
33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

author:No. 2 Explorer
33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

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Text|No. 2 Explorer

Editor|Explorer No. 2

Good news again!

After ten years of absorbing the D turmoil, Ke Zhendong is finally going to turn over?

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

01 A group of "heroes" gathered

Because of a birthday party, Ke Zhendong became popular again.

It's nothing more than black and red.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

Recently, Ke Zhendong celebrated his 33rd birthday in a low-key manner and had a meal with a group of friends.

can take a closer look at the members in the group photo, each of them is a well-known artist, and each of them has a very explosive past.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

Ye Shuhua, the idol of the girl group.

Seeing her appear at Ke Zhendong's birthday dinner, fans were surprised and disappointed.

"Can you care about the feelings of your fans?"
33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

She is in the rising period of her career, is it really appropriate to have dinner and play with a controversial artist unscrupulously?

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

In the face of everyone's doubts, Ye Shuhua claimed that he was originally going to have dinner with Tao Jingying, and it was a complete accident to appear at this party.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

Who is Tao Jingying?

An artist full of black material.

There are two well-known speeches, one of which is a complaint against mainland girls.

"Mainland girls have never seen anything in the world, not even bags"
33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

Another sentence is the confused speech of Shinzo Abe when he died:

"He is Taiwan's eternal friend"

It's no wonder that some netizens use "like like to gather" to describe their party, those who smoke D, those who gamble circles, and those who stir up trouble, can be regarded as gathering at this dinner table.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

In this situation, some people lamented that Ke Zhendong's social circle was strong and complicated, and he was scolded like this, and he could still maintain a close relationship with a big coffee like Jia Jingwen.

Some people also clarified for those scoldings: When people make mistakes, why can't they give him a chance to change their minds?

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

seems to feel that the rebuttal is too thin, and also took out the lines of Ke Zhendong's new drama:

"People make mistakes, and artists are also people"

"So I don't think we should terminate the contract, but instead tell everyone that the person who accidentally makes a mistake should give him a chance, support him without giving up, and get back on his feet and go on the right path."

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

Unexpectedly, it has been almost 10 years since he sucked D from 2014 to 2024, and some fans have clarified him and looked forward to his comeback........

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

02 Falling into the trough

It is undeniable that Ke Zhendong is really popular at the peak of his career.

In 2011, because of the role of "Ke Jingteng" in the movie "Those Years, The Girl We Chased Together", he became a household name and successfully won the "Golden Horse Award for Best New Actor".

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

The launch of his first music album made his popularity even higher.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

Even if he moved to the mainland for development, his popularity has not diminished in the slightest, and he has established the position of "traffic niche" with a "small era".

If you want to have good looks, you want to have acting skills, you want traffic to have traffic, and top film and television dramas are willing to ask him to play the male lead.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

If you follow this route, you will definitely be a figure on the front line.

I never expected it!

After becoming popular, he was not busy improving his acting skills, but lost himself in the support of fans.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

From the moment he appeared on CCTV in prison uniform, his career was destined to come to an end.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

starred in the movie "Monster Hunt", and when the filming and production were completed, it was forced to be replaced by Jing Boran for remake.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

Even the tepid Jing Boran ushered in the peak of his career because of the crown of "annual box office champion".

Seeing everything that belongs to him and making wedding dresses for others, he has ten thousand unwillingness in his heart.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?


The reason for this has long been said by Gao Yalin.

"You shouldn't ask me this question, you just compare the whole world, more than the international movie stars get paid, do you think this is high?"
33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

As long as you make a movie, you can get a sky-high salary.

The huge temptation made the bad artists whose acting careers were forced to be terminated try their best to make a comeback.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

For example, Jackie Chan's son Fang Zuming, knowing his father's identity as an "anti-drug ambassador", was still playing at home.

Although he returned to the showbiz with the help of his father, the audience's scolding made him have to give up his identity as an actor and become a director.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

Fang Zu's name is like this, and so is Ke Zhendong.

In the ten years since the D turmoil, he has tried to make a comeback more than once, and the result has been really successful.

On the first day of release, a press conference was held, and he took his parents together and bowed and apologized.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

Handwritten apology letter.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

Tears fell.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

Attend public welfare activities for free and call on everyone to help the disadvantaged.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

Exposing his miserable life in prison.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

Participated in the filming of anti-drug propaganda videos.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

Thanks to the company of fans, I occasionally talk about wanting to make a comeback and want to film.

Should it hurt to fall from a height?


Unwilling to let the road to the future be blocked like this, he implemented his "comeback plan" early.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

Didn't announce a comeback before?

It's busy.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

Arrested in August 14.

Attended a business event in January 15.

In August 15, he made a public commercial endorsement.

In November 15, the stills of the finale were posted.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

At the same time as the new drama was completed, he appeared at the film awards ceremony as an award presenter, and his words and deeds were very low-key.

When asked about the past, he used himself as an example to remind his peers:

"Don't be too arrogant if you're red"
33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

When asked about the scolding from the outside world, he bluntly said that he was fully prepared.

"Be prepared to be scolded and thrown eggs"

"I still want to act, and if I have the opportunity, I want to continue in this industry, step by step"

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

Referring to the doubts of netizens, he frankly admitted his past mistakes.

"I've been working on the mistakes I've made"
33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

After the official comeback in 2019?

Activities are more frequent.

started a live broadcast on his 30th birthday, and openly used the matter of sucking D to create heat.

"I haven't heard anyone say Happy Birthday in seven years"
33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

After that, he connected with another bad artist, Fang Zuming, and began to blow each other commercially.

One sells miserably, and the other is uneven.

claimed that the reason why it was discovered was because others were angry with Ke Zhendong and reported it.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

Then the words softened a little:

"Don't you want to see us apologize, then we'll apologize, I'm sorry, we broke the law, we were wrong"

As soon as the words fell, the two burst out laughing, and the words were full of banter.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

For ordinary viewers, everything he did today was self-inflicted, and his name has been included in the ban list.

No matter how many times you swipe the "Are you willing to support Ke Zhendong's works" voting column, there will always be more negative votes than yes votes.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

Even the songs that are online will be complained about and taken off the shelves.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

can see a big boy being wronged, some fans still can't help but feel distressed, hoping that everyone will give him a chance to change.

"He's just XX, he has acting skills that don't hurt others, and if he can reform himself, he should be given a chance"
33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

I hope everyone will let him go.

"He should have been popular, but he has already received a lot of punishments, what else! He's also human, can you let him go"
33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

But looking at his attitude towards the black history of the year, and the smile he looked at when he apologized, did he really realize that he was wrong?

Not important.

The important thing is that he succeeded.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

03 Successful comeback?

Although there is an unwritten rule in the entertainment industry: artists who smoke D are black all their lives.

But after years of planning, he is back.

won many awards in unnoticed corners, and won the award of best actor at the 24th Taipei Film Festival.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

As soon as the news came out, fans who liked him began to carnival, praising the idol for rolling around in the sewage and still being handsome.

"Don't talk about whether it's poisonous or not, I really eat his face."

"He's already wrong, why is he holding on?"

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

On the one hand, there is an artist who made a mistake and shouted that he came back, and on the other hand, he is the wife of the anti-narcotics police who cries that her husband will never come back.

The public said that the public was reasonable, and the mother-in-law said that the mother-in-law was reasonable, which quickly aroused everyone's discussion: Is it really worth forgiving for sucking D artists?

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

In the early days, such an incident happened to Cui Yongyuan, a well-known actor was detained for smoking D.

Afterwards, I want to return to the stage.

"If a person is not a sage, he will not be guilty, and the prodigal son will not change his money"
33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

At that time, Cui Yongyuan liked his article and left a message, admitting his insistence on being a good person and doing good deeds, and secretly denied the sentence "The prodigal son does not change his money".

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

As an actor, there is only one misstep that will turn into eternal hatred, and there is no prodigal son who will not change his money.

Some mistakes deserve forgiveness, and some mistakes do not.

A mistake is a mistake, and there is no turning back.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

Although the law has punished them, are they, an artist who can't even keep the most basic bottom line, really qualified to stand on the stage and enjoy the cheers and screams of the audience and fans?

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

When it comes to the bottom line, we must not give an inch.

As a public figure, you should be more disciplined and set a good example for those who like you.

Compared with Ke Zhendong, who is on the edge of the law, they have been walking on the road of public welfare and charity, and they are the real stars.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

For example, Louis Koo.

When he was young, he was the prince charming in the minds of countless girls, a male god in ancient costumes.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

Compared with his appearance, it is worth mentioning his kindness.

More than a decade ago, he learned from a friend that not everyone is as well-fed and well-fed as he is.

In the impoverished mountainous areas of the mainland, it is a luxury for children to even go to school.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

So, he gave up the luxurious life of luxury cars and mansions, and silently helped those people repair schools and introduce learning materials.

According to incomplete statistics, he has donated nearly 150 schools, with donations amounting to tens of millions of yuan.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

For example, the diva-level singer of the Chinese music scene - Chen Huilin.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

is obviously a pampered daughter, who has made a career in the entertainment industry, but has an angel heart.

In 2000, after learning about the lack of educational resources in the remote mountainous areas of Qinghai, he did his best to help these children.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

After his own name, he set up a children's education fund to help build Hope Primary School and help poor children.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

It is reported that Qinghai, Gansu, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places have more than 50 hope primary schools donated by her.

In addition, it also actively responds to the "College Students' Dream Realization Action" and sets aside more than 400,000 yuan every year to subsidize hundreds of poor college students from poor families to go to school.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

He opened a second-hand clothing charity shop and donated the money raised to support education and help the affected areas in a timely manner.

Wherever there is a major disaster, there is her name, and the amount of donations alone is ridiculously large over the years.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

In addition to them, there are also Yao Ming, Han Hong, Huang Xiaoming, Yu Zhen, Jet Li and other artists are silently dedicating.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

Take from the society and give back to the society.

Compared with Ke Zhendong, who cried and complained about grievances, the kindness and great love of artists such as Andy Lau, Hu Ge, and Xiao Zhan are examples worth learning.

33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

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33-year-old Ke Zhendong spreads good news again! After so many years, it's finally going to turn over in one fell swoop?

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