
Zhang Lanfeng of the Northwest National Army of the Republic of China generals

author:Briefly the history of UlmF


During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Northeast Army and the Northwest National Army were the two major military armed forces with the most traitors, among which the leader of the Northeast Army was Zhang Xueliang. The Northwest National Army is Feng Yuxiang's armed force, because after the end of the "Central Plains War", the Northwest National Army was disintegrated, and those generals under Feng Yuxiang either left the military circle or were squeezed out by the Central Army, so after the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, those generals surrendered as traitors in order to make a comeback or were dissatisfied with the exclusion of the Central Army.

Zhang Lanfeng of the Northwest National Army of the Republic of China generals

Soldiers of the Northwest National Army

Zhang Lanfeng joined the Northwest National Army in his early years, because he was young and capable, so Feng Yuxiang admired him very much, and married his wife's niece to him. Under Feng Yuxiang's key training, Zhang Lanfeng was sent to Japan to study, so he had contact with some people in the Japanese military circles, which also laid the groundwork for becoming a traitor in the future.

After the outbreak of the "Northern Expedition", under the arrangement of Feng Yuxiang, Zhang Lanfeng became the principal of the Northwest Military Academy and the commander of the Zhengzhou garrison, when he was only twenty-eight years old. After the end of the "Central Plains War", the Northwest National Army was disbanded, and Zhang Lanfeng followed Sun Lianzhong to Chiang Kai-shek, but the development was very unsatisfactory, so he left the army and went to Japan to study.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Zhang Lanfeng took the opportunity to incorporate some miscellaneous armed forces, but under the pull of Japanese spies, he finally chose to join the enemy as a traitor.

Zhang Lanfeng of the Northwest National Army of the Republic of China generals

Zhang Lanfeng

In 1902, Zhang Lanfeng was born in Shangqiu, Henan, his father Zhang Yingsu was a talent in the late Qing Dynasty, the family had some land, and there were also medical skills, so the small life was very nourishing. Zhang Lanfeng has three brothers, the eldest brother Zhang Yunfeng served as the president of the local chamber of commerce, and the third brother Zhang Junfeng was killed by the Japanese during the Anti-Japanese War.

Zhang Lanfeng was very smart since he was a child, he studied in a private school at the age of eight, entered the county school at the age of thirteen, and was admitted to the fourth middle school in Henan Province at the age of sixteen. Because Zhang Lanfeng performed well in the school and was elected as a student representative, once the students were dissatisfied with the school's policy, and during the protest, Zhang Lanfeng actually injured the principal with a brick, so he was expelled from the school.

After returning to his hometown, his uncle Zhang Yingchen was dissatisfied with Zhang Lanfeng's expulsion from school and felt that his personality was also wild, so he arranged a marriage for him, and Zhang Lanfeng had no feelings for this wife at all.

Zhang Lanfeng of the Northwest National Army of the Republic of China generals

Feng Yuxiang

In May 1922, Feng Yuxiang served as the overseer of Henan, and his troops were recruiting in Kaifeng. In August, Zhang Lanfeng was assigned to the Cadet Corps, he has a high level of education, strong communication skills, and can also endure hardships, so he is valued by Feng Yuxiang.

At the beginning of 1925, Feng Yuxiang established the Northwest National Army through the "Beijing Mutiny", and served as the Northwest Frontier Governor, so Zhang Lanfeng was appointed as the commander of the Guards Cavalry Company of the Governor's Office. In July, Zhang Lanfeng got the opportunity to study in Japan, and Feng Yuxiang personally recommended it.

In March 1926, Zhang Lanfeng first interned in the Japanese artillery unit. In October, he entered the artillery department of the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer School, and also got to know some figures in the Japanese military circles.

In May 1928, the Japanese created the "Jinan Massacre" in China, and Zhang Lanfeng was expelled from the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer School because of his participation in demonstrations. In June, after returning to China, Zhang Lanfeng was appointed by Feng Yuxiang as the commander of the 13th Artillery Regiment of the Second Army.

At the beginning of 1929, Zhang Lanfeng was reappointed as the commander of the First Artillery Regiment directly under the Second Group Army.

Zhang Lanfeng of the Northwest National Army of the Republic of China generals

Feng Yuxiang, Chiang Kai-shek, Yan Xishan

In June, Feng Yuxiang was ready to unite with Yan Xishan to oppose Chiang, but was placed under house arrest by Yan Xishan in Shanxi, and Zhang Lanfeng took the initiative to resign from the position of head of the regiment in order to tie up with Feng Yuxiang, and went to Shanxi to serve Feng Yuxiang. And Feng Yuxiang's wife Li Dequan felt that Zhang Lanfeng was a young talent, so he introduced his niece Zhang Zhilan to Zhang Lanfeng, that is, Zhang Zizhong's cousin, Zhang Lanfeng specially ran back to his hometown to divorce his original wife in order to marry Zhang Zhilan.

In 1930, the "Central Plains War" broke out, Yan Xishan and Feng Yuxiang and others joined forces against Chiang, Zhang Lanfeng relied on Feng Yuxiang's promotion to serve as the principal of the Northwest Military Academy, and the commander of the Zhengzhou garrison, he was only twenty-eight years old at the time, full of expectations for the future.

As a result, the "Central Plains War" soon ended, Feng Yuxiang was defeated, the Northwest National Army was disbanded, and Zhang Lanfeng lost his backer, so he collected some defeated troops and defected to Chiang Kai-shek with Sun Lianzhong, Sun Lianzhong was appointed commander-in-chief of the 26th Route Army, and Zhang Lanfeng was the deputy commander of the 14th Division and the commander of the 2nd Brigade.

Zhang Lanfeng of the Northwest National Army of the Republic of China generals

Sun Lianzhong

In 1931, the 26th Route Army attacked the Red Army in Jiangxi, and the troops led by Zhang Lanfeng were defeated by the Red Army one after another, so Zhang Lanfeng left the army and went to Shanxi to meet Feng Yuxiang.

After the outbreak of the "918 Incident", Feng Yuxiang asked Zhang Lanfeng to contact Sun Lianzhong, Ji Hongchang, Liang Guanying and other old departments of the Northwest Nationalist Army to discuss the plan to oppose Chiang Kai-shek's resistance to Japan, but these people did not support Feng Yuxiang.

In 1933, Feng Yuxiang, Ji Hongchang, Fang Zhenwu and others formed the Chahar Anti-Japanese Allied Army, Zhang Lanfeng heard the news, and immediately went to Zhangjiakou to defect to Feng Yuxiang, and was appointed as the commander of the 19th Army of the Anti-Japanese Allied Army. Feng Yuxiang handed Zhang Lanfeng 5,000 yuan and asked him to persuade Sun Lianzhong to go north to resist the Japanese, and after Zhang Lanfeng found Sun Lianzhong, due to the "Ningdu Uprising", Sun Lianzhong's 26th Route Army suffered great losses, so he appointed Zhang Lanfeng as a major general of the 26th Route Army and the chief of education of the cadre training center.

Sun Lianzhong asked Zhang Lanfeng to go to Shandong to help recruit 4,000 soldiers, and when he recruited the soldiers, these soldiers were arranged to go to Jiangxi to attack the Red Army.

In 1934, Zhang Lanfeng took his wife to Japan to study again, entered Waseda University to study politics, and met the chief of staff of the Japanese Seventh Division, Matsumuro Takashira, who had previously worked as a spy in China.

Zhang Lanfeng of the Northwest National Army of the Republic of China generals

Song Zheyuan

In 1936, Zhang Lanfeng returned to China from Japan and served in Song Zheyuan's 29th Army as a government staff officer in Chahar Province.

In 1937, after the outbreak of the "77 Incident", Song Zheyuan always maintained a compromise attitude towards the Japanese and wanted to solve the problem through peace talks, resulting in the 29th officers and men not being able to fight with all their might. At this time, Tang Enbo of the Central Army led the 13th Army into the Chahar area and defended in the area of Juyong Pass, Zhang Lanfeng felt that this had an impact on the peace talks of the Japanese, so he told the Japanese about the situation of the 13th Army.

Soon after the fall of North China, Zhang Lanfeng took the opportunity to recruit defeated troops on Longhai Road, preparing to form an armed force in the eastern part of Henan.

At the beginning of 1938, Zhang Lanfeng served as the deputy commander of the Zhecheng Anti-Japanese Self-Defense Army, and after the end of the "Battle of Xuzhou", the Japanese army began to advance westward. In June, the Japanese army occupied Zhecheng, and the people of Zhecheng at that time put their hopes on Zhang Lanfeng, so he took the opportunity to recruit thousands of soldiers. At this time, the Japanese began to woo Zhang Lanfeng to be a traitor, but he did not dare to openly surrender to the enemy, so he convened a meeting of the landlords and squires of Zhecheng and asked them to sign together to support the formation of the maintenance association.

Zhang Lanfeng of the Northwest National Army of the Republic of China generals

After the establishment of the "Zhecheng Maintenance Association", Zhang Lanfeng completely became a traitor, and rumors spread in the Zhecheng area, saying that if they didn't fight the Japanese, the Japanese wouldn't beat them. In July, the Japanese let Zhang Lanfeng serve in the puppet government of Beiping, Zhang Lanfeng relied on the attribute of being a lackey, and was appreciated by the Japanese.

With the support of the Japanese, Zhang Lanfeng recruited a large number of bandits and routs in eastern Henan, and formed the 18,000-strong "Eastern Henan Communist Army", with a total of four armies below.

In 1940, the Fourth Army under Zhang Lanfeng was anyway, but there were still more than 20,000 people, at this time Chiang Kai-shek came to woo him again and gave him the title of commander of the New Seventh Army, but Zhang Lanfeng refused. In March, Zhang Lanfeng approached the puppet Nanjing Nationalist Government and expressed his loyalty to the traitor Chen Gongbo, who happened to be unarmed, so he applied to Wang Jingwei to appoint Zhang Lanfeng as a member of the puppet military committee and "deputy director of the appeasement of the Suzhou-Henan-Anhui border region"

Zhang Lanfeng of the Northwest National Army of the Republic of China generals

Chen Gongbo

On June 29, Zhang Lanfeng's Cao Dazhong, Song Kebin and Sun Jingxuan took 17,000 people anyway, resulting in more than 2,000 people left under Zhang Lanfeng, which hit him hard. In August, Zhang Lanfeng, with the help of Japanese Major General Sasaki, expanded the puppet army to 8,000 people.

In 1942, Zhang Lanfeng persuaded Sun Liangcheng to lead his troops to join the enemy and become a traitor.

In 1943, Zhang Lanfeng served as the commander-in-chief of the puppet Second Group Army.

In 1944, Zhang Lanfeng served as the commander of the puppet Fourth Front Army, and he took the opportunity to expand the puppet army to 90,000 people, which was the largest puppet army in Henan.

In March 1945, Zhang Lanfeng felt that the Japanese were no longer good and began to find a way for himself, when the Eighth Route Army sent people to persuade him to accept the reorganization, but he took refuge and felt that the prospects of the Kuomintang were better. Soon after, Zhang Lanfeng accepted the title of the Kuomintang Third Route Army, which was responsible for maintaining local order and not allowing Communist forces to enter, but the strength of his three regiments was assigned to Sun Lianzhong's troops.

Zhang Lanfeng of the Northwest National Army of the Republic of China generals

In February 1946, Chiang Kai-shek met with Zhang Lanfeng in Nanjing, saying that Zhang Lanfeng did not bring regular troops to the enemy during the anti-Japanese period, and secretly provided help to the Kuomintang troops, so he could be pardoned, which made Zhang Lanfeng particularly moved. In May, Chiang Kai-shek convened a military conference in Henan, appointed Zhang Lanfeng as deputy commander of Henan provincial security, and asked to lead troops to attack the PLA in eastern Henan. Zhang Lanfeng's ability to command the battle was particularly poor, and in the battle with the PLA, the main force of his eight regiments was wiped out by the PLA.

In August 1946, the People's Liberation Army launched the "Longhai Campaign", surrounded the remnants of the Kuomintang in Liuheji, Zhang Lanfeng led his troops to relieve the siege, but was defeated by the People's Liberation Army.

In December 1946, the People's Liberation Army launched the "Jujinyu Campaign", liberated Juye, Jiaxiang and other places, and surrounded Fang Xianjue's troops in Jinxiang, Shandong.

Zhang Lanfeng of the Northwest National Army of the Republic of China generals

Fang Xianjue

In January 1947, due to Zhang Lanfeng's slow march, when he led his troops to Dawu County, he was surrounded by the People's Liberation Army, and it took only one day for the People's Liberation Army to wipe out his three regiments, Zhang Lanfeng escaped with a few guards, and was captured by the People's Liberation Army in Cao County.

In 1949, Zhang Lanfeng was imprisoned in the Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center in Beijing, and became the leader of the study group because of his outstanding performance.

In 1952, Zhang Lanfeng died of illness in prison.

Disclaimer: Historical public information, if there is any similarity, is purely coincidental.