
Rotten Tomatoes has a 100% positive rating, and Nicolas Cage's new film "Long-legged Monster" released the ultimate trailer

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Rotten Tomatoes has a 100% positive rating, and Nicolas Cage's new film "Long-legged Monster" released the ultimate trailer

Nicolas Cage's second new film this year is about to land in theaters this month, and today the film also released the final trailer of the film (see the end of the article), the film will officially land in North American theaters on July 12, and the film is also Cage's first horror film in recent years.

Rotten Tomatoes has a 100% positive rating, and Nicolas Cage's new film "Long-legged Monster" released the ultimate trailer

At present, three trailers have been released for the film, but as the starring and biggest selling point of the film, the complete image of Nicolas Cage's role in the film has not been officially revealed.

Rotten Tomatoes has a 100% positive rating, and Nicolas Cage's new film "Long-legged Monster" released the ultimate trailer

At present, the film has received 100% freshness on the rating website Rotten Tomatoes, that is, the media score. Cage's new film has been well received by the media in its thriller-horror atmosphere, and some media people have even praised the film as the best horror film of the year. Of course, the only problem is that the film has only received 11 media ratings, which may be a little insufficient in terms of reference.

Rotten Tomatoes has a 100% positive rating, and Nicolas Cage's new film "Long-legged Monster" released the ultimate trailer

Unlike Cage's previous films, he will play a psychopathic killer in this "Long-Legged Monster", who leaves behind a mysterious symbol after each crime. In addition to a breakthrough in the role, Cage will also break through his previous screen image again in the film.

Rotten Tomatoes has a 100% positive rating, and Nicolas Cage's new film "Long-legged Monster" released the ultimate trailer

Although Cage's image in recent movies is difficult to describe, his character image in this "Long-legged Monster" will surprise the audience again, which is why the trailer of the film has always kept Cage's character image a secret. Nicolas Cage, who is the king of bad movies, may really announce his return with this "Long-legged Monster" this time.



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