
Legend of Blood: The single attribute of this equipment is strong, the suit attribute is stronger, and the legendary attribute is against the sky

author:Brother Dao said that it was a legend
Legend of Blood: The single attribute of this equipment is strong, the suit attribute is stronger, and the legendary attribute is against the sky

The outfit of the equipment is more familiar to old players, and I don't know the attributes and dressing effects of the equipment when I first started playing the legend, anyway, as long as I can wear it, I will wear it on my body, and then I slowly learned to match the equipment. Regarding the equipment attribute points in the retro version, there are relatively few equipment with strong attributes, and most boss players wear the best equipment with more points.

Legend of Blood: The single attribute of this equipment is strong, the suit attribute is stronger, and the legendary attribute is against the sky

Among the many helmet series, the most famous is the Black Iron Helmet, and the rest of the various helmets are not unfamiliar to veteran players. Today, Lao Dao wants to take stock of a special helmet for everyone, which has strong monomer attributes, stronger suit attributes, and legendary attributes against the sky. This kind of helmet is a memory helmet, and listen to the old way to break it down for you.

Legend of Blood: The single attribute of this equipment is strong, the suit attribute is stronger, and the legendary attribute is against the sky

The Memory Helmet is a level 26 piece of equipment that can be worn, and it looks like it is made of wood, making it insecure. But its attributes are good, as shown in the figure above, the memory helmet comes with 3-3 defensive attributes, not only the attribute points are relatively high, but the upper and lower limits are also relatively balanced, and the strong attributes of the memory helmet are also unique in all kinds of helmets. Therefore, as long as the weight is sufficient, wearing a memory helmet will still have a good effect in actual combat.

Legend of Blood: The single attribute of this equipment is strong, the suit attribute is stronger, and the legendary attribute is against the sky

The memory helmet not only has a strong single attributes, but also its suit attributes are also very strong, the memory helmet with the memory necklace, the memory bracelet and the memory ring can be combined into a memory set, everyone is familiar with the use of this set of equipment, to this day, the memory suit in the official uniform still has a very high combat effect. The Memory Helmet is also highly valuable as one of the memory sets.

Legend of Blood: The single attribute of this equipment is strong, the suit attribute is stronger, and the legendary attribute is against the sky

In addition, the memory helmet also had a legendary attribute in the early years, that is, it had an explosion-proof effect after wearing the memory helmet, and the specific mode of effect was not clear, but Lao Dao had indeed heard of this anti-heaven attribute of the memory helmet before. However, the only special attribute of the memory helmet is that it is paired with a memory suit, and there is no other effect blessing, so this rumor is only a rumor against the sky.

Folks, have you ever gotten a memory helmet?

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Legend of Blood: The single attribute of this equipment is strong, the suit attribute is stronger, and the legendary attribute is against the sky

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