
While spreading rumors and smearing, the United States still wants lunar soil, and China has not refused but has a request!

author:Dongboo Geography

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  • Source/Insight Geography
  • Author/Insight Geography

According to CCTV News, at 14:07 on June 25, 2024, the Chang'e-6 returner landed in the predetermined area of Siziwangqi in Inner Mongolia, which also indicates that mankind has achieved the results of sampling on the far side of the moon for the first time.

While spreading rumors and smearing, the United States still wants lunar soil, and China has not refused but has a request!

This has also aroused the attention of many countries, some countries congratulated, but some countries have successfully broken the defense, including the United States, in this trip to the moon, also successfully demonstrated the United States' large-scale double standard site.

While spreading rumors and smearing, the United States still wants lunar soil, and China has not refused but has a request!

On the one hand, it spares no effort to spread rumors and smears against the mainland, and on the other hand, it also wants soil samples collected from the mainland, and China has not refused, but it has put forward an important request, so what is this request?

Chang'e-6 brought back lunar soil

After years of development, China has become more and more mature in the field of aviation.

In 2004, China officially launched its lunar exploration program, catching up with the global pace of lunar exploration and surpassing it.

While spreading rumors and smearing, the United States still wants lunar soil, and China has not refused but has a request!

In this lunar exploration trip, Chang'e-1 and Chang'e-2 achieved a complete success around the moon, which also became the first step for the mainland to explore the moon.

While spreading rumors and smearing, the United States still wants lunar soil, and China has not refused but has a request!

Chang'e-3 and Chang'e-4 also finally landed on the moon, making a substantial breakthrough in the mainland's lunar exploration program.

While spreading rumors and smearing, the United States still wants lunar soil, and China has not refused but has a request!

In December 2020, Chang'e-5 once again brought the exciting news that it brought back a 1,731-gram soil sample from the front side of the moon.

While spreading rumors and smearing, the United States still wants lunar soil, and China has not refused but has a request!

So far, the continent's lunar exploration factory has also completely signaled maturity and can already rank among the world's leading ones, but the continent's lunar program has not stopped.

It wasn't until 2024 that good news came again, and this became an achievement that attracted the attention of the whole world.

At 6:23 on June 2, 2024, Chang'e-6 successfully landed on the surface of the moon and officially launched the project of collecting soil on the far side of the moon.

While spreading rumors and smearing, the United States still wants lunar soil, and China has not refused but has a request!

The entire collection process lasted 48 hours, and Hu Hao, the chief designer of the Chang'e-6 mission, has been closely monitoring Chang'e-6's every move.

He is like a father, watching his children leave him and accomplish a great thing on his own, and his heart is both excited and proud, but also very nervous.

Finally, on June 4, Chang'e-6 took off from the far side of the moon with the collected lunar soil samples and began its long journey home, and Hu Hao was also waiting for his "child" to return safely on Earth.

While spreading rumors and smearing, the United States still wants lunar soil, and China has not refused but has a request!

After 21 days, at 14:07 on June 25, the Chang'e-6 returner landed accurately, which not only indicates the success of sampling on the far side of the lunar continent, but also indicates the progress of all mankind.

The two-faced nature of the United States

China has achieved such remarkable results, which has completely subverted the impression and evaluation of China by many countries, and has also seen China's real scientific and technological strength and growth rate.

While spreading rumors and smearing, the United States still wants lunar soil, and China has not refused but has a request!

Many countries are sincerely happy about China's progress and strength, and warmly celebrate China, while many countries have broken their defenses and even raised various questions in order to deceive themselves and refuse to believe the truth.

And this includes the United States, during which the United States instigated Japan, South Korea and other countries to constantly question and ask questions, and even used this as a reason to want to study China's soil.

And this is not the first time that the United States has done such a thing, according to the global network, as early as December 1, 2023, the South China Morning Post reported that an email from within NASA was exposed.

While spreading rumors and smearing, the United States still wants lunar soil, and China has not refused but has a request!

The content of the email clearly shows that NASA has notified the U.S. Congress, hoping that Congress can approve NASA not to be bound by the "Wolf Clause", ask China for samples collected by Chang'e-5, and participate in China's research projects on soil.

As soon as this report was launched, it was tantamount to pushing the United States to the forefront, especially with the success of Chang'e-6 to collect soil samples on the far side of the moon, so that the United States was once again branded as a "double standard" by everyone.

So what exactly is the content of this Wolf Clause?

While spreading rumors and smearing, the United States still wants lunar soil, and China has not refused but has a request!

Former U.S. Congressman Frank Wolf drafted the article, which was finally adopted and enacted by the U.S. Congress in 2011.

The entire article is to prohibit China from carrying out any scientific research activities related to NASA, and even prohibiting the acceptance of Chinese visits.

While spreading rumors and smearing, the United States still wants lunar soil, and China has not refused but has a request!

The purpose can be said to be very clear, that is, to prevent China from conducting aerospace research, and to completely exclude China in this field, which was undoubtedly a serious exclusion of the mainland at that time, and it was very unfair to the mainland.

The United States is the party that introduced the terms, but now NASA has taken the initiative to say that it wants China's soil on the far side of the moon this time, which is undoubtedly a violation of its own terms.

China made a request

While spreading rumors and smearing, the United States still wants lunar soil, and China has not refused but has a request!

In this regard, at the regular press conference on July 1, 2024, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning gave a response, Mao Ning represented China's attitude, first of all, China has always adhered to openness, cooperation and friendly exchanges.

Therefore, other countries in the world are very welcome to work with China to study soil samples on the far side of the moon and promote the development of science and technology for all mankind.

While spreading rumors and smearing, the United States still wants lunar soil, and China has not refused but has a request!

When answering the question that the United States also wanted lunar soil samples, Mao Ning did not directly refuse, but asked if the United States had forgotten the "Wolf Clause" that it had signed when making this request.

Such a question can be said to be quite a slap in the face for the United States, after all, the former "Wolf Clause" was signed by the United States in order to target China.

However, it can also be seen from here that China is willing to conduct joint research and exchanges with other countries on the allocation of soil on the far side of the moon.

While spreading rumors and smearing, the United States still wants lunar soil, and China has not refused but has a request!

However, as the first party to take this step, and the first country to obtain this achievement, China should have the absolute right to speak and decide in the future, whether it is the study of the soil on the far side of the moon or other subsequent research on the lunar exploration project.

It is up to China to decide which countries to allocate the collected results to, or which countries to allow to participate in the study.

While spreading rumors and smearing, the United States still wants lunar soil, and China has not refused but has a request!

As for the United States, although China has not directly refused, the former treaty is already there, and it is up to the United States to make its own decision on whether to interpret the treaty itself or to no longer participate in any research on the soil on the far side of the moon.

And according to the character of the United States, no matter what kind of outcome is made, it will be very difficult for it. #长文创作激励计划##头条创作挑战赛##头条首发大赛#


Beijing News: (Chang'e-6 chief designer reveals details of sampling on the far side of the moon)

(Foreign Ministry's response to China-US space cooperation: the US seems to have forgotten the existence of the "Wolf Clause")

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