
The white rice eaten by Chinese people is actually the worst staple food? Is diabetes the culprit? Make it clear at once

author:Diabetic podiatrist Liang Yuxuan

"The rice is soft, I usually love rice!"

Uncle Lu has always been recognized as a "health expert" in the neighborhood, as he grows older, Uncle Lu's teeth begin to loosen, and his chewing ability is not as good as before, so on the dinner table at home, the white rice gradually becomes soft and delicate from the grain, and the soup is rarely drunk, and the rice soup is drunk.

For example, rice has changed from the original "slightly chewy" to "melt in the mouth", and at the same time, in order to reduce the burden of chewing, he also tends to choose well-cooked vegetables and meat, at first, this change made Uncle Lu's eating much easier, but the good times did not last long, he found that his body seemed to have some changes, and sometimes he felt indigestion and constipation.

The white rice eaten by Chinese people is actually the worst staple food? Is diabetes the culprit? Make it clear at once

Uncle Lu went to the hospital to check and found out that within half a year, his weight had unexpectedly dropped by 5 kilograms, and there were persistent symptoms of indigestion and constipation.

At this time, after Uncle Lu's wife learned the results, she immediately said that eating rice is harmful, rice is the worst staple food, and said that rice is the "culprit" of diabetes, so is this statement true or false?

White rice, in fact, is the product of delicate processing of rice to remove the bran layer, germ and most of the aleurone layer, which improves the taste and appearance of the rice, but also deprives it of many valuable nutrients, such as dietary fiber, B vitamins and minerals.

The white rice eaten by Chinese people is actually the worst staple food? Is diabetes the culprit? Make it clear at once

But this does not mean that white rice is the worst staple food, this is because each food has a unique nutritional value, although white rice is difficult to achieve comprehensive nutrition, it can be used as a source of energy, it is fast, convenient and easy to digest and absorb, for manual workers or people who need to quickly replenish energy, it is more suitable.

Although white rice has been criticized for its high GI (glycemic index), it is unscientific to regard it as the only "culprit" of diabetes.

If we can reasonably control the intake of rice in our lives, combine it with low GI foods, such as whole grains, legumes and green leafy vegetables, and maintain a moderate amount of exercise, we can reduce the risk of diabetes to a certain extent.

The white rice eaten by Chinese people is actually the worst staple food? Is diabetes the culprit? Make it clear at once

However, what is the situation of Uncle Lu?

In fact, eating too soft meals for a long time has led to the further deterioration of Uncle Lu's chewing function, which in turn affects the digestion and absorption of food, and soft foods tend to have a higher glycemic index, which eventually accelerates blood sugar fluctuations, rather than the problem of rice itself, as long as it is appropriate, it generally has no bad impact on the body.

However, in this process, we must pay attention to the balance of the soft and hard diet, although the hard rice maintains a certain graininess and needs to be chewed properly, but for the middle-aged and elderly, it is not a flood beast, on the contrary, moderate chewing can not only exercise the oral muscles, maintain the vitality of the teeth, but also promote saliva secretion, help the initial digestion of starch in food, and reduce the burden on the stomach and intestines.

What's more, the chewing process itself is a kind of enjoyment, which allows people to taste the food more carefully, just like someone in life will feel as if the more you eat, the more delicious it is, and the more you chew, the more fragrant it is.

The white rice eaten by Chinese people is actually the worst staple food? Is diabetes the culprit? Make it clear at once

In addition, soft food tends to have a higher glycemic index, which is not good for diabetics or middle-aged and elderly people with unstable blood sugar, plus if there is a lack of enough chewable food, it is difficult to stimulate intestinal peristalsis, which will also increase the risk of constipation, which is very similar to Uncle Lu's situation.

Therefore, the scientific use of rice will not have any bad effects on the body, it is not the "culprit" of diabetes, for the elderly with loose teeth and chewing difficulties, you can choose to cook the rice slightly softer, but you don't have to pursue too much melt-in-your-mouth, you can also increase the proportion of soup soup, first meet the body's influence needs. #头条首发大赛#

The white rice eaten by Chinese people is actually the worst staple food? Is diabetes the culprit? Make it clear at once


[1] Li Yongfu et al. "A Low-GI Whole Grain Rice and Its Applications.", CN111264756A. 2020.

[2] Han Muzhen. "Children love "soft rice" and teeth are susceptible." Family Medicine: The Second Half of the Month (2023).

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