
The boy hid the kitten in the closet, and when his mother found it, he cried and begged his mother to adopt it! So caring!

author:Light Emotion

**Bursting with love! The boy hides the kitten in the closet and tears begging his mother to adopt**

Hello everyone, I'm your editor Guang'er. Today, I would like to share with you a warm and touching story. The protagonist of this story is a ten-year-old boy named Xiao Ming, his family is ordinary but full of love, let's take a look at this loving story!

The boy hid the kitten in the closet, and when his mother found it, he cried and begged his mother to adopt it! So caring!

Xiao Ming lives in a happy family of four, his father is an ordinary engineer, and his mother is a gentle nurse. The family lives in an old neighborhood in the city, and although the house is not large, it is warm and harmonious. Xiao Ming also has a sister who is three years younger than him, named Xiao Fang, and the brother and sister have a very good relationship and often play together.

Xiao Ming is a lively and active child, he loves sports, drawing and reading. In school, he was a good student in the eyes of his teachers and a good friend in the eyes of his classmates. However, there is an unknown secret hidden deep in Xiao Ming's heart - he has a deep love and compassion for small animals.

One day, on his way home from school, Xiao Ming found a poor kitten. It was dirty, hungry and skinny, and was lying helplessly in the grass by the side of the road. Xiao Ming was very distressed, he stepped forward and gently stroked the kitten's head, the kitten seemed to feel Xiao Ming's kindness, and snuggled meekly in his arms.

Xiao Ming wants to bring the kitten home, but he knows that his mother has always been conservative about pets. He was worried that his mother would refuse, so he decided to hide the kitten first and then slowly convince his mother. He carefully took the kitten home, hid it in his closet, and found old clothes and blankets to make a nest for the kitten.

The boy hid the kitten in the closet, and when his mother found it, he cried and begged his mother to adopt it! So caring!

In the next few days, Xiao Ming would secretly feed the kittens and clean up the cat litter every day after school. He also used his pocket money to buy cat food and toys for the kittens. Although he carefully hides it all, he is eventually discovered by his attentive mother.

That day, Mom was tidying up Xiao Ming's wardrobe when she suddenly found a fluffy mess. Curious, she opened the closet door and saw a cute kitten lying in it napping. Mom screamed in surprise, Xiao Ming hurriedly ran over after hearing the sound, and saw that his mother found the kitten, and he was so nervous that his palms were sweating.

Mom looked at Xiao Ming seriously and asked, "Xiao Ming, what's going on?" How did you bring the kitten home? Xiao Ming lowered his head and said hesitantly, "Mom, I'm ...... I thought it was so pitiful, so I ...... Just want to adopt it. As he spoke, tears flowed down his eyes.

Seeing Xiao Ming so sad, his mother's heart softened. She squatted down, gently stroked the kitten's head, and said, "Xiao Ming, mom knows that you are a caring child. However, if we want to have a pet, we need to consider its living environment and health issues. Can you guarantee to take care of it? ”

Xiao Ming nodded vigorously and said, "Mom, I promise!" I will take good care of it, bathe it, feed it, and play with it. I'll use my pocket money to buy it delicious and fun! Mom looked at Xiao Ming's firm eyes, and her heart was also moved with compassion.

In this way, with Xiao Ming's persistence and the support of his mother, the kitten became a member of the family. Xiao Ming named it "Xiao Mi", and he would play and chat with it every day after school. Xiao Mi also likes Xiao Ming, the new owner, and always sticks to him and refuses to leave.

The boy hid the kitten in the closet, and when his mother found it, he cried and begged his mother to adopt it! So caring!

This story makes us feel Xiao Ming's deep love and compassion for small animals. He used his actions to interpret the true meaning of "love without boundaries". At the same time, it also allows us to reflect on whether we can lend a helping hand in the face of a life in need. In this competitive and challenging society, let's all maintain a kind and compassionate heart!

Okay friends, that's all for today's story! If you are also touched by Xiao Ming's story, then share it with your friends! Let's spread positive energy together, so that more people can feel the power of love and warmth!

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