
An excellent secret recipe for old Chinese medicine! To detect fatty liver, just a bowl of lotus leaf water, fatty liver disappears!

author:Hepatologist Lilia

[Introduction]: The liver is a "chemical enterprise" in our body to solve body fat, it does not store much fat, under normal circumstances, the fat content in the liver of healthy and healthy adults should not exceed 4% ~ 5% of the total weight of the liver. After the food is transported to the liver, it is processed by liver cells to convert the energy needed by the body. Once too much fat is transfused into the liver, exceeding the liver's processing capacity, the accumulated fat will be stored in liver cells, and once the normal 5% limit is exceeded, fatty liver can be clinically diagnosed.

An excellent secret recipe for old Chinese medicine! To detect fatty liver, just a bowl of lotus leaf water, fatty liver disappears!

Simple fatty liver is reversible, such as fatty liver caused by high fat, obesity, and long-term alcohol consumption, which is generally reversible and can be fully recovered after active treatment. According to the content of lipids, it is divided into three types, light, medium and heavy.

An excellent secret recipe for old Chinese medicine! To detect fatty liver, just a bowl of lotus leaf water, fatty liver disappears!


Mild fatty liver: ultrasonography may show increased near-field echogenicity, far-field acoustic attenuation is less obvious, and intrahepatic structures are still visible without obvious symptoms. For mild fatty liver, low aminotransferases are the greatest luck.


Moderate fatty liver: ultrasonography may indicate increased anterior echogenicity, attenuated posterior echogenicity, and obscure intrahepatic tubular structures. It can be manifested as loss of appetite, dyspepsia, diarrhea and other digestive symptoms, a large amount of fat infiltrates the liver for a long time, which can cause chronic inflammation of liver cells. Aminotransferases are abnormally elevated.


Severe fatty liver: ultrasonography may indicate significant enhancement of near-field echo and significant attenuation of far-field echo, and intrahepatic tubular structures are unrecognizable. There may be loss of appetite, tiredness and fatigue, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and vague pain in the liver or right upper quadrant.

In recent years, with the change of lifestyle, the aging of the population, and the increasing number of obese and diabetic patients, the prevalence of fatty liver has increased rapidly, and the sampling survey of the general population in large and medium-sized cities shows that the prevalence of fatty liver in adults is as high as about 30%.

Although the incidence of fatty liver is very high, it has not attracted people's attention at present, and some friends think that fatty liver is not a disease, and it is not a big problem if it is not treated. In fact, if fatty liver develops further, liver cirrhosis and liver cancer will also occur.

There are not a few cases of clinical such cases, especially some fatty liver patients with hepatitis B, who should be actively treated, and comprehensive measures such as diet control, appropriate activities, drug tea substitution, and dietary therapy should be taken to make the liver return to normal as soon as possible.

An excellent secret recipe for old Chinese medicine! To detect fatty liver, just a bowl of lotus leaf water, fatty liver disappears!

One of my former patients, Xiao Wang, 25 years old, height 181, weight 160 pounds, was diagnosed with moderate fatty liver in October last year, and came to the hospital that month to consult how I should be treated?

Immediate diagnosis: loss of appetite, chest swelling, pain in the liver area, and moderate fatty liver disease in the physical examination report.

Fatty liver is a disease of wealth for him, and the treatment process is very simple.

Prescribe a prescription

An excellent secret recipe for old Chinese medicine! To detect fatty liver, just a bowl of lotus leaf water, fatty liver disappears!

Then adjust your diet, less oil and less salt, avoid high-fat and high-oil foods, and use a diet of carbohydrates + high-quality protein + high-quality fat + fiber.

One month later, Xiao Wang came for a follow-up examination again, and all the symptoms of the previous discomfort disappeared, and the B ultrasound moderate fatty liver had been successfully reversed.

As a doctor, it is my duty to treat every patient who comes to me with cheap and easy-to-use prescriptions and help him get rid of his disease.

[Tips]: Patients with fatty liver have mild symptoms in the early stage and are often easy to be ignored, but due to liver degeneration and fatalization, patients have gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, and systemic symptoms such as fatigue, liver discomfort or pain. At this time, it is best to seek medical attention in time to avoid delaying the development of cirrhosis or even liver cancer.

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