
People who often lack sleep have inflammation all over their body! One way to minimize the harm!

author:Yuncheng Fusion Media

Right now, right now, are you sleepy? Is it only today or is it often sleepy? Studies have found that people who often lack sleep are in a state of inflammation all over their bodies! In doing so, you can reduce the harm!

People who are often awake have inflammation all over their body

One way to minimize the harm!

People who often lack sleep have you found that you are more prone to inflammation in your daily life? A 2023 study published in the American scientific journal Cell found that sleep deprivation triggers a systemic inflammatory storm.

People who often lack sleep have inflammation all over their body! One way to minimize the harm!

Screenshot of the study

Sleep deprivation results in significantly higher levels of the non-specific inflammatory marker C-reactive protein. This protein is also a predictor of cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, depression, and many other disease problems. The researchers hypothesized that in humans, the cytokine storm manifested itself as an excessive release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and caused organ damage.

Research has found that there is only one way to minimize harm! In May 2024, a study published by Tsinghua University in the Journal of Sports Sciences found that sleep-deprived people can fight inflammation by increasing physical activity appropriately, which can help reduce inflammation caused by sleep shortage.

People who often lack sleep have inflammation all over their body! One way to minimize the harm!

Screenshot of the study

The study included 2113 sleep-deprived adult participants to analyze the relationship between their physical activity, sedentary behavior, and the level of inflammation in the body.

Studies have found that prolonged sitting is associated with increased levels of inflammation. When we lack sleep, because the physical exhaustion is not fully eliminated, the body may tend to sit more and rest more, but sitting for a long time will exacerbate chronic inflammation. On the contrary, when we are sleep deprived, increasing physical activity appropriately can reduce the risk of inflammation.

And, whether it's light physical activity or moderate to vigorous physical activity, it's associated with lower levels of inflammation in the body. Replacing 30 minutes of sedentary time with 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity significantly reduced the level of inflammation in the body.

Although proper exercise can help reduce inflammation throughout the body, some people are busy with work or are not in good physical condition, if they are already very tired, it is recommended not to exercise blindly, and other methods can be chosen to reduce systemic inflammation.

3 methods

Effectively reduces inflammation throughout the body


Diet: Eat plenty of anti-inflammatory foods

In March 2023, the Cancer Nutrition Committee of the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association and other societies jointly issued the "Expert Consensus on Anti-inflammatory Diet for Tumor Prevention", which gives the anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer foods commonly eaten in life:

Whole grain foods

Whole grains such as brown rice, oats, buckwheat, black rice, corn, barley, barley, barley, etc., have anti-inflammatory effects and help maintain stable blood sugar levels.


Salmon, tuna and other fish, walnuts, almonds and nuts, olive oil, canola oil, etc. are rich in unsaturated fats, which are conducive to the formation of an anti-inflammatory internal environment in the body.

High-quality protein

Fish, poultry, eggs, lean red meat, low-fat dairy products, soy foods, nuts, etc., and try to eat less processed meat.

Vegetables and fruits

Dark vegetables such as spinach, rape, celery, broccoli, and fruits such as apples, pears, oranges, etc. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals, and have good anti-inflammatory activity.

People who often lack sleep have inflammation all over their body! One way to minimize the harm!

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Sleep: Take a half-hour nap

Proper napping can also help alleviate the dangers of sleep deprivation. In February 2021, researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital in the United States published a study published in the journal Nature that found 123 regions in the human genome associated with daytime napping. Researchers have also shown that napping habits are associated with cardiometabolic health. Not only that, but many of the genes involved in napping are also closely related to human health.

Napping can not only compensate for the effects of nighttime insomnia, but also eliminate the tension and irritability caused by work, so that people can maintain a good mental state. At the same time, napping is also an essential biological rhythm for the human body to stay awake. Studies have shown that regular napping is associated with better cognitive function and a lower risk of developing dementia.

The time to take a nap is very important. You can't sleep too long during the nap. 15 minutes to 30 minutes of sleep is generally considered appropriate. If it is more than 30 minutes, it is easy to feel uncomfortable such as "I can't open my eyes", "I still want to sleep", "I don't want to move", "I wake up and my mind is confused".


Exercise: Moderate-intensity exercise

In March 2024, researchers from Tsinghua University and others published a study in the journal Nutrients that found that moderate-intensity physical activity can also reduce inflammation throughout the body. Moderate-intensity physical exercise such as swimming and cycling, as well as physical activities such as housework, are associated with anti-inflammatory effects, which can effectively inhibit pro-inflammatory cytokines and enhance anti-inflammatory mediators.

Low-impact exercise

During low-intensity exercise, your heart rate is maintained at around 100 beats per minute, and your body feels slightly warm. For example, walking, walking the dog, doing housework, etc. are all low-intensity exercises.

Moderate-intensity exercise

The heart rate is 100~140 beats/min during moderate-intensity exercise, and you can feel sweating during activity, shortness of breath, and slight strain. For example: brisk walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, yoga, etc.

High-intensity exercise

A heart rate greater than 140 beats per minute during high-intensity exercise is a feeling of sweating, pounding, panting, and out of breath. For example: fast running, high-speed cycling, fast high leg raises, squats jumping jacks, HIIT (high-intensity interval training), etc.

Source: Popular Science China