
"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

author:Have fun watching entertainment
"The luckiest thing in my life is that I can marry my wife,...... God was so nice to me, he met my wife when I was most disappointed, but I lost her when I was most proud......"
"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

This heartfelt remark is a line of Huang Rihua in "Intolerable Love", I believe that many viewers who have watched this drama have been moved by Ding Youjian's feelings for Ni Chujun.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

But what many people don't know is that in real life, Huang Rihua's feelings for his wife Liang Jiehua are just as sincere and touching, and they are more tortuous and warm. It's just a pity that after 40 years of love between the two, Liang Jiehua died of cancer.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

The two have been together since they were nameless, but they parted ways after Huang Rihua became popular, and later became a family, but the happy life after marriage was overshadowed by Liang Jiehua's cancer......

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

Huang Rihua accompanied his wife to fight cancer for 7 years, spending 75 million, after his wife passed away, in order to abide by his marriage vows to his wife, he promised not to marry again for life, and finally lived a good man model in the entertainment industry.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

What kind of touching story does he and his wife Liang Jiehua have? What is his life like now at the age of 63? Let's dive into the story of the two.

A girl who runs a trick falls in love with a popular male star

If Liang Jiehua's life is a song of ups and downs, then the prelude to this song should be from her acquaintance with Huang Rihua, and the fates of the two people have been tightly intertwined from that moment.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

Originally, she was just an ordinary working girl, but by chance she came into contact with the Hong Kong Wireless Artist Training Course.

This is a professional training organization set up by Hong Kong Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB) to cultivate acting talents, and it is here that she and Huang Rihua met.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

At that time, both of them were students there, but Liang Jiehua was one year older than Huang Rihua and could be regarded as a senior sister.

In the daily relationship bit by bit, the two hearts slowly leaned together, felt that they were more compatible with each other, and naturally became a couple.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

And the two did not hide their relationship excessively, and they chose to make it public two years after Huang Rihua's debut.

This also gave Liang Jiehua a great sense of security, but the sense of security at this time could not be maintained in the future state of life.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

There are differences between the two from the beginning of their debut, Huang Rihua's starting point is very high, and he has already become famous after filming a few dramas, and he still has fans.

His TV series are deeply loved by the public, especially in the 1983 martial arts drama "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", playing the role of "Guo Jing", which is even more popular across the Taiwan Strait and three places, and is widely recognized by audiences in Chinese mainland.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

Since then, Huang Rihua's career can be regarded as a steady progress, and the resources he has obtained are getting better and better.

Later, he also won the nomination for the TVB Thousands of Stars Hui He Taiqing Best Actor Interpretation Award for the martial arts drama "Dragon Babu", and little by little he became a big star that many people know and pay attention to.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

The two classic roles in Jin Yong have been vividly interpreted by Huang Rihua, which has made many people unforgettable.

has such an achievement at a young age, not to mention the subsequent deduction path, if nothing else, it must be a bright star.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

On the other hand, Liang Jiehua had obviously debuted for a while at that time, but he didn't make any waves, and he continued to explore some small roles.

And it's not just the unhappiness in filming, but also the sense of disparity with Huang Rihua in daily life.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

After 5 years of love, they finally broke up

The relationship in the entertainment industry is always unpredictable, one look today, one look tomorrow, after Huang Rihua became popular, gossip about him is often flying.

These scandals hurt Liang Jiehua like bullets, although the love between the two lasted for a long time, it was still affected.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

As the saying goes, "there are many popular people", in the course of work, the handsome Huang Rihua inevitably has to contact some more famous female stars.

This naturally gave those media the opportunity to become the first to report as a gimmick, and even some female celebrities publicly expressed their appreciation for Huang Rihua.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

Of course, these scandals may not have had any impact on the relationship between the two at first, which is also based on Liang Jiehua's trust in Huang Rihua and the frank treatment between the two people.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

But with the continuous impact of the media and the fact that the two often lack company because of work, the anxiety in Liang Jiehua's heart is inevitably expanding.

Various reasons were superimposed, resulting in the two not being able to go to the end and becoming an embarrassing couple in the entertainment industry.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

Go around and around, and eventually become a family

After the breakup, Huang Rihua, who was emotionally frustrated, was still busy with his career all day long, but his love life attracted a lot of attention.

With more and more scandals and rumors, Huang Rihua publicly said: "I already have someone I like."

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

At that time, there was a lot of speculation from the outside world, but many people still thought that Huang Rihua was talking about Liang Jiehua.

But not long after this incident happened, Huang Rihua was known to the public and became a couple with Gong Cien, who fell in love with the play, and all the rumors and speculations at that time were self-defeating.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

Of course, because Huang Rihua did not admit to the public completely openly and transparently at that time, the news that he and Liang Jiehua had broken up.

Therefore, many people misunderstand that Gong Cien is a third party, although it was clarified later, it still caused a lot of impact on the woman.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

Originally, the two were also a pair of "golden boys and girls", but they broke up after two years of love.

Just when everyone felt that Huang Rihua and Liang Jiehua were going farther and farther, and it was no longer possible, at this time, the reversal came, and the interweaving of fates brought them together again.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

In fact, in the final analysis, Huang Rihua still can't let go of each other's five-year relationship, or maybe he found out that each other is the most suitable person in the end, so the two came together again.

In 1988, after the two got back together, they may have been afraid of losing each other again, so they simply got married.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

The previous contradictions were also impacted by the strong feelings, and Liang Jiehua became pregnant soon after getting married, and she did not insist on her favorite acting career, but chose to return to the family.

Although Liang Jiehua was very disappointed by this decision at the beginning, after a long time, he found that this was the best for the two of them, because the sense of gap in the entertainment industry before was not so strong.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

However, although Liang Jiehua stopped filming, she found a daily job again, and she did not completely become a housewife, and the family maintained a balanced and harmonious relationship.

After giving birth to a little princess, the couple has been living a happy life, and the model of male and female protagonists has made the family spend a very happy and harmonious time.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

A wave of unevenness has risen again and again

But the phrase "there are many people who are popular" is really not groundless, as Huang Rihua becomes more and more popular, the family's attention from the media is gradually increasing.

And some of the episodes and frictions that will inevitably occur in the life of the couple will also be infinitely magnified.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

For example, once, Liang Jiehua was photographed behaving ambiguously in the car with her colleague Kenny, suspected of cheating.

Although Huang Rihua did not respond immediately, he finally issued a response: I will believe my wife no matter what, and stand on her side.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

even took a photo of the three of them with Kenny, so that more people could know that the three of them had a good relationship and were not as rumored to be.

However, at that time, the outside world also had different opinions about this, some people said that such a steadfast love was worthy of admiration and touching, and some people felt that he was just creating the illusion of family harmony.

But no matter what the truth is, the road they have traveled together and the time of their lives are true.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

After getting married, Huang Rihua has always tried his best to keep a distance from female stars, and both parties have spent a lot of time and energy on their investment in the family.

Originally, the turmoil of the matter finally subsided, the days were getting better and better, and their daughter was growing up day by day, but at this time, something happened that many people did not expect.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

In 2013, Liang Jiehua was diagnosed with cancer, which undoubtedly dealt a painful blow to this originally happy family.

This sudden accident caught the whole family off guard, and since then Huang Rihua began to take his wife and often go in and out of the hospital to see a doctor, hoping to get an effective treatment.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

However, cancer is a well-known problem of the human century, and even if many people go bankrupt, there is no chance of survival for the patient.

During Liang Jiehua's illness, Huang Rihua never gave up, and spent 75 million Hong Kong dollars for Liang Jiehua's medical treatment.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

During this period, Huang Rihua had to take care of his sick wife on the one hand, and on the other hand, he had to seize the time to take on commercial performances to make money to support the family.

In this way, day by day, Huang Rihua also prayed for his wife's recovery in his heart, and every time he saw his wife who was tormented by illness, his heart was very painful.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

But God did not fulfill people's wishes, even if it cost money and time, in the end, it was still not as strong as the disease that could be resisted.

Liang Jiehua finally passed away in 2020 after persevering for seven years.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

The person who has been with him for decades left him, which made Huang Rihua sad, and he once publicly stated that he would not remarry.

His love for his wife can be said to be obvious to all, and it can be said that after getting married, he really achieved the phrase "only love one person in his life".

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

A program interview once asked Huang Rihua: "Which do you think is more important, wife or daughter?" ”

His answer was this: "I don't think my daughter is my own choice, but my wife is my own choice, I have to love her and love her, if you want to choose which is more important, daughter or wife, I think it is more important to be a wife." ”

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching
"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

Such remarks also moved many of the guests present, and I have to say that Huang Rihua is really a good man who loves his wife very much.

But now he can only be separated from his wife, and he supports himself by recalling the bits and pieces of happiness of the two.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching


Huang Rihua has not remarried after the death of his wife, and he has kept his vow: he will never marry again after his wife's death.

Although there were rumors last year that he proposed to Guangbaohui again, Huang Rihua later denied it, saying that they were just friends.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

Huang Rihua, who is now 63 years old, has long since retired from the entertainment industry, but he has participated in the Hong Kong star football team.

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching

Although he doesn't have a family member by his side all day, he can be seen from the video that he is still very sunny and positive.

The video of the interview can also see that he is full of vitality, and I hope that such an excellent husband and father can continue like this and maintain a good mental state!

"Guo Jing" Huang Rihua: His wife died of cancer and vowed not to marry for life, their love is too touching


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