
The second father died, the matchmaker knocked on the door of his house, and the beautiful second mother said cruelly: no one will marry

author:Yiluo's cat

Dictation: Wang Ziying

Although Erniang is a little girl who grew up in the mountains, she is beautiful, and her skin is so tender that even egg whites can't compare.

Double eyelids, big eyes, one look is breathtaking, and looking at two eyes will make a man smeowed.

Erniang followed her family to the county seat and was taken by others.

The only regret of the beautiful Erniang is that she is uneducated, and her eldest sister is also very beautiful, but she does not have her thrilling beauty.

That year, the eldest sister had just been admitted to the county's secondary school, and the enthusiastic Erniang took the car to see her sister, but there was a polite young man in the car.

sent Erniang and them to school, and the young man chased her back to his hometown.

After only knowing each other for a week, the boy seemed to have lost his mind, and she would not marry.

At that time, Erniang was only fourteen or fifteen years old, and it was the time when her love was beginning to open, and in the face of the handsome city boy, she couldn't help but secretly agree.

Two young hearts collided warmly.

It didn't take long for the boy to take Erniang back to the city where he lived.

The second father died, the matchmaker knocked on the door of his house, and the beautiful second mother said cruelly: no one will marry

But the boy's parents are intellectuals, so they naturally have nothing to say about Erniang's appearance, and the most important thing is that she is uneducated, not connotative enough, and not worthy of her handsome son who graduated from a famous university.

Moreover, Erniang's illiterate parents are not worthy of the intellectual status of the man's parents.

rented a house in the city for more than half a year, and the other party's parents were stunned as if she didn't exist, so she should introduce her son to the object, and she should go on a blind date.

At first, the boy risked his life to fight against his family.

But after a long time, the initial freshness was lost, and the boy slowly lost his former enthusiasm, although the two of them were still so salty, the boy still visited her on time, bought her clothes, and bought her favorite food.

But Erniang always felt that something was missing in the middle.

Finally one day, the boy's parents found the place where Erniang rented a house, and quietly stuffed her with 200 yuan, saying: Our son already has a partner to marry, this money as compensation, you can take it and go! Never come back.

The stubborn Erniang confiscated the family's money, and left obediently, crying alone in the house for a long time, and then went out to call the boy on the pager, saying: I miss you, can you come over today?

The second father died, the matchmaker knocked on the door of his house, and the beautiful second mother said cruelly: no one will marry

The boy quickly replied, saying, "I miss you too, but I'm a little busy today, and I can't get by, so I'll go over to see you tomorrow."

Not long after hanging up the phone, Erniang wandered around the street boredly, and before she knew it, she walked to the boy's door, and stood so far away, staying from morning to afternoon, and finally saw the boy.

Not alone, but with a young and beautiful girl, the two of them walked out of the house talking and laughing, and the girl diligently helped the boy to arrange his clothes.

Erniang's heart was in turmoil at that time.

In the end, it's still up to me.

I went back that day and packed my luggage, and then went to the train station to buy a sleeper ticket very luxuriously.

At four o'clock the next morning, Erniang locked the door and put the key in a very hidden place.

It wasn't until she got on the train that she sent a message to the boy, telling him where to put the keys, and didn't say anything emotional, only that she had been out for too long, that she was homesick, and that she wanted to go back to see her parents.

The boy believed it and replied casually: Okay, stay safe, come back early.

Between the words, the passion and diligence when he first returned to the city have long been lost.

Erniang got married not long after she came back, and the object was my second father.

My second father is not bad looking, he looks dignified, and he is a talent.

His shortcomings are the same as Erniang, he is not highly educated, and he doesn't like to talk very much on weekdays, so even if he was arranged by his grandfather to work in the township health center, he is thirty years younger, and he has never met a suitable person.

After seeing Erniang that day, the second father's eyes widened, and he said in his heart, is there such a beautiful woman in this world?

Oh, my God! It's so beautiful, better than any fairy in the sky.

The second father died, the matchmaker knocked on the door of his house, and the beautiful second mother said cruelly: no one will marry

The second father is obedient to the second mother, as long as she likes it, he will do everything he can to help her.

Erniang likes to eat spicy, so the second father bought gunpowder for her everywhere, because she ate too much spicy, and her face got acne! Acne is not pretty.

Erniang likes to eat melon seeds, so the second father helped her peel them one by one, bought two catties of melon seeds, and the second father was reluctant to eat any of them, peeled them into a pile of melon seeds, and then tied them with a small flower handkerchief and quietly put them into Erniang's small bag.

Erniang likes a dress, the price is more than 800, standing outside the store just a few more glances, I didn't expect to make the second father care, the first thing to do after the salary is to pull Erniang to buy clothes.

But his monthly salary at that time was less than 500 yuan.

Erniang said that her second father was the best man for her in the world, and even her biological father did not spoil her so much.

Less than half a year after the two got married, Erniang's previous boyfriend in the city came again, he said that he had never let go of Erniang in his heart, and the girl that day was just a distant relative in the family.

In his heart, Erniang will always be the first.

Only after losing it did he know that he cherished it, the boy ran to the door of Erniang's house and waited for three or four days, just hoping to see Erniang when he went out, even if he only said a word.

But Erniang locked herself at home and didn't go out for a week, shopping for groceries and shopping for things for the second father to bring back from work.

The second father, who learned the inside story, persuaded her in turn, saying: The past is over, and now that we are married, you can treat him as a friend! Could it be that our friends have arrived at the door, and we can't even see each other?

Erniang said: I'm not angry with anyone, since I now have my own new home, then I can't have anything to do with him, not meeting is to let him die from now on, in fact, this is good for everyone.

Later, Erniang gave birth to a son and a daughter, and two smart and clever twin children.

The previous men in the city would inquire about Erniang's news from time to time, but Erniang refused one by one.

On the children's first birthday, the man in the city personally sent two expensive congratulatory gifts, and pleaded with Erniang on the phone: Girl, I will never disturb your life, you will treat me as the children's uncle, okay? When they celebrate their birthdays, let's give two gifts to their uncle!

The second father died, the matchmaker knocked on the door of his house, and the beautiful second mother said cruelly: no one will marry

Erniang still refused, saying: The children have their own fathers and mothers, if they need any gifts, we will buy them ourselves, everyone has their own lives, or don't mix with each other.

Everyone said that Erniang was ruthless, and she had such a beautiful face, how could she do things so desperately?

But Erniang is not ruthless to her family at all.

The second father works outside to make money, and the second mother takes care of his three meals a day smoothly, and has to make another supper and a meal at night.

Other people's families make trouble every day for their children, but the second mother's family is completely different, and the two children are well-behaved and sensible.

The mother and the family all know that they feel sorry for the second father, as the pillar of the family, the eldest parent, as long as the second father does not arrive home, no one will open his mouth to eat first.

Not only relatives, but neighbors praised their family's good living atmosphere.

Even the second father's colleagues were envious.

The second father, a stuffy apricot-like man, is simply a shit luck, and the small life of a family of four is more comfortable than those who are big officials.

Not to mention that I married a wife who is beautiful, the most important thing is that she is sensible and reasonable, whether it is against the top or the bottom, there has never been a family conflict.

And shrewd and capable, he took care of all the trivial things at home, and the second father just dressed up clean every day, and went to work to make money refreshingly.

The rear of the family is always stable, the second mother washes her small home as if she has been shabu, and after decades of marriage, the second father can't even wash a small socks.

Such a small family, outside the male protagonist and female protagonist, the family respects and loves each other, understands each other, although it is not rich and expensive, but it also lives in harmony and happiness, which is covetous.

But when the two children had just graduated from college, the second father unfortunately fell seriously ill.

Erniang's children sent him to the hospital, and Erniang took care of him for more than half a month, and his head was full of green silk and turned into hoarfrost, as if he had suddenly changed into a person, his eyes were blank and his expression was dull.

Surgery was also done, but in the end it did not save my second father's life.

On the day of the second father's death, the second mother cried and fainted by the coffin three times, scaring the two children into screaming, thinking that there would be no mother anymore.

After burying the second father and sending away relatives and friends, the second mother closed herself, locked the gate of the yard from the inside, stayed in it alone, ate the simplest meals, and wore the most simple clothes.

The second father died, the matchmaker knocked on the door of his house, and the beautiful second mother said cruelly: no one will marry

When I went out three days later, I should go underground, I should buy groceries, and when I got home, I still locked the door and lived a small life that I went deep into.

On weekdays, except for the two children, I don't contact anyone else.

This move can make the village people who have coveted her for a long time.

These people shook to the door of Erniang's house several times a day, just hoping that she could take a look at her when she opened the door, or take a few words, and many sets of sets.

The object in the city before her was even more anxious.

The man got married twice and divorced, and since then Erniang left, he felt that all the women in the world were not fragrant, and he waited for Erniang with all his heart, recalling their past together, and felt that Erniang was the most perfect woman, worthy of all his efforts.

This time the second father passed away, and he said that he didn't want to miss the opportunity again.

The man invited the matchmaker within a radius of several miles, knocked on Erniang's door twice a day, and all kinds of expensive and gorgeous gifts were brought to Erniang's door.

The relatives really couldn't see it, and they came to persuade each other, saying: The second family, everyone knows that you are a good person, and you are all for the second child and this family, but now the second child is gone, and the children are not by your side.

Relatives also hope that she and the previous man will get back together, after all, the two of them have had such a scene, and the man has been waiting for her for half her life.

But Erniang is so stubborn, she let go of her cruel words when she was in a hurry: I live in my own house, eat my own food, I am in charge of my affairs, tell you! No one can control it, I really won't marry for the rest of my life, and no one can persuade me.

The main reason is that the second mother still can't give up the second father.

The two of them have been together for decades, and they have never blushed or made awkward trouble.

As a son-in-law, the second father treats the elderly like his own biological parents, shouting for warmth three times a day, and taking care of him with food and medicine.

Erniang said: When I close my eyes, I am the smiling appearance of my child's father, no matter how rich and capable he is, how can he replace the relationship between our old couple for decades?

I don't look for it, I resolutely don't look for it, otherwise I always feel sorry for my child's father!