
5 tips for breaking the wardrobe, suitable for most families, so you won't regret throwing it away!

author:Dressed Beauty Girl
5 tips for breaking the wardrobe, suitable for most families, so you won't regret throwing it away!

As the saying goes, "people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles", people who love beauty are used to buying clothes to dress themselves, and the wardrobe at home is always full, so in the home disconnection, the wardrobe disconnection is also the most difficult.

Because often we all have the mentality that "this dress may be able to be worn in the future"

"This dress has a special commemorative significance"

"This dress is very expensive, and I can't afford to throw it away."

5 tips for breaking the wardrobe, suitable for most families, so you won't regret throwing it away!

The end result of not breaking the wardrobe is that you open the full wardrobe, and every time the season changes, this dress has to be laboriously organized and stored, which is too hard.

5 tips for breaking the wardrobe, suitable for most families, so you won't regret throwing it away!

So how to throw away the wardrobe so as not to regret it?

Today, I will teach you 5 tips for breaking the wardrobe, which is suitable for most families, so that you will not regret throwing it.

5 tips for breaking the wardrobe, suitable for most families, so you won't regret throwing it away!

01. Throw away clothes that have been idle for a year

Organize all the clothes in your wardrobe and first pick out the clothes that have not been worn for a year. The standard for wardrobe breakage is the upper body rate, if the clothes have not been worn for a long time, don't think about wearing them in the future.

5 tips for breaking the wardrobe, suitable for most families, so you won't regret throwing it away!

The chance of wearing them in the future is almost 0, these clothes can be sold second-hand or transferred to others, in short, don't keep them if you don't wear them.

5 tips for breaking the wardrobe, suitable for most families, so you won't regret throwing it away!

02. Throw away clothes that you can't wear

There are some clothes that I want to wear, but I can't wear them, for example, I used to be very thin and the size of the clothes was relatively small, but now I am fat, and I can't wear the previous clothes, or I used to like miniskirts, but now I feel that miniskirts are inconvenient when I am older.

5 tips for breaking the wardrobe, suitable for most families, so you won't regret throwing it away!

Like these, you can't wear inappropriate clothes, and you can break them off in time, which is no longer suitable for you, and wearing them will only lower your image.

5 tips for breaking the wardrobe, suitable for most families, so you won't regret throwing it away!

03. Throw away clothes that are only worn for special occasions

In fact, there are many clothes that belong to "disposable clothes", such as clothes to be worn for a special occasion, bridesmaid dresses for children's Halloween events, these things are worn almost once, and they become "commemorative clothes", and keeping them will only take up space.

5 tips for breaking the wardrobe, suitable for most families, so you won't regret throwing it away!

This kind of clothing can be sold second-hand or given to others, and even if there is a similar occasion in the future, I will buy a new one, and I will not choose the one I wore before.

5 tips for breaking the wardrobe, suitable for most families, so you won't regret throwing it away!

04. Throw away cheap clothes

Now online shopping is very developed, many people buy clothes are bought online, although online shopping clothes are cheaper, but some clothes have no provenance, and even the source can not be traced, the texture is inferior, and even the dyes used are some inferior dyes, containing toxic and harmful substances.

5 tips for breaking the wardrobe, suitable for most families, so you won't regret throwing it away!

CCTV has exposed a batch of women's clothing, and it was found that aromatic amine dyes can even affect the DNA arrangement order of the human body, and the harm can be imagined.

5 tips for breaking the wardrobe, suitable for most families, so you won't regret throwing it away!

Therefore, when buying clothes, don't pursue clothes that are too cheap, this kind of clothes have no sense of fashion and are full of cheapness. Clothes have a short lifespan, and most importantly they can be harmful to your health.

5 tips for breaking the wardrobe, suitable for most families, so you won't regret throwing it away!

05. Throw away outdated clothes

Fashion is an ever-changing concept, and every year there are new fashion trends that appear in order to hit the current season, and businesses will also vigorously promote them, so that we can blindly become more popular, which will only make these clothes like a flash in the pan.

5 tips for breaking the wardrobe, suitable for most families, so you won't regret throwing it away!

For example, Grey Eland, which used to be popular, but after it became popular, she couldn't wear it anymore, although the clothes were not broken, I still liked it very much, but it felt very abrupt when I wore it out and walked on the street. When tidying up your wardrobe.

5 tips for breaking the wardrobe, suitable for most families, so you won't regret throwing it away!

If you find that certain clothes have been outdated for a long time, don't put them back in fashion, it's time to say goodbye to him and ditch them in time to make room in your wardrobe for new fashion items.

5 tips for breaking the wardrobe, suitable for most families, so you won't regret throwing it away!

(1): Don't buy blindly

After the clothes here, don't buy blindly, otherwise you will fall into a dead cycle, still tired by the clothes, and the goal of the clothes is to stop buying randomly.

5 tips for breaking the wardrobe, suitable for most families, so you won't regret throwing it away!

(2): Try to keep one in and one out

Try to maintain the principle of one in and one out, and the quantity is basically the same, so that you can always maintain a clean and refreshing state of the wardrobe.

5 tips for breaking the wardrobe, suitable for most families, so you won't regret throwing it away!

(3): Clothes can be hung without folding

Clothes can be hung without folding, although the clothes that have been folded at the beginning are very neat, but it is easy to mess up after rummaging, and it is also necessary to tidy up and hang up all the clothes, so that it is not only clear at a glance, easy to take, and will not be messy again.

5 tips for breaking the wardrobe, suitable for most families, so you won't regret throwing it away!


Wardrobe breakoff is the hardest, how to make not regrets, you can try these 5 tips, if your wardrobe is always full, you may wish to try this way to break away if you are tired by too many clothes.

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