
More than 10 villagers smashed the car window to rescue a family of 3 who fell into the river

author:The most Weihai is Huancui

On July 2, in Maoming, Guangdong, a car accidentally fell into the river, and more than 10 villagers stepped forward and jumped into the river and smashed the window to rescue them. According to Mr. Zhong, an eyewitness, about 10 villagers went into the water to rescue people at that time, and there were three families in the car, including a pregnant woman. After being rescued ashore, the vital signs of the two adults were relatively stable, the child was unconscious at the time, and the two eldest brothers took turns to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation to rescue the child and send him to the hospital. At present, all three people in the car are fine.

More than 10 villagers smashed the car window to rescue a family of 3 who fell into the river
More than 10 villagers smashed the car window to rescue a family of 3 who fell into the river
More than 10 villagers smashed the car window to rescue a family of 3 who fell into the river

Source: Dian Shi News

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