee, and leader of the supervision team of Beifeng Street

Lin Rongcan, Secretary of the Party Branch of Huada Street Organ, Director of Huada Street Comprehensive Convenience Service Center

Hou Qingfei, Secretary of the Party Branch and Deputy General Manager of Fujian Huanyutong Information Technology Co., Ltd

Cai Qinghai is a member of the United Front Work Committee of the General Party Branch of Xinpu Community and a member of the Neighborhood Committee of Huada Street

Hu Xudong is the director of the Working Committee of the People's Congress of Donghu Street

Xiao Lixuan, director of the Working Committee of the Donghu Street People's Congress

Wang Haihong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Neighborhood Committee of Renfeng Community, Donghu Street

Huang Peichun, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of Minghu Community, Donghu Street

Hu Yilan, a staff member of Fengshan Community, Donghu Street

Wang Zhipeng, Director of Fengze Street Economic Development Office

Yang Xiaojing, deputy director of the Qianban Community Neighborhood Committee of Fengze Street

Du Shaohuang is a member of the Party Committee and a member of the neighborhood committee of Yuanhuai Community, Fengze Street

Xu Qiulian is a member of the Yingjin Community Neighborhood Committee of Fengze Street

Xue Chao, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the office of Quanxiu Street

Wu Jintai Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of Dengzhou Community, Quanxiu Street

Zhou Bijin Member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Neighborhood Committee of Huafeng Community, Quanxiu Street

Xie Jin, Deputy Captain of the Community Police Team of Quanxiu Police Station, Quanzhou Public Security Bureau

Lai Xianbin Deputy Secretary of the Qingyuan Street Discipline Inspection Work Committee and Deputy Head of the Supervision Group

Yang Jiongxian, Secretary of the General Party Branch and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of Chengkou Community, Qingyuan Street

Li Mingyuan, Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of Qingyuan Community, Qingyuan Street

Yan Yanru is the head of the Archives Supervision Unit of the Office of the Fengze District Party Committee

Li Sirui, Deputy Director of the Party Building Management Unit of the Working Committee of the Fengze District Party Committee and the District Organs

Wang Yongxiu, member of the Party Branch of Fengze District Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau

Su Lihua is a member of the Party Branch Organization Committee of the Fengze District Judicial Bureau, and a fourth-level chief staff member of the Fengze District Legal Aid Center

Zhuang Yuezhang is a member of the party group and a second-level chief clerk of the Office of the People's Government of Fengze District

Xu Zhijie Secretary of the Party Branch, Director and Manager of the Tobacco Monopoly Bureau (Branch) of Fengze District, Quanzhou City

Li Lingfeng, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of Fengze District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology

Chen Lixin is the director of Fengze District Social Welfare Center

Zhang Yaling is a first-class staff member of Fengze Ecological Environment Bureau

Zhou Chan is a member of the party group and deputy director of the Fengze District Supply and Marketing Cooperative Association

Lin Zhiwen Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Principal of Quanzhou No. 9 Middle School

Su Youjie is the Party Affairs Commissioner of Quanzhou Fengze State-owned Investment Group Co., Ltd

Lin Xiangxiang Secretary of the First Party Branch and Director of the Party Committee Office of the Fengze District Taxation Bureau of Quanzhou City of the State Administration of Taxation

Wu Chaoqun is a first-class staff member of Fengze District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau

Zhang Zhicheng is a civilian cadre of the Integrated Synthetic Operations Center of the Fengze Public Security Bureau

Sun Yan is a party worker of Quanzhou Software Park Construction and Development Co., Ltd

Chen Fengyi, Secretary of the Retired Party Branch of Huafeng Community, Quanxiu Street, and President of the Elderly Association of Huafeng Community, Quanxiu Street

2. Outstanding party workers in the region

Yan Jiahui Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch of Seaview Community, Donghai Street

Guo Zhiming, Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of Daping Hui Community, Donghai Street

Bu Weixing, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Organizing Committee Member of Houting Community, Donghai Street

Tong Wanting Member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of Quanzhou Gas Co., Ltd

Wan Changfeng, deputy secretary of the party branch of Tonghai Community, Chengdong Street

Lin Shixu is a member of the Party Committee of Dongxing Community, Chengdong Street

Zhang Weiyuan is a member of the Xunmei Community Neighborhood Committee and a party worker in Chengdong Street

Wu Wenqiong, member of the Party Branch of Tongyuan Community, Chengdong Street

Lin Zhensheng Deputy Secretary of the General Party Branch of Zhaofeng Community, Beifeng Street

Lin Liqing, deputy director of the Party Building Work Office of Beifeng Street

Lin Peishuang Secretary of the General Party Branch and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of Qunshan Community, Beifeng Street

Du Jingyu is the director of the Party Building Work Office of Huada Street

Zheng Hanzhu, Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of Huacheng Community, Huada Street

Lin Xuanxuan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Party and Government Office of Donghu Sub-district Organ

Jiang Chunlian, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of Shaolin Community, Donghu Street

Wu Songyi, Secretary of the Party Branch and President of Quanzhou Aier Eye Hospital

Guo Zhongjing, Director of the Party Building Work Office of Fengze Street

Xu Linjie is a member of the Party Committee of Dongmei Community, Fengze Street

Huang Huiyin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Neighborhood Committee of Xiahuai Community, Fengze Street

Wang Li'e is a member of the Party Committee of Dengxing Community in Quanxiu Street and deputy director of the neighborhood committee

Huang Mingping, senior manager of personnel administration and party worker of Quanzhou Wanda Plaza Commercial Property Management Co., Ltd

Zhu Jinfeng, a full-time worker of urban grassroots party building in Quanxiu Street

Lin Xiaoqin is the director of the Party Building Work Office of Qingyuan Street

Wang Youzhen Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch of Tianbian Community, Qingyuan Street, and member of the Neighborhood Committee

Lin Siling is a member of the Party General Branch of the Fengze District Commission for Discipline Inspection and the director of the District Anti-corruption Education and Information Technology Center

Zhang Bingkun Deputy Director of the Office of the Organization Department of the Fengze District Party Committee and Party Affairs Cadre

Xu Hongyu is a member of the Party Branch Organization Committee of the Propaganda Department of the Fengze District Party Committee and a fourth-level chief staff member

Ke Xianshan, Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Center of the Community Health Service Center of Quanxiu Street, Fengze District

Wu Meixia is a party cadre of the Party Committee of the Fengze District People's Court

Liu Depeng, Party worker of Fengze District Science and Technology Bureau

Yang Siling, Propaganda member of the Party Branch of Fengze District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, deputy director of the office, and vice chairman of the trade union

Wu Jiannan is a party worker of the Fengze District Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau, and the leader of the second squadron directly under him

Chu Huifen Director of the Party Committee Office of the Fengze District Supply and Marketing Cooperatives System

Fang Limei, Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of Donghai Experimental Kindergarten, Fengze District, Quanzhou City

Chen Siwei is a member of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Deputy Manager of the Party Affairs and Personnel Department of Quanzhou Fengze Urban Construction Group Co., Ltd

Lin Xuejuan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Taxation Bureau of Fengze District, Quanzhou City

Wen Xiuping, Propaganda member of the Party Branch of Fengze District Market Supervision Bureau, and deputy head of the Comprehensive Coordination Unit

Zhu Xuanfei is a party cadre and third-level sergeant of the Public Security Brigade of the Fengze Public Security Bureau

Cheng Yuanyang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Fengze District High-tech Industrial Park

Du Shunqing, head of the Party Building Education Unit of the Veteran Cadres Bureau of the Fengze District Party Committee, and director of the Office of the Retired Cadres Working Committee of the Fengze District Party Committee

3. Advanced grass-roots party organizations in the region

Party Branch of Bincheng Community, Donghai Street

Party Committee of Fashi Community, Donghai Street

Party branch of Quanzhou Hongxing Agency Bookkeeping Co., Ltd

Chengdong Street Tongyuan Community Party Branch

Party branch of Quanzhou Pien Tze Huang Hongren Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd

Party Branch of Chengdong Police Station, Fengze District

General Party Branch of Beifeng Street Flood Rejection Community

Party Branch of Quanzhou Guoli Industry and Trade Technical School

Party Branch of Geological Community, Huada Street, Fengze District, Quanzhou City

Huaqiao University (Fengze) Innovation and Entrepreneurship Park Joint Party Branch

Party Committee of Renfeng Community, Donghu Street

Party Branch of Huaxia Quanzhou Eye Hospital

Party Committee of Donghuai Community, Fengze Street

Fengze Street Dongtu Community and Changhuayuan Party Branch

Party Committee of Quanhuai Community, Quanxiu Street, Fengze District

Party Branch of Fujian Baofang Property Management Co., Ltd

Party Branch of Fujian Tianheng United (Quanzhou) Law Firm

General Party Branch of Huanshan Community, Qingyuan Street

Party branch of Quanzhou Hairixing Arts and Crafts Co., Ltd

Party Branch of the Working Committee of the Fengze District Party Committee and the District Organs of Quanzhou City

Party Branch of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Fengze District, Quanzhou City

General Party Branch of the People's Procuratorate of Fengze District, Quanzhou City

Fujian Shence Law Firm Joint Party Branch

Party Branch of Veterans Affairs Bureau of Fengze District, Quanzhou City

Party Branch of Natural Resources Bureau of Fengze District, Quanzhou City

General Party Branch of the Middle School Affiliated to Quanzhou Normal University

Donghai Quanxiu Street Private Preschool Education United Party Branch

Party Branch of the Economic Investigation Brigade of Fengze Branch of Quanzhou Public Security Bureau

Party Committee of Fengze District High-tech Industrial Park

Retired Party Branch of Yuanhuai Community, Fengze Street