
On the day of the wedding, he ran away with Bai Yueguang in public, and I was so angry that I turned my head to marry a street beggar

author:Entertainment has melons

This story is fictional, please do not sit in the right seat, please read it rationally

Please like, collect, and comment from all the beautiful and handsome guys


On the day of the big wedding,

Bai Yueguang, the quasi-husband, openly entered the house and insisted on robbing the marriage.

Looking at the affectionate and affectionate appearance of the two of them, I couldn't help but feel disgusted.

Today, you Qian Zifeng made me lose face.

It's impossible for me to admit this grievance!

On the day of the wedding, he ran away with Bai Yueguang in public, and I was so angry that I turned my head to marry a street beggar


I was wearing a red wedding dress, and I was about to worship with Major General Qian Zifeng.

Suddenly, a delicate and beautiful female voice sounded:


"Qian Zifeng, do you really want to abandon me and marry this woman you don't love?"

As soon as the words fell,

The other end of the red silk in my hand was thrown to the ground, and Qian Zifeng ran away from me like a gust of wind.

I was so angry that I tore off my red hijab.

What fell into his eyes was only Qian Zifeng, who was holding hands and looking at each other affectionately, and a strange woman.

Their intimate demeanor made me a laughing stock in the eyes of everyone present.

I've seen it today, people don't have to be ashamed, they can really do anything.

But I didn't get angry immediately, and the voice that came out was unusually calm:

"Qian Zifeng, what are you doing here?"

Qian Zifeng turned his head and looked at me with disgust, as if he was looking at a piece of dirt:

"Marrying you was originally persecuted by your parents. Don't think that you are the daughter of the Prime Minister's Mansion, everyone wants to climb high, your noble status, in my opinion, even Xiaoya's toes can't compare. ”

The woman who was weak and boneless snuggled in front of Qian Zifeng immediately burst into tears:

"Forget it, you better go back and marry her, I'm not worthy of you after all."

Qian Zifeng immediately changed his face, holding the woman's little face and comforting softly:

"Don't talk nonsense, you are the most beloved woman in my life, and no one can compare with you in anything."

As he spoke, Qian Zifeng tore off the red flower hanging on his chest, threw it on the ground casually, turned around and pulled the woman out of the gate of the General's Mansion.

All of a sudden, there was a lot of whispering.

The gaze that stared at me burned the resentment in my heart to the extreme.

General Qian and Mrs. Qian walked up to me quickly, stretched out their hands and grabbed my sleeves: "Original intention, Zifeng, he is just ignorant for a while, even if our marriage is completed today, I will definitely ask him to kneel down and apologize to you when I turn around." ”

I pulled my sleeve out of their hands and said coldly:

"Uncle and aunt, our chapel has not yet been completed, and we cannot be considered husband and wife."

General Qian's face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

Mrs. Qian looked at him and then at me, and her brows couldn't help but wrinkle:

"Chu Yi, listen to my advice, this matter is not good for your reputation. Aren't you ashamed? ”

Oh, I sneered and looked at the couple funny: "Shame? Uncle and aunt, no matter how embarrassed you are, can you be embarrassed by rich Zifeng? On the day of the wedding, he eloped with someone regardless of his shame, this is the good son you taught? ”

"Hayashi's first intention!"

General Qian suddenly burst out, and anger erupted from his eyes, as if he was going to do something to me.

"I think you're a junior, don't worry about you, you don't want to make an inch!"

Listening to me say bad things about Qian Zifeng, Mrs. Qian no longer pretended: "I advise you to get acquainted, Qian Zifeng is a man anyway, even if this matter spreads, it is nothing, but if you make trouble again, I'm afraid you don't want to marry again in the future!" ”

The guests who were originally in the hall had already walked into the courtyard and surrounded the three of us in the center.

Come to think of it, they have never seen such a good show.

The concubine of the prime minister of the dynasty actually looked at each other angrily with the general and his wife.

Seeing that I hadn't spoken, Mrs. Qian thought that she had persuaded me, and resumed her kind color to continue persuading: "Original intention, today you were carried into the door of my Qian Mansion by eight sedan chairs, and that is the person from our Qian Mansion." ”

"When a woman marries, she must have three obedience and four virtues, and your mother must have taught you. Zifeng, even if he did something wrong today, you should be considerate as a wife. How can these outsiders see the joke? Come back with me. ”

As she spoke, Mrs. Qian was about to drag me to the backyard.

Once again, I withdrew my hand:

"Thank you aunt for your kindness, the threshold of your general's mansion is too high, and I really can't climb the original intention."

"Since the guests and friends are here, let me testify today. Qian Zifeng is unkind and unjust, this matter is absolutely resentful to me, since the number of etiquette has not been completed, I am not the daughter-in-law of his Qian family."

"In the future, even if I marry a pig, a dog, and a beggar, I will never enter the door of the General's Mansion!"

After finishing speaking, the crowd didn't know what was good, so they actually slapped their hands and shouted hello.

General Qian was suddenly so angry that his face was as white as a pig's liver, and he stretched out a finger to point at me, and his beard was trembling: "Okay, okay, Lin Chuyi, you are so ignorant of lifting, is this how the Prime Minister's Mansion taught his daughter?" No shame! ”

"Shame, today your general's mansion is the biggest shame."

I tore off the phoenix hairpin on my head and threw it in front of the two of them.

Suddenly, there was a scream from the crowd, and a young lady cursed: "Where did the stinky beggar come from?" Get out of the way! ”

Hearing this, the crowd immediately dispersed on both sides, and an unkempt beggar was kicked and was lying on the ground, clutching a broken rice bowl in his hand. The beggar kept apologizing to the young lady:

"Madame spares her life, Madame spares her life."

Then the housekeeper of the Qian Mansion ran forward in a panic and apologized to General Qian:

"Don't blame the general, Madame said that today is a rare happy event, so dozens of tables and chairs were set up in the side courtyard, and these beggars were invited to eat a full meal and should do good deeds, who would have thought that he would run out!"

As he spoke, the official shouted at the beggar: "Whoever asked you to come here, get out of here!" ”

The beggar was about to step back when I stepped forward and grabbed his wrist.

As I got closer, I immediately smelled a foul stench emanating from the beggar.

But my face remained unchanged, and I asked the beggar with determination:

"Today I will marry you, do you want it, or do you want it?"


After hearing this, the people around immediately gasped.

Mrs. Qian snorted, and then cursed again: ", what are you going to do here?" You are trying to humiliate my Qian family! ”

When I asked this, the beggar shuddered.

He tried to pull his hand, but I held it tightly.

"I, I ......"

The beggar stammered and couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

"Since you can't make decisions for yourself, then I'll make decisions for you, what's your name?"

I kept staring at the beggar, but he didn't dare to look at me.

After being vague for a long time, he said two words in a trembling voice: "Dog, dog......"

The crowd burst into laughter, causing the beggar to shudder and look around and bow his head.

"Very well, now I am a dog, that is, your wife. Do you understand? ”

The beggar looked at me and subconsciously shook his head.

My eyes narrowed, and he suddenly shrunk his neck, then nodded quickly.

I smiled with satisfaction, grabbed his wrist and threw the cake out of the broken bowl.

The beggar felt heartache and reached out to pick it up, but I grabbed him by the collar:

"Don't go, this filthy food is not worthy of your mouth, come home with me."

I have been without a mother since I was a child, and I am the only one left with my brother and father

After his mother left, his father never remarried.

Unexpectedly, two days ago, my younger brother suddenly fell ill.

The day of marriage is considered good and cannot be changed, and I can't rest assured that my brother will not let my father come today.

I came with no one but the dowry porter.

I told the porter to carry all the dowry home.

Before leaving, he didn't forget to remind General Qian and his wife that they would send back the dowry in a few days.

So, on my wedding day, I did get married.

It's just that my husband has changed from a young and promising young general to a beggar who is randomly pulled on the street.

When I got home, my father saw the battle and immediately asked me what had happened.

I told him exactly what had happened, and my father did not blame me for running away from the Qian family, but he opposed me marrying a beggar.

It's too hasty to think I'm angry.

I convinced my father:

I was run away from marriage by Qian Zifeng in public, who wants to let my son marry a second wife who no one else wants?

Even if you get married, you will be angry at your in-laws.

But today, with this beggar in my life, I can not only live comfortably, but also stay by my father's side to fulfill my filial piety.

My father finally loved me, and although he was still very worried, he finally did not object again.

I had the hot water boiled, the water temperature in the tub, and the beggars washed well.

But the beggar was so afraid of people that he was so flexible that several of his subordinates could not persuade him to take a bath.

I threw him out and saw him cowering in a corner, clutching at his clothes, looking at me timidly.

I stepped forward and stroked his hair: "Why don't you take a shower?" ”

He lowered his head weakly: "Outsiders are here, I ......"

I squeezed out a few words and refused to say any more, and I immediately understood.

Is this beggar still shy?

"Now there are no outsiders, I'm your wife, go take a bath."

He was still hesitating, I tilted my head slightly, narrowed my eyes and pursed the corners of my mouth, and the beggar suddenly became well-behaved, walked to the bathtub and jumped in.

I frowned and asked him to take off his clothes and throw them out.

When the beggar stripped off all his clothes, I couldn't help but be a little surprised: this figure is really good......

The beggar had been hunching his neck and slumping his shoulders.

Now that he had pulled the tattes on his body and sat solemnly in the bathtub, he found that he had a tiger's back and a bee's waist, and his muscles were strong.

But this person is really dirty, and it took three bath water changes to lose the smell of sour rot.

Since I couldn't find the clothes that fit him, I had to take a few of the widest clothes and let him put them on.

It turned out that the clothes were too small, and no matter how tight they were, they couldn't avoid revealing their solid chests.

He stood up straight, and the top of my head was only up to his chest.

The most surprising thing is that after shaving the beard on his face, he found that this person's facial features and face were excessive.

I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows, secretly feeling that my vision was really good.

But the beggar changed his clothes and dressed up, but he still didn't change his cowardly nature.

As soon as I approached him, his whole body stiffened.

He would lower his head and not dare to look at me.

I circled around him twice, and suddenly thought of something: "Since you have entered my Lin Chuyi's house, the name of the dog really can't be called anymore, and in the future, you will be surnamed Lin with me, so it's better to call ......"

I paused, and a name popped up in my mind: "It's better to be called, Lin Feichi." ”

He was very obedient and nodded obediently.

I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

In fact, the name dog is really appropriate.

I got up to leave, Lin Feichi immediately stood behind me, I stopped and turned around and asked him:

"I asked someone to arrange a place for you to live, why do you want to follow me?"

Lin Feichi almost collided with me unexpectedly, he quickly stopped, stretched out his arms to protect my sides, as if he was afraid that I would be hit by him and fall: "Lady, let's ...... together"

Hey, I underestimated you, thinking you were timid and afraid, but I didn't expect to be clever at this time.

I held out a finger and pushed it back against his chest:

"Follow him honestly to rest, and don't follow me anymore."

Then I turned around and walked out, but Lin Feichi really didn't follow me again.

It's just that I glanced over out of the corner of my eye and saw him hanging his head, really like a lost big dog.

On the day of the wedding, he ran away with Bai Yueguang in public, and I was so angry that I turned my head to marry a street beggar


The next morning, I took Lin Feichi out to help him buy clothes, after all, he couldn't walk around in ill-fitting clothes all day.

He combed his hair and tied it with a headband, making him even more handsome and straight.

But no one would have thought that not long after arriving on the street, Lin Feichi and I were separated, and we couldn't see anyone everywhere.

I hurried back to the shop where I had bought the clothes and saw if he was waiting there.

But I don't want to see someone who disgusts me so much—

Qian Zifeng was taking the woman who eloped yesterday, and he was followed by the housekeeper of the Qian Mansion.

When I walked into the shop, Qian Zifeng also saw me at a glance.

He immediately took the woman in his arms and looked me up and down a few times:

"Why did you come along? The two of us are destined to have no fate, you better die of this heart. ”

I laughed.

I thought that the general's son, if not a smart man, would at least not be a fool, but it seems that I miscalculated.

"Didn't Steward Wang tell you? I've married someone else. ”

But Qian Zifeng's expression was clearly saying, he didn't believe it at all:

"I don't care if you're married to a beggar or anything, if you think you can provoke me with this method, you're miscalculated, I hate stalkers the most."

I scoffed, "Then I'm not like you, I hate fools like you the most." ”

"Lin Chuyi! I warn you ......"

"Don't yell at me, are your fathers and sons dogs? Barking when you see people? ”

Qian Zifeng raised his fist and was about to greet me.

The woman next to him quickly grabbed him and shook her head at him.

Then the woman walked up to me again:

"You're Sister Chuyi, right? The thing that day was indeed that I couldn't stand you, and I was just impulsive because I loved him too much, if you still can't let go of Zifeng, I can give him to you, I wish you all the best together, anyway, I didn't deserve him. ”

"Xiaoya, you can't do this, I will never leave you! I didn't want to marry this woman at all. ”

Looking at such a poor beauty, I reached out and rubbed it under her eyelids:

"Why, isn't he a person? I want you to let it come and go. You, don't pretend if you can't cry, you're tired, I'm even more tired when I look at it. I'll leave such an idiot to you, you two are a good match. ”

I sneered, I really didn't want to stay here and watch such a bad show.

Just as he was about to get up and walk away, he saw Lin Feichi coming in from outside.

After making eye contact with me, there was obvious emptiness in his eyes.

At this time, the housekeeper next to Qian Zifeng saw Lin Feichi and was stunned for a while before he tentatively shouted:


Lin Feichi walked behind me and smiled honestly at the housekeeper: "Steward Wang." ”

The housekeeper suddenly took a sharp breath, looked at Lin Feichi and then at me: "Miss Lin, do you really want to marry him?" ”

"What if it weren't?"

I glanced at Qian Zifeng and the woman.

found that the woman was curled up in Qian Zifeng's arms, pointing at Lin Feichi while crying to Qian Zifeng with a trembling voice:

"It was them before, I wanted to go to you, but I met this group of beggars in the alley. They tried to bully me in the street, but fortunately I resisted desperately and they didn't succeed. ”

I was really stunned, what the hell was she talking about?

But before I could react, Qian Zifeng pulled out the sword at his waist, and his eyes widened angrily and he was about to step forward and stab at Lin Feichi.

I pushed Lin Feichi away and grabbed Qian Zifeng's wrist sideways:

"What are you going to do in broad daylight?"

"Get out of here! I want to avenge Xiaoya! ”

Saying that, Qian Zifeng insisted on stabbing the sword out.

His strength was so great that I couldn't stop it for a while.

But I don't believe this little Ya's one-sided statement.

After I couldn't stop Qian Zifeng, I stood up in front of Lin Feichi: "Even if he is guilty, it is not Qian Zifeng's turn for you to abuse lynching here, if you dare to stab this sword today, do you want your her to be a widow?" ”

Hearing this, Qian Zifeng stopped his movements and stared at Lin Feichi hatefully.

Then he put away his sword, grabbed Pan Shuya's shoulder with one hand, and went out of the shop with the butler.

There was a stabbing pain in my arm, but I didn't pay attention to it, and I was cut by the sharp blade in Qian Zifeng's hand.

Blood was gushing out, and it had stained the clothes red.

Lin Feichi hurriedly came over and lifted my sleeves, tore off a few strands of white silk from my underwear, and bandaged my arms firmly.

"You'll be a good man, tear up the clothes I bought for you, and come and dress my wounds."

Lin Feichi carefully tied the bandaged white thick and tied a bow:

"I'm already in the family, and now I'm a lady's person, and the lady naturally wants to support me."

The wound had been bandaged, but the hand on my arm, Lin Feichi did not take it back.

He seemed to ask with some hesitation: "Doesn't the lady ask me?" What the woman said just now was true or false. ”

"Is there anything wrong with his people, my people, who believe in me?"

I lowered my sleeves to cover the wound.

"In the future, if it proves that I have lost my eyes, I will personally send you to the government. Turn to get him here to use a sword against you? ”

Lin Feichi stared at me motionlessly, he rarely did not lower his head, but met my gaze.

His eyes were as black as ink, and they no longer looked as clear as they had been yesterday.

After staring at each other for a long time, I felt a little uncomfortable, so I walked out: "What are you still doing in a daze?" Went home. ”

After a few days in the house, my father seemed to have accepted his fate to this sudden son-in-law, and he didn't give him a cold face anymore.

However, it is true that as my father feared, my reputation in the capital is getting worse and worse.

What to say, after being abandoned by Qian Zifeng, Lin Chuyi, the daughter of the Prime Minister's Mansion, willingly degenerated, married a beggar on the street as his wife. And the young general Qian Zifeng has returned to the house with his sweetheart, and he will get married soon.

I chose to laugh it off.

Qian Zifeng is affectionate, and after setting the wedding date, he actually sent an invitation.

Looking at this ironic wedding invitation, I sneered,

Just before, the names on it were still Qian Zifeng and me.

Even if I have trouble with Qian Zifeng no matter how unpleasant it is, General Qian and my father are officials in the same dynasty after all, so this bit of face still has to be given.

I didn't want to embarrass my father, so I took an invitation to attend on his behalf, and I was absolutely indispensable for this kind of occasion.


On this day, I went with Lin Feichi.

Sitting in the carriage with me, Lin Feichi's strong mountain-like body looked a little restrained and couldn't be used.

The Qian Mansion is still as lively as that day, but my identity has changed dramatically.

The guests looked at me and Lin Feichi beside me, and their eyes were full of playfulness.

After General Qian and Mrs. Qian saw me, the expressions on their faces were extremely complicated.

The two of them glanced at each other, immediately walked up to us, and threatened with some anger: "If you dare to make trouble here with this Hanako today, don't blame me for not giving you face, I will definitely let people beat you out!" ”

I smiled, and my voice was soft and loud, but it wasn't hard for the people next to me to hear:

"Instead of worrying about me, my uncle and aunt should worry about Qian Zifeng, don't suddenly appear an inexplicable woman to elope with him. Otherwise, there will be three marriages a month, and others will think that the Qian Mansion is going to open a market at home. ”

Someone next to him couldn't help but laugh.

I didn't care about the two of them anymore, and led Lin Feichi into the hall.

But even if you go far away, you can hear the panting voice of General Qian and his wife.

Qian Zifeng was dressed in the groom's wedding dress and looked refreshed.

General Qian and Mrs. Qian are both stereotypical and pedantic people, and Qian Zifeng can explain him and his wife so quickly, I am afraid it will take a lot of effort.

Now that my wish has come true, I am naturally extremely satisfied.

Lin Feichi touched my arm, I looked back, saw a worried look in his eyes, and smiled at him:

"Avoid the fire pit in their house, it's too late for me to be happy, why are you with this expression?"

Lin Feichi nodded knowingly and repeated silently:

"It's a fire pit, indeed."

He turned his head to look at the full house, and his face was a little unpredictable.

I poured myself a glass of wine and drank it, and sat quietly waiting to see the show.

"Husband and wife worship each other—"

The master of ceremonies snorted his throat, and his voice resounded through the hall.

Qian Zifeng was overjoyed and was about to bend down and bow to the bride.

Outside the hall, there was a sudden clanging sound, and the fast and compact pace quickly dispersed through the courtyard.

Soon a man in armor burst in with a serious face.

The burly man in the middle holds a paperwork in his hand:

"The Imperial Forest Army patrol camp is ordered to arrest the traitors, and from now on, everyone and others will not be allowed to enter or leave!"

In a short period of time, the entire Qian Mansion was instantly controlled, and even a fly could not enter or exit.

I only guessed that there might be a good show tonight, but I didn't expect such a big battle.

All the guests present also had frightened expressions on their faces.

But Lin Feichi, who was sitting next to him, did not move in the eight winds, and was as steady as Mount Tai.

"Commander Li, tell your subordinates to be polite, there are many female dependents here, don't scare them."

Lin Feichi's cold eyes suddenly explained.

Then, Commander Li, who was the leader, clasped his fists and bowed slightly to Lin Feichi, turned around and ordered his subordinates not to be so rude.

Just when I was surprised by Lin Feichi's identity, General Qian and his wife had already walked up to me and questioned me:

"Is it your father, is it not that he framed me? It has to be you! Commander Li, Your Majesty must have made a mistake, I have been loyal to the country all my life, how can I be a traitor?! ”

Lin Feichi got up from his seat, got up and walked in front of Qian Zifeng, grabbed him with a pair of big hands and threw him to the ground in front of the hall, and then grabbed Xiaoya's collar without pity, twisted her arm with one hand, and pulled the collar back with the other.

Everyone exclaimed instantly.

But I noticed that on Xiaoya's back, there was a small but distinctly bright blue tattoo.

At this time, the crown of pearls and phoenixes on her head fell to the ground, and the painful sweat on her face was like rain, pale as paper.

Then, Lin Feichi said solemnly:

"This young general and this foreign woman have been closely linked for many years, resulting in heavy losses on our side in several battles. He deserves to be punished! ”

The patrol camp soon searched for some letters from the Qian Mansion, which were indeed physical evidence of Qian Zifeng's correspondence with this woman.

It turned out that the reason why he has suffered repeated defeats over the years is because Qian Zifeng revealed a lot of military secrets to this woman.

Qian Zifeng was fascinated by her, and he didn't care about everything.

This woman did her best to do her best, and when she saw that she was about to cut off the clue of Qian Zifeng, she actually chased it to the capital.

Thinking about it like this, what the woman said that day was almost bullied by Lin Feichi and them, I am afraid that it is also an excuse to check the tattoo on her back in order to confirm the conjecture in her heart.

It took a whole night to patrol the camp before letting the unrelated guests go home.

Commander Li arrested everyone before signaling to Lin Feichi to collect his troops and return to the camp.

Lin Feichi nodded at him, and soon there was silence in front of the lively Qian Mansion.


Lin Feichi took two steps closer and looked down at me slightly, as if he wanted to cage me under his figure:

"The lady doesn't seem surprised?"

I gave him a blank look: "What kind of place is the General's Mansion?" You can be a beggar in the mansion as if there is no one, from the side courtyard to the front hall, if it weren't for the guards of the general's mansion who eat dry food, then your identity would not be simple. ”

"It turns out that the lady didn't fall in love with the little beggar, but she was suspicious of me......"

Lin Feichi's head hung on my shoulder, and his tone was quite aggrieved:

"It's that I'm being amorous, and I thought that my lady really wanted me to get into trouble."

I was a little upset to hear him mention it. I do guess that he may not be simple, he disappears from time to time these days, and I can probably guess that it is related to the Qian Mansion. But I thought he was just a person who had some grudges with the Qian Mansion, and he might be able to use it in time.

But he never thought that he was actually a person in front of the emperor, and even Commander Li obeyed him.

Being smart is being mistaken by being smart, and now I'm really in trouble.

"Daughter ......"

I was upset, he stuck again, I elbowed him and pushed outward, but it didn't work, he still came over cheekily. This person looks serious, but at first it is a little overwhelming.

"Don't call me a lady, we haven't married yet, I regret it now."

"Whether the lady regrets it or not, I'm your person anyway."

"My people? I don't even know your name, how can I be considered my person? ”

As soon as I finished saying this, Lin Feichi tightened the arm around my waist a little.

His head rubbed against my neck, and I itched a little, so I quickly moved to the side, and then I heard his muffled voice reply, "I don't have a name, only a code name." In the future, I will be Lin Feichi, the Lin Feichi of the lady. ”

"I have taken the lady's surname, and the lady can't do without me."

I sighed.

I'm afraid that if I forcibly drive him away, it will seem that my Prime Minister's Mansion is weak-hearted, and I don't dare to let the people in front of the palace approach.

Let him go.


On the day of the wedding, he ran away with Bai Yueguang in public, and I was so angry that I turned my head to marry a street beggar

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This content is fiction, and any name, place name, or other aspect of the text is not related to reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally.