
Chapter 981 of Chess Yixiu When the attack stops, it is also when the opponent gets the initiative

author:Chess game repair

Chapter 981 of Chess Yixiu When the attack stops, it is also when the opponent gets the initiative

Generally speaking, the attacker is active, the defense is passive, and when you attack at a timeout, it is also when the opponent gets the initiative. This sentence is particularly useful in the endgame stage, when the opponent is in a critical moment in the rear, if the opponent gains the initiative, he will launch an attack and kill the move. Therefore, at this time, the initiative is still in your own hands, and you can take advantage of the current opportunity to launch an attack to gain the initiative, forcing the other party to respond passively, and there is no time to attack.

Figure (981.1)

Chapter 981 of Chess Yixiu When the attack stops, it is also when the opponent gets the initiative

As shown in the diagram, Black kills one step at a time, but since the previous move is not an attack, this gives up the initiative. At this point, it is Red's turn to move, either Red moves or Red takes the initiative, but Black does not attack and does not take the initiative in the previous move, thus giving Red the opportunity to take the initiative!

When the hidden flower at the bottom of the leaf is used, it is an attack launched when the attack is passive and there is no chance to take the initiative when the attack is passive. In this case, the half-step analysis method is applied to detect and avoid the opponent's counterattack means.

Here, the red side needs to be multi-step linkage, which is suitable for using multi-step analysis.

Horse six into seven will be 4 into 1 (red rook horse artillery, cannon control in the middle, rook on the side of the black square like at the bottom of the car general, the first step can be the general only horse. )

Rook eight into eight will be 4 into 1 (familiar with the basic performance of the rook attack directly facing unobstructed, the horse attack will move to the side and be exposed, in line with the attack conditions.) )

Seven soldiers and six draws

Figure a)

Chapter 981 of Chess Yixiu When the attack stops, it is also when the opponent gets the initiative

(Plausible non-platoon)

Will be 4 to 5 (put the formation to see the position, analyze and remember that the red pawn arrived at the position in one step and the position that can threaten. The Red Soldier moves one step to attack the Nine Palaces' Horn Position, and can attack when the Black General arrives. )

4. Ma 7 retreats 5 generals 5 flat 6 (use horses without soldiers, because the car is outside the horse, and the horse general does not block the road.) )

Figure 2)

Chapter 981 of Chess Yixiu When the attack stops, it is also when the opponent gets the initiative

As shown in the diagram, the rook will be on the left and the rook will be on the right, and Black will have a pawn, so the rook will be hindered. Understand the difference between the mid and outer lanes.

Ma 5 retreats 3 will 6 retreat 1 (Ma will go, if the car is the main one, you should find a way to expel the black general to the middle lane, so that the red rook is likely to play a role.) )

6. Ma three into two generals 6 into 17. Ma two into three generals 6 back 1 (red horse follows the black general to swim and the general eats an elephant along the way to destroy the defensive force.) 8. Ma three retreat two generals 6 into 1 (the use of the elephant to block the horse general is conducive to the formation of a horse rear artillery structure. )

Figure 3)

Chapter 981 of Chess Yixiu When the attack stops, it is also when the opponent gets the initiative

The rook eight retreats one elephant 3 into 5 (forcing the opponent to fly to occupy the ninth palace to block the black will return directly to the center.) )

At this point, the road to successive victories for the red side has been forced to come to an end, can the red side only lose?

If you can no longer stop the opponent from attacking, if you can destroy the opponent's main attack force and dismiss the general when the opponent attacks, then there is no loss of a solution.

Gun 5 flat 1 rook 9 back 21 (At this time, the red one-step flat cannon is a stopover before reaching the rear artillery formation, this stop itself is not a separate stop but an offensive one, here the attack on the black rook forces Black to launch an attack on the general. Black needs to be safe to continue his general's offensive. Although the goal of destroying the opponent was not achieved, the position of the black rook was changed, and the black rook was far away from the bottom to make it dislocated from the red handsome, widening the distance between the general, increasing the number of steps that the general needed in time, and increasing the space for the red side to move. )

Ma 2 retreats 3 generals 6 retreats 1 (the black car looks at the horse after the artillery, the original plan can no longer be realized.) Now change the strategy of the carriage cooperation, General Ma is convenient for the car to force the royal city, forming a cold kill of the carriage and horses. The transfer of the black rook is more than a move for the red side, which is the key to the implementation of this plan. )

12. The car is eight flat five horses 7 into 8 (the car occupies the middle road, and the black control will be in a corner.) The black horse controls the road and blocks the red horse from entering the general. )

Figure 4)

Chapter 981 of Chess Yixiu When the attack stops, it is also when the opponent gets the initiative

(The above is selected from the appropriate taste)

The car is five flat, four soldiers are 5 into 6 (abandon the car, the black will be the way out.) )

Ma three into five will 6 draws 5 (after the horse wins!) )

When the black and red side gains the initiative, (most of the time) at this time, if they do not attack but take a step to defend, it is equivalent to giving up the initiative to the opponent. The opponent will have the opportunity to attack, that is, take the initiative when it is the opponent's turn to move. When attacking the opponent, the opponent generally needs to deal with it, and the opponent is in a passive state most of the time, and has no time to attack, but can only passively defend to deal with the former's attack. Of course, depending on the specific situation, the opponent will also have the possibility of counterattacking, that is, a defensive counterattack similar to the hidden flower at the bottom of the leaf. At this time, the opponent does not need to gain the initiative alone, but needs to get freedom alone to switch offense and defense in one step when he gains the right to defend. You don't need to take the initiative here, you can attack when you're passively defending!

This also explains the problem of the first move, either who should move or who gets the first move, or who is the first move. The right to attack must be the right to take the initiative to be considered a first move, and of course this right can be dispensed with. When the opponent attacks the other side and has to respond to the attack and get out of the defense, the side that is the turn to move at this time is not considered to be the first move. Therefore, whose turn is not necessarily the first move, but whether it has freedom and initiative. In chess, red first and black come first, which can be seen as the first move when it is red's turn to move, that is, red moves first, and at this time, red has the freedom and initiative, so he can make the first move. Because you are not attacked, you are not free, and you do not need to respond to the other party's attack. As for whether to go out of the first move, then look at the willingness of the red side, of course, the first step out is not an offensive or an active defense of the chess is also possible, such as into the coach, here is the initiative itself, but not out of the initiative of the chess, did not attack the opponent did not force the opponent to respond, the opponent's freedom and initiative are still there. So red didn't get the lead, and black didn't miss the lead. So going first can be the first move, but going first doesn't have to be the first move.

In the endgame stage, we usually encounter a confrontation situation, and in the confrontation, we will encounter a situation where the opponent is fully deployed earlier than our launch, that is, the opponent is killed before our side, and at this time, we need to consider how to delay the opponent's attack and increase our attack speed. The attack shown here is one way to destroy the opponent's attack. Controlling the road to block the opponent's attack can also be a method, but be careful not to have other ways to attack if Black controls the road, as in this case, and finally cause Black to lose.

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