
Restaurant boss: I'm not afraid of having peers, I'm afraid that my peers know too much about catering, so I'll do this when I come up

author:Catering dry goods Wu Luqi

Now it can be said that even people who don't understand catering know that the involution of catering is very serious now, and all kinds of low prices can be said to be flying all over the sky, and not only small brands or regional brands, but also large chain restaurants, and the current trend is that it is getting more and more every year, and there is no feeling of stopping.

Restaurant boss: I'm not afraid of having peers, I'm afraid that my peers know too much about catering, so I'll do this when I come up

And this, in addition to the fact that everyone knows now, the general environment is not good, and everyone is reluctant to consume, there is a more important reason, which is that there are too many people who are now entering the catering, not only the rich, but also many workers who have saved some money and can't find a suitable job.

Restaurant boss: I'm not afraid of having peers, I'm afraid that my peers know too much about catering, so I'll do this when I come up

The key is that these new catering people, I don't know if they don't understand catering, or because they understand catering too well, they are magnifying tricks as soon as they come up, and they are directly bombarded, which directly makes many old catering people confused. In the past, when a new restaurant opened, it was important to run in the team in the early stage, because the team was new, and the movement line and equipment location of the store basically needed to be familiarized.

Restaurant boss: I'm not afraid of having peers, I'm afraid that my peers know too much about catering, so I'll do this when I come up

Therefore, when many old restaurants open a store, they will have to test for at least two or three weeks, and some even have to test for more than a month, so that the overall level of their team has gone up before they start to open, and when they open, they will think about doing some activities to attract customers, and at this time, the whole team has also run in, and the reception capacity has also gone up.

Restaurant boss: I'm not afraid of having peers, I'm afraid that my peers know too much about catering, so I'll do this when I come up

Therefore, in the past, the opening speed of the old restaurant people will not be particularly fast, unless it is some professional large-scale chain restaurants, there are enough manpower, material resources and funds, and the team is trained in advance.

Restaurant boss: I'm not afraid of having peers, I'm afraid that my peers know too much about catering, so I'll do this when I come up

And now the new catering people, regardless of 3721, even the staff positions in the store are not filled, the store will be directly opened after the decoration, and it is a big move as soon as it comes up, and it is directly 5% off or even lower activity intensity to attract consumers, so we will often see that some stores are booming as soon as they open.

Restaurant boss: I'm not afraid of having peers, I'm afraid that my peers know too much about catering, so I'll do this when I come up

But in many cases, this kind of store is more troublesome in the follow-up, because the early activities are large, the personnel, production, and service can't keep up, and the customers will be offended as soon as they open, and all the bad reviews will be bad when they open, and the customers who have offended will basically be difficult for you to turn back.

Restaurant boss: I'm not afraid of having peers, I'm afraid that my peers know too much about catering, so I'll do this when I come up

And this kind of restaurant practice is what many catering people are afraid of, because he not only collapsed his own restaurant, but even affected other restaurants, because of the vigorous activities, he directly snatched away their customers.

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