
Strange eating aunt: Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides and drinking gasoline is safe and sound, and the doctor examines and finds the truth

author:The History of Mu Yu
Strange eating aunt: Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides and drinking gasoline is safe and sound, and the doctor examines and finds the truth
Strange eating aunt: Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides and drinking gasoline is safe and sound, and the doctor examines and finds the truth

As an indispensable item in modern agriculture, pesticides are widely used in various agricultural crops.

Pesticides can be divided into many kinds according to the material, but almost without exception, pesticides are basically highly toxic.

However, in a rural village in Heilongjiang, a peasant woman named Cheng Shumei actually ate pesticides as snacks, and over the course of a few years, she ate as many as 130 kilograms of pesticides.

Strange eating aunt: Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides and drinking gasoline is safe and sound, and the doctor examines and finds the truth

Moreover, Cheng Shumei also has a habit, that is, she likes to drink gasoline and diesel, and in more than ten years, the gasoline and diesel she drank can add up to a ton.

The strange thing is that the aunt is still alive and kicking like a normal person, what is going on?

Strange eating aunt: Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides and drinking gasoline is safe and sound, and the doctor examines and finds the truth

A peasant woman who loves to drink gasoline

In Datong Village, Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province, Cheng Shumei's name can be said to be known to everyone, and the villagers in the nearby ten miles and eight townships know that there is a strange person who is "invincible to all poisons".

And Cheng Shumei's relationship with these things starts when she was a child.

Since she was a child, Cheng Shumei found that she was different from others, and she liked some irritating smells that others avoided.

Strange eating aunt: Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides and drinking gasoline is safe and sound, and the doctor examines and finds the truth

Whenever there was a pungent smell, others would hide away, but Cheng Shumei would step forward and take a big breath.

For example, gasoline, diesel, paint and other things that others smell too much and even make them dizzy, but the more Cheng Shumei smells it, the more he likes it.

Cheng Shumei grew up and became a family under her own quirks, and Cheng Shumei still maintained her quirks after becoming a family.

Strange eating aunt: Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides and drinking gasoline is safe and sound, and the doctor examines and finds the truth

But after smelling gasoline for so many years, Cheng Shumei always has a question in her heart, that is, gasoline and diesel smell so good, will it taste even more fragrant?

But as a normal person, Cheng Shumei's heart has always warned herself that this is not something that can be eaten.

After struggling like this for many years, Cheng Shumei finally couldn't bear it anymore, she comforted herself that even if there was a problem, she would be fine if she drank a little.

Strange eating aunt: Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides and drinking gasoline is safe and sound, and the doctor examines and finds the truth

Under self-comfort, Cheng Shumei tasted gasoline for the first time, and because it was the first time, Cheng Shumei only drank a little bit.

Although it was the first time to drink it, the mellow taste of gasoline always lingered in Cheng Shumei's psychology, and after observing for a few days, she found that there was no problem with her body, so Cheng Shumei opened the can with gasoline again.

Strange eating aunt: Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides and drinking gasoline is safe and sound, and the doctor examines and finds the truth

After drinking it a few times, Cheng Shumei found that there was really no problem with her body, so she drank it directly.

In this way, Cheng Shumei lived a life of drinking gasoline and diesel every day.

At first, Cheng Shumei drank gasoline from her neighbors, but it was impossible to ask her neighbors every day, so Cheng Shumei began to think about her "rations".

Strange eating aunt: Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides and drinking gasoline is safe and sound, and the doctor examines and finds the truth

After cutting off the gasoline for a few days, Cheng Shumei really thought of a way.

There is a large lake near Datong Village, so many people in the village have bought diesel-powered boats to fish in the lake.

And Cheng Shumei persuaded her husband to buy a fishing boat under the pretext of fishing, but for Cheng Shumei, fishing is fake, and being able to drink diesel fuel is her real purpose.

Strange eating aunt: Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides and drinking gasoline is safe and sound, and the doctor examines and finds the truth

Cheng Shumei started her days of drinking diesel in this way, but paper can't contain the fire after all, and Cheng Shumei's drinking diesel was finally discovered.

On this day, after Cheng Shumei's son returned home, he didn't see Cheng Shumei, only saw the door of the warehouse open.

Strange eating aunt: Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides and drinking gasoline is safe and sound, and the doctor examines and finds the truth

At that time, Cheng Shumei's son's first thought was that there was a thief in the house, and when he tiptoed to the door, he found that this "thief" was none other than his mother.

At this time, Cheng Shumei was holding a bottle of diesel and drinking it, and coldly heard her son's voice calling herself, so frightened that Cheng Shumei immediately threw away the bottle in her hand.

Strange eating aunt: Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides and drinking gasoline is safe and sound, and the doctor examines and finds the truth

But at this time, it was too late to throw it away, and Cheng Shumei's son had already witnessed the whole process of his mother's drinking diesel.

Frightened, he hurriedly found his father, that is, Cheng Shumei's husband, and after learning about it, he took Cheng Shumei to the hospital without saying a word.

Strange eating aunt: Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides and drinking gasoline is safe and sound, and the doctor examines and finds the truth

However, a strange thing happened, after the doctor's examination, it was found that Cheng Shumei's body not only did not have any problems, but even some indicators were much better than normal people.

After seeing the results of the examination, the doctor was also confused, but still warned Cheng Shumei's family that she would not be allowed to drink diesel in the future.

Strange eating aunt: Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides and drinking gasoline is safe and sound, and the doctor examines and finds the truth

1. Information source: CCTV

After returning home, Cheng Shumei's husband directly transferred the family's fishing boat to someone else at a low price in order to prevent her from continuing to drink diesel.

At the same time, he also told his neighbors not to give Cheng Shumei gasoline or diesel, and now, everyone in the village knows Cheng Shumei's habit of drinking gasoline and diesel.

Strange eating aunt: Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides and drinking gasoline is safe and sound, and the doctor examines and finds the truth

Instead of drinking gasoline, eat pesticides

Cheng Shumei, who didn't have diesel to drink, was very depressed, and within a few days, she even had a withdrawal reaction like a cigarette addiction, feeling uncomfortable, and couldn't lift her spirits in anything.

After a few more days, Cheng Shumei began to frantically look for items that could replace gasoline and diesel fuel, and Cheng Shumei tasted the things that tasted at home, and even poured the laundry detergent Cheng Shumei into her mouth and tasted it.

Strange eating aunt: Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides and drinking gasoline is safe and sound, and the doctor examines and finds the truth

But she still couldn't find the item that haunted her until one day Cheng Shumei went to work in the field, and it happened that the next piece of land was spraying pesticides.

The pungent smell of pesticides drilled into Cheng Shumei's nose, and she instantly felt like she had found an alternative to gasoline.

Strange eating aunt: Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides and drinking gasoline is safe and sound, and the doctor examines and finds the truth

At her request, she took the pesticide sprayer in someone's hand and began to help them fight pesticides, inhaling while fighting.

Since then, Cheng Shumei has found her new hobby, which is to help others fight pesticides.

Strange eating aunt: Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides and drinking gasoline is safe and sound, and the doctor examines and finds the truth

But this is not a long-term solution, after all, pesticides will only last for a certain time, and pesticides are not like gasoline, which is really highly toxic.

But Cheng Shumei still couldn't resist the temptation, and after a while, she finally reached for pesticides.

Strange eating aunt: Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides and drinking gasoline is safe and sound, and the doctor examines and finds the truth

At first, she didn't dare to eat more, after all, it was a highly toxic pesticide, but after she ate it for the first time, Cheng Shumei observed it for a few days and found that there was no problem with her body.

Then the dose she ate became larger and larger, from a few grams and a few grams at the beginning, to dozens of grams and dozens of grams later.

Strange eating aunt: Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides and drinking gasoline is safe and sound, and the doctor examines and finds the truth

Later, Cheng Shumei simply carried a small packet of pesticides with her, and took it out to eat when she was tired from work.

Although Cheng Shumei eats very boldly, with the lesson of the last time, Cheng Shumei will avoid her son every time she eats pesticides.

Strange eating aunt: Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides and drinking gasoline is safe and sound, and the doctor examines and finds the truth

But this kind of thing can't be hidden after all, at first it was the people in the village who first discovered it, and then it spread to hundreds, and gradually the whole village knew about it, and Cheng Shumei's family was naturally no exception.

But this time, in order to prevent her family from stopping her, Cheng Shumei simply hid the pesticides, and no matter how the family searched through the cabinets, they couldn't find the place where Cheng Shumei hid the pesticides.

Strange eating aunt: Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides and drinking gasoline is safe and sound, and the doctor examines and finds the truth


In desperation, Cheng Shumei's family no longer cared about her eating pesticides, and after Cheng Shumei ate for a long time, she also began to play various tricks and study various ways to eat.

One of her favorite ways to eat it is to hold pesticides, and these peeled melon seeds, in Cheng Shumei's words, are: "This taste is even if I have to die today, then I have to eat it."

Strange eating aunt: Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides and drinking gasoline is safe and sound, and the doctor examines and finds the truth

Gradually, Cheng Shumei's pesticide eating spread farther and farther, and even attracted the attention of reporters.

After the examination, it was found that Cheng Shumei had no other problems in her body except for frequent abdominal pain, and for abdominal pain, Cheng Shumei had already gone to the hospital to see it, and the doctor said that it was uterine fibroids caused by gynecological diseases.

Strange eating aunt: Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides and drinking gasoline is safe and sound, and the doctor examines and finds the truth

2. Information source: Dragon TV

But this is not the case in this examination for Cheng Shumei, which is not a common uterine fibroid at all, but an endocrine disorder caused by long-term gasoline and pesticides.

After that, the reporters sent the "666 powder" that Cheng Shumei often eats to the testing agency.

Strange eating aunt: Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides and drinking gasoline is safe and sound, and the doctor examines and finds the truth

After testing, it was found that the pesticides that Cheng Shumei had been eating had expired for more than ten years, and the toxic components in them had basically volatilized.

The truth of what happened to Cheng Shumei, who was "invasive", was finally revealed, she just suffered from "heterophilia", drinking gasoline and eating pesticides was her symptom, and she was "inviolable" only because the pesticides she ate expired.

Strange eating aunt: Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides and drinking gasoline is safe and sound, and the doctor examines and finds the truth


Cheng Shumei has started "drug rehabilitation" treatment with the help of the hospital because of her serious "heterophilia".

Fortunately, the pesticides she ate were expired, and if they hadn't, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

This incident also warns us that we must respect our own lives, cherish our health, and when we encounter some problems, please go to the hospital for treatment in time.

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1. CCTV: "Heilongjiang Peasant Women's Ecstasia: From Drinking Gasoline to Eating Highly Toxic Pesticides"

2. Dragon TV: "Peasant women have eaten pesticide gasoline for more than 30 years, and they are very enjoyable"

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