
Reliable! With these tips, Huangmei Tiankai air conditioner is more energy-saving! But there are also a few misconceptions to avoid

author:Yuncheng Fusion Media

This year's "Violent Plum" has made Shanghainese lose their temper: either it is pouring rain or it is sweltering, and even if there is a moment of coolness in the rain, it is difficult to lower the indoor temperature. As a result, air conditioning has become a good companion for the rainy season.

On social platforms, there are various power-saving tips for air conditioners: some people say that it is more energy-saving to use the "dehumidification" mode on rainy days; Some people also say that when you leave the room, you should turn off the air conditioner in time to save electricity...... Are these suggestions reliable?

Reliable! With these tips, Huangmei Tiankai air conditioner is more energy-saving! But there are also a few misconceptions to avoid

"Dehumidification mode" saves power and cools down

But the scorching sun didn't work

"The dehumidification mode can be cooled, but whether it saves electricity depends on the temperature and humidity of the indoor and outdoor air." Li Jinhao, director of the science popularization department of the Chinese Society of Refrigeration, said.

In simple terms, air conditioners work by transferring heat from inside to outside through the vaporization and liquefaction of refrigerants.

In refrigeration mode, the air conditioner activates the compressor, fan, and other components to promote the refrigerant form change, transferring indoor heat to the outdoor unit and exhausting it, thereby reducing the indoor temperature.

The dehumidification mode can be understood as intermittent refrigeration of the air conditioner, that is, the compressor and other components are briefly started to reduce the wind speed, so that the moisture in the air is more likely to adhere to the air conditioner and evaporator to achieve the purpose of dehumidification. This mode lowers the indoor temperature and humidity at the same time, so it feels cooler.

It is important to note that the dehumidification mode requires the compressor to start and stop frequently. Therefore, industry insiders suggest that the "dehumidification" mode is suitable for opening in the rainy season when the temperature does not exceed 30 °C, and it can be turned on for one or two hours at a time.

However, in the middle of summer and in dry climates, the cooling effect of the dehumidification mode is not obvious, and if it is turned on for a long time, it will increase the power consumption. At this time, instead of leaving the dehumidification mode on all the time, it is better to directly select the refrigeration mode for higher cooling efficiency.

Reliable! With these tips, Huangmei Tiankai air conditioner is more energy-saving! But there are also a few misconceptions to avoid

"Refrigeration mode" has a trick to saving power

If I'm using refrigeration mode, are there any cooling tips?

There are also.

The most straightforward thing is to increase the set temperature of the air conditioner appropriately. It is important to know that every 1°C increase in the set temperature can reduce the electricity load of the air conditioner by about 10%. In general, the temperature setting of the air conditioner in summer is between 26°C and 28°C.

Some consumers feel that raising the temperature of the air conditioner makes them feel less cool. At this time, a fan with low power can help.

The cooling principle of the fan is simple: it increases the gas flow rate, which accelerates the evaporation of water on the surface of the skin, which effectively takes away the heat.

In an air-conditioned room, the body temperature of the human body is usually higher than the surrounding temperature, and a desktop fan, or even the kind of small electric fan that you carry with you, can accelerate the air circulation around the human body, not only take away the relatively hot air near the human body, but also speed up the evaporation of sweat, bringing a cooler feeling at a small cost.

It is reported that the U.S. Department of Energy has also recommended turning on the fan when the air conditioner is turned on, pointing out that this can reduce the perceived temperature by about 2°C.

Reliable! With these tips, Huangmei Tiankai air conditioner is more energy-saving! But there are also a few misconceptions to avoid

The "air conditioning fan" is not an air conditioner and can be made by home

In addition to using air conditioners, there are also tips to improve the cooling effect of electric fans.

For example, there is an "air conditioning fan" on the market at present, and the price is higher than that of ordinary electric fans. However, most of the "air conditioning fans" are different from the refrigeration principle of air conditioners, not through the change of the form of the refrigerant, but the addition of water or "ice crystals" before the fan blows, when the wind blown by the fan passes through the water or "ice crystals" and then passes to the human body, the temperature of the wind is lower.

As for the "ice crystals", they are not mysterious, similar to the ice packs used for cold transportation. Therefore, consumers can make their own "air conditioning fans", such as putting a few ice packs in front of the fan, putting a water cup full of ice, etc., can have a similar effect.

In many costume TV series, you can see such a scene: the ancients placed a large number of ice jars full of ice in the room, and then combined with fans. This method of summer is the same as the principle of "air conditioning fan".

Reliable! With these tips, Huangmei Tiankai air conditioner is more energy-saving! But there are also a few misconceptions to avoid

Some misconceptions not only do not save power, but also increase failures

In addition to reliable and practical cooling methods, some "power-saving tips" are counterproductive, one of which includes "turning off the air conditioner as soon as the person leaves the room".

Frequent switching on and off of the air conditioner can easily cause damage to the air conditioner compressor. Usually, after turning off the air conditioner, it is best to wait for half an hour before turning it on again.

Also, it is not recommended to place a baffle on the air conditioner's air vent. Because after the baffle blocks the air conditioner from blowing, it is easy to cause the air conditioner sensor to misjudge and affect the cooling effect. In addition, condensation will occur on the baffle due to low temperature, which will not only drip off, but also cause local dampness and mildew.

Also, don't "dress" the outdoor unit. Some consumers like to be clean, and will add outerwear to the outdoor unit of the air conditioner or use raincoats and other items to prevent it from "wind and sun", which is not advisable. The most feared thing about the outdoor unit is not the wind, rain and sun, but the difficulty of heat dissipation, otherwise it will cause failure. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the outdoor unit well ventilated.

Source: Shanghai Internet refutes rumors

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