
In summer, no matter how expensive this "alkaline fruit" is, you have to eat it, detoxify it, dispel the heat, and wait for another year if you miss it

author:Big-headed hunting

Preparing to enter the dog days, it is also the "peak season" of sweating, and the water and salt in the body will also be lost rapidly, which is easy to have no strength, poor appetite, etc., and eat more fresh fruits, which can not only replenish water and lost trace elements, but also reduce dryness and relieve heat, killing two birds with one stone.

Here it is recommended to eat more "alkaline fruits", because alkaline fruits are rich in antioxidants, containing about 30 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams of bayberry, which can nourish the skin and have the effect of delaying aging.

In summer, no matter how expensive this "alkaline fruit" is, you have to eat it, detoxify it, dispel the heat, and wait for another year if you miss it

In addition to containing our consistent nutrients, alkaline fruits are also rich in natural plant compounds, which can regulate the activity of detoxification enzymes, improve hormone metabolism, have antibacterial and antiviral capabilities, and eat more fruits, it can also prevent diseases, lower blood pressure, lose weight and so on.

Now it is the height of summer, the most suitable to eat more of this "alkaline fruit", even if it is expensive, eat 1 time every three forks, detoxification, prevent heat stroke, recently to eat often, it is "bayberry", now eat in season, adjust the balance of the body, due to the seasonal limit, miss to wait for another year.

In summer, no matter how expensive this "alkaline fruit" is, you have to eat it, detoxify it, dispel the heat, and wait for another year if you miss it

1. Bayberry

Recommended recipe: bayberry jam

Main ingredients: 2 catties of bayberry, 120 grams of rock sugar, half a lemon

Here's how:

In summer, no matter how expensive this "alkaline fruit" is, you have to eat it, detoxify it, dispel the heat, and wait for another year if you miss it

1. Prepare 2 catties of fresh bayberry, pour it into a basin, add an appropriate amount of edible salt, then pour in water, soak it for about 15 minutes, after soaking, wash it with water for 2 more times, and then control the water and take it out for later use.

In summer, no matter how expensive this "alkaline fruit" is, you have to eat it, detoxify it, dispel the heat, and wait for another year if you miss it

2. Next, pour the washed bayberry into the pot, it is best to use a non-stick pan here, cover the lid, and cook on low heat for about 5-6 minutes, without adding water, because the bayberry will come out of the water, after the bayberry is soft, shovel it with a spatula, and it can be easily removed from the meat, and it can be served to cool.

In summer, no matter how expensive this "alkaline fruit" is, you have to eat it, detoxify it, dispel the heat, and wait for another year if you miss it

3. When it is cold and not hot, put on disposable gloves, squeeze out the bayberry core, crush all the bayberry hard, and then filter it with a colander, and it is easy to filter out the bayberry core.

In summer, no matter how expensive this "alkaline fruit" is, you have to eat it, detoxify it, dispel the heat, and wait for another year if you miss it

4. According to the amount of one catty, put 120 grams of rock sugar, stir the rock sugar, cover with plastic wrap, and put it in the refrigerator to refrigerate overnight.

In summer, no matter how expensive this "alkaline fruit" is, you have to eat it, detoxify it, dispel the heat, and wait for another year if you miss it

5. The next day the rock sugar has melted, pour it into the non-stick pan, at the beginning, the fire can be slightly larger, wait for the juice to slowly thicken, and then squeeze half a lemon juice into it, which can prevent oxidation and add flavor.

In summer, no matter how expensive this "alkaline fruit" is, you have to eat it, detoxify it, dispel the heat, and wait for another year if you miss it

6. At this time, turn down the heat a little, stir while boiling, boil until the water vapor in it is reduced, and use a spatula to cross it in the middle.

In summer, no matter how expensive this "alkaline fruit" is, you have to eat it, detoxify it, dispel the heat, and wait for another year if you miss it

7. After cooling, the bayberry jam will become a little drier, its state will become very thick, and it will not fall off on the scraper, which is the best state.

In summer, no matter how expensive this "alkaline fruit" is, you have to eat it, detoxify it, dispel the heat, and wait for another year if you miss it

8. Prepare a waterless and oil-free bottle, be sure to use boiling water to detoxify, refrigerate, you have to eat it in a week, if you freeze, you can keep it for half a year and it will not be bad, and after freezing, it will not become hard.

In summer, no matter how expensive this "alkaline fruit" is, you have to eat it, detoxify it, dispel the heat, and wait for another year if you miss it

9. This bayberry jam tastes sweet and sour, the color is very attractive, you can usually drink it with water, wipe bread, wipe steamed buns, it is very good, children especially like to eat.

In summer, no matter how expensive this "alkaline fruit" is, you have to eat it, detoxify it, dispel the heat, and wait for another year if you miss it

10. I put a bottle, put the rest in the fresh-keeping bag, freeze it directly, put it in the fresh-keeping bag, cut it into small pieces with a scraper, so that it can be frozen directly in the refrigerator, and break a piece when you use it, if you have bayberry at home, you can also try it, healthy and additive-free.

In summer, no matter how expensive this "alkaline fruit" is, you have to eat it, detoxify it, dispel the heat, and wait for another year if you miss it

Conclusion: In summer, no matter how expensive this "alkaline fruit" is, you have to eat it once every other day, eliminate food and detoxification, dispel the heat, and wait for another year if you miss it.

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