
41 years later, looking at the situation of "Guo Jing" Huang Rihua, Andy Lau's words are finally believed

author:Eddie Literary Society

In 1981, Huang Rihua, who had a dream of acting, joined TVB. Two years later, he finally waited for the opportunity to appear on the camera, and was fortunate to receive the role of Guo Jing in Jin Yong's martial arts drama "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

He perfectly interpreted Guo Jing's character with his superb acting skills, and vividly showed his uprightness, loyalty, and courage in front of the audience, and became famous in one fell swoop.

41 years later, looking at the situation of "Guo Jing" Huang Rihua, Andy Lau's words are finally believed

This success not only allowed Huang Rihua to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry, but also made him one of the "Five Tigers" in the Hong Kong TV industry. In the 80s, he became the brightest star of that era together with Miao Qiaowei, Stephen Chow, Andy Lau, and Tony Leung.

Huang Rihua's performance style is simple and natural, and the characters he creates are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, whether he is a decent or a villain, he can control it freely, and has won the love and respect of the audience.

At the peak of his career, Huang Rihua has always maintained a humble and hard-working attitude. He is not satisfied with a single way of acting, but constantly breaks through himself and tries a variety of different types of roles.

From martial arts dramas to modern dramas, from decent to villains, Huang Rihua has proved with his own strength that he is not only "Guo Jing", but also an excellent actor with all-round development.

41 years later, looking at the situation of "Guo Jing" Huang Rihua, Andy Lau's words are finally believed

During this period, Huang Rihua was richly rewarded through his efforts. He has participated in many TV series that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has established a distinctive image. His success is not only due to personal diligence, but also because of the opportunities given to actors in that golden age of television.

Huang Rihua seized this opportunity and used his strength and efforts to leave a strong mark in the history of performing arts.

During the filming of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Huang Rihua and Zeng Huaqian developed feelings because of their tacit cooperation. The two are young and energetic, playing the chivalrous couple of Guo Jing and Huang Rong in the play, and there are also sparks of love outside the play.

41 years later, looking at the situation of "Guo Jing" Huang Rihua, Andy Lau's words are finally believed

Their feelings are as innocent and warm as the characters in the play, full of youthful vitality and longing for the future.

However, real-world love is often more complex than drama. Although Huang Rihua and Zeng Huaqian yearn for each other, their emotional road is not all smooth sailing. Huang Rihua once revealed in an interview: "My fate with Hua Qian seems to end here.

This sentence is full of helplessness and regret, and it also implies that there is an insurmountable obstacle between the two.

41 years later, looking at the situation of "Guo Jing" Huang Rihua, Andy Lau's words are finally believed

In "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Guo Jing went through a lot of hardships and finally got together with Huang Rong. However, in reality, the relationship between Huang Rihua and Zeng Huaqian failed to achieve positive results, although the specific reason is unknown, but this relationship experience undoubtedly left a deep imprint on them.

This relationship experience made Huang Rihua more mature. He learned how to find a balance between his career and his relationships, and he understood the trade-offs in life. These valuable experiences laid the foundation for his later married life.

Looking back, Huang Rihua has always maintained a peaceful attitude towards that feeling, he once said: "In that era, we were all young and there were many uncontrollable factors. This sentence is not only a review of the past, but also reflects the wisdom and insight that he gradually accumulated in the process of growing up.

41 years later, looking at the situation of "Guo Jing" Huang Rihua, Andy Lau's words are finally believed

Although this young love affair did not come to the end, it also became an unforgettable experience in Huang Rihua's life.

After experiencing emotional twists and turns with Zeng Huaqian, Huang Rihua met his true love Liang Jiehua. Their acquaintance was ordinary, but the spark of love was generated. Liang Jiehua is elegant and kind, which brings Huang Rihua a sense of security and warmth that he has never had before.

In 1986, Huang Rihua and Liang Jiehua entered the palace of marriage together, and have spent more than 30 years happily ever since.

41 years later, looking at the situation of "Guo Jing" Huang Rihua, Andy Lau's words are finally believed

After marriage, Huang Rihua cherished this hard-won relationship even more and regarded family as the most important part of life. No matter how busy he is at work, he will try to find time to spend with his wife and children.

In his opinion, the happiness of his family is the driving force for him to keep moving forward, Huang Rihua once said in an interview: "With the support of my family, I can go all out in my acting career."

In 2013, the sad news came that Liang Jiehua was diagnosed with chronic hemorrhagic anemia. In the face of his wife's illness, Huang Rihua showed extraordinary responsibility and courage. He did not hesitate to put down all his work and devote himself to taking care of his wife.

41 years later, looking at the situation of "Guo Jing" Huang Rihua, Andy Lau's words are finally believed

Huang Rihua said firmly: "We have been together for so many years, she has taken care of me for so long, and now it is my turn to take care of her."

Huang Rihua used his practical actions to tell everyone what is true love and what is the responsibility and responsibility in marriage. He often said, "Marriage is not a spur of the moment, but a lifelong commitment."

He has kept this oath with practical actions for more than 30 years.

41 years later, looking at the situation of "Guo Jing" Huang Rihua, Andy Lau's words are finally believed

In 2020, Liang Jiehua died of illness, which brought a huge blow to Huang Rihua. Despite this, he maintained a resilient attitude. At Liang Jiehua's memorial service, Huang Rihua wrote affectionately: "I hope you rest in heaven, don't worry about me, I will live strongly."

This deep love, which transcended life and death, became the most precious treasure in his life.

This married life gave Huang Rihua a deep understanding of the true meaning of love, and gave him a more solid backing on the road of life. His relationship with Liang Jiehua has become a good story in the entertainment industry, and it has also set a model for many people in married life.

41 years later, looking at the situation of "Guo Jing" Huang Rihua, Andy Lau's words are finally believed

In 2004, when Huang Rihua's acting career was at its peak, he unexpectedly chose to quit the entertainment industry and devote himself to the election of constituency councillors. This decision shocked and puzzled the entire entertainment industry and the outside world.

Huang Rihua elaborated: "I hope to make a real contribution to society. As an actor, I can bring joy to the audience, and if I become a councillor, I can solve real problems for the citizens.

These words fully demonstrated his sense of responsibility and mission to the society, and also reflected his deep thinking about the value of life.

41 years later, looking at the situation of "Guo Jing" Huang Rihua, Andy Lau's words are finally believed

Huang Rihua's identity has changed from a high-profile star to an ordinary parliamentarian, which is a big change. This means that he needs to acquire new knowledge and skills, adapt to a new working environment, and also face various social issues.

Despite this, Huang Rihua did not back down, and he committed and completed every task with a serious attitude and responsibly.

As a Legislature, Wong Yat-wah always pays attention to the lives of the public and actively advocates for the public. He is committed to participating in a number of community improvement projects and is committed to solving the practical problems of residents.

41 years later, looking at the situation of "Guo Jing" Huang Rihua, Andy Lau's words are finally believed

"Although I am no longer a hero on the screen, I am willing to be a hero in real life and do my part for those in need," he said.

This turning point gave Huang Rihua's life a new direction. He no longer tied himself to showbiz, but set his sights on a wider social aspect. This decision also allows people to see another side of him that is not known to everyone - an ordinary person with a strong sense of social responsibility and willingness to contribute to others.

Huang Rihua's choice is a good proof of what Andy Lau once said: "In this circle, there are very few people who can get out of the whole body, and Huang Rihua is one of them." Indeed, in the flashy entertainment industry, there are not many people who can maintain their hearts and choose to serve the society.

41 years later, looking at the situation of "Guo Jing" Huang Rihua, Andy Lau's words are finally believed

Although he left the familiar stage, Huang Rihua resolutely made the decision without regrets. He believed that this was an important turning point in his life, giving him the opportunity to give back to society in a new way, and this fearlessness and sense of responsibility earned him the respect and appreciation of many.

June 2020 was undoubtedly the most difficult moment in Huang Rihua's life. His beloved wife Liang Jiehua passed away due to illness, which caused a huge blow to his life.

This life partner, who has accompanied him through more than 30 years of ups and downs, finally left him after battling the disease for 7 years.

41 years later, looking at the situation of "Guo Jing" Huang Rihua, Andy Lau's words are finally believed

Only by experiencing the pain of losing a loved one can we truly appreciate the torment. Huang Rihua once said in an interview: "Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night, I still feel that she is around.

This sentence is full of deep longing for his wife and nostalgia for the old days, and it also reflects the loneliness and loss in his heart.

After the death of his wife, Huang Rihua cherished the time he spent with his family and friends, and he began to participate more in social activities, using his own experience to comfort and encourage those who also lost loved ones.

41 years later, looking at the situation of "Guo Jing" Huang Rihua, Andy Lau's words are finally believed

He said: "Everyone will experience life and death, the important thing is how to face it calmly and move on."

This experience gave Huang Rihua a deeper understanding of life. He began to cherish the people and things around him more, and he also realized the precious value of life more. His strength and optimism not only deeply touched those around him, but also brought strength and hope to those in distress.

Huang Rihua uses his actions to truly interpret love and the courage to face the test of life. His story has become a spiritual pillar for many people in the face of life's setbacks.

41 years later, looking at the situation of "Guo Jing" Huang Rihua, Andy Lau's words are finally believed

Huang Rihua chose to be low-key and pragmatic in his life away from the entertainment industry, away from the hustle and bustle of the circle and return to the ordinary. Andy Lau once said that in the big dye vat of the entertainment industry, there are very few people who can get out of the whole body, and Huang Rihua is one of them.

Although he is no longer active on the screen, Huang Rihua has not stopped. He is actively involved in various charitable activities and uses his influence to contribute to society. Huang Rihua once said: "Fame and fortune are no longer important to me, and being able to do something for others is the most meaningful."

This sentence fully reflects his new understanding of life and his commitment to social responsibility.

41 years later, looking at the situation of "Guo Jing" Huang Rihua, Andy Lau's words are finally believed

In daily life, Huang Rihua prefers a simple and calm lifestyle. He would get together with friends, spend time with his family, and enjoy the little things in life. Sometimes, he also recalls his previous days in the entertainment industry, but more than that, he is grateful and cherished.

"Each stage has its meaning, and I'm grateful for what I've been through and I'm grateful for what I've been living now," he said.

Huang Rihua's attitude to life shows his maturity and wisdom, he no longer pursues fame and fortune and aura, but finds inner peace and contentment, a choice that makes him still respected and loved by the public after many years of retirement.

41 years later, looking at the situation of "Guo Jing" Huang Rihua, Andy Lau's words are finally believed

Even though Huang Rihua is far from the public eye, he has not been forgotten because of this. He occasionally participates in public welfare events or gives interviews, and every time he appears, he attracts public attention.

People are not only concerned about his current life, but also appreciate his attitude towards life.

Although Huang Rihua is now far away from the prosperity of the entertainment industry, his life is full of temperature and meaning. In his own way, he told everyone what real success is - it is not fame and status, but inner peace and love of life.

41 years later, looking at the situation of "Guo Jing" Huang Rihua, Andy Lau's words are finally believed

He once said, "The meaning of life is not in what you have, but in how you see and cherish what you have".

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