
Answer to the government丨The road in a village and town in Luonan County is in disrepair and seriously damaged Response: The maintenance will be completed before the end of October

author:Western Network People's Livelihood Hotline
Answer to the government丨The road in a village and town in Luonan County is in disrepair and seriously damaged Response: The maintenance will be completed before the end of October
Answer to the government丨The road in a village and town in Luonan County is in disrepair and seriously damaged Response: The maintenance will be completed before the end of October

Netizens reported that Yangbai Road in Luonan County was damaged and difficult to pass.

Recently, some netizens reported to the Western Network People's Livelihood Hotline that the road from Fengzhong Village to Baiyusi Town, Jingcun Town, Luonan County, Shangluo City is damaged and potholes, and it is difficult to travel in water on rainy days, which seriously affects the daily travel of villagers. It is hoped that the relevant departments will carry out the repair work as soon as possible.

The Western Network People's Livelihood Hotline reported this situation to the Luonan County Transportation Bureau.

The Luonan County Transportation Bureau replied that the road is one of the new provincial highways in S204, commonly known as Yangbai Road, with a total length of 6 kilometers. The road is in disrepair, the road surface is seriously damaged, the Luonan County Transportation Bureau has included the road in the 2024 new ordinary provincial road maintenance project, is currently in the early stage of the project bidding and other work, is planned to be completed by the end of October, road traffic conditions will be greatly improved.

Answer to the government丨The road in a village and town in Luonan County is in disrepair and seriously damaged Response: The maintenance will be completed before the end of October

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